Red Fly would love to do another Mushroom Men game
Make it longer the next time guys
Holly Valance, Malcolm McDowell confimed for RA3 E
One terrible Aussie, and one awesome Brit
Red Alert 3 PS3 Dubbed 'Ultimate Edition'
Not Marketing Either - Actually Quite Impressive.
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You've got to love spam!
Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force, the 15th best selling game of Dec.
LBP, not in the top 20.
What is this game?
Sounds like an elite special forces team of penguins. Did you check out the Knights Sonic trailer? Looks like a great engine. Really crisp and fast for Wii.
You and me are in complete opposite time zones. When you wake up I am going to bed. From the previews I have seen of this game it's either subtlely good or you just waggle the remote up and down. I hear that there is more to it then just waving your arm up and down, depending on how good you are or whether you hit the beat, you recruit animals into your march and build the sound.
Punk I LOL-ed at the ground textures in this pic:
It looks better in video though.
Video here
IGN recently spoke with an ex-employee from Free Radical, who requested to be referred to as Thomas Dudenaughty, to find out more about Battlefront III and the future of the company itself.
From now on, I must be known as Dudenaughty.
He's probably a scoundrel.
Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga (GBA) and The World Ends with You (because Leo, and the rest of the world adores it)!
Finished Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. It was a good game, for a Gamecube game that is.
I haz WiiFit too. My wife loves it, I only tried it once. Or twice. Or thrice.
Bitchin. I think Path of Radiance took me 45hrs. I love the value of these games.
Why not create a new account here as Dudenaughty?
You bastards need to get We Ski and Snowboard. The first We Ski was a budget game, the second could be too.
- Europe: tentative June release
- Wiimote provides FPS-like camera control
- Point and click to send minions to a specific area
- use Z to attack with main character
- due to Wiimote-pointing, you can now send minions to zones that you cannot reach right away
- shake Wiimote to charge minions like a bomb. Shake too much and they’ll explode. Launch minions and they’ll explode on impact. Guide minions slightly by tilting Wimote
- No sex or alcohol references
- up to 25 minions at once, different types as well
- 12-14 hours of playtime with lots of replayability
- there is a castle that acts as a hub
- 5 themes in the game, one including Little Red Riding Hood-turned-into-a-wolf final boss
- Links to Overlord 1 plot
Every once in a great while, our friend Falafelkid has some juicy rumors for us. Today, he’s got a pair of very interesting tidbits concerning Factor 5 and Silicon Knights. Both of these are 100% rumor, but Falafelkid has come through in the past.
Factor 5
- Factor 5’s projects will indeed continue on, and an announcement about their titles should come about in 2 weeks time
Silicon Knights
- The developer of Eternal Darkness may have a Wii
title in the works, but there are no other details at this time
Thanks to Marc and Valoo for the heads up!
Hey look at this, Killzone 2 comparison pics
Anyway why do people still care about Silicon Knights and Free Radical?
Silicon Knight's last good game was 6 or 7 years ago. Then they did a, to fanbase anyway, shitty remake of Metal Gear Solid, then they release the turd known as Too Human, as well as having the face of the company make a complete ass of himself on Neogaf and shitting on his userbase.
Free Radical from what I understand has never done anything exceptional at all. Time Splitters has always been an average series and Second Sight well I rarely hear about it and when I do it's never anything cult strong so yeah.
I mean seriously to me it seems that these company's are only talked about do to Nintendo fans passing on the tourch of N64 hype.
The World Ends With You. Buy it. Buy it NOW!
One of the site's forefathers.
...I don't know if TWEWY would be within his realm of playability.
....How do you know that Leo?