Nintendo To Launch Wiinoma TV Channel
Japan only at the moment - the Nintendo Domination Train keeps on a rollin'
Cave Story WiiWare blog update
Cave Story DLC confirmed, Night Game reconfirmed
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They do fail. But this is stupid - I want me some Tatsunoko vs Capcom!
It was absolutely horrible. Basically it was no ending at all. You're just suddenly left all alone in that room and there was some writing on the wall. Pretty much the ultimate "WTF?" moment.
in the nintendo shop in NYC they have (at least they did in july 06 when i was there) on display an old gameboy (the original grey one) which is all melted and deformed but still working which has survived a blast in the first gulf war ... and they have it running tetris!!!
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It is still there Bugsy. I saw it in June 08. I think I made a picture of it too!
U.S. scientists learn how to levitate tiny objects
Porn industry seeks federal bailout - To not do it would be pretty hypocritical, at least I think
Pelicans fall out of sky from Mexico to Ore.
Real life Psi-ops? Hot babes just not enough? Dude.....there's some fucked up shit going on in the world.
I've seen this in EGM before. Apparently, this Game Boy survived the first Iraq War.
GG, I wouldn't get too excited over I Am Alive. Darkworks made that Alone in The Dark game on Dreamcast. Not only was it an insane RE ripoff, but it just wasn't too great.
Punk....thanks a ton for the info. Looking into it now...
This is pretty weird. I've been playing The Orange Box on my Xbox 360 a lot lately, and I only just now realized that it doesn't support rumble.
Why doesn't it support rumble, anyway? Was Valve too lazy to add it?
EDIT: Okay, so rumble works in EP1 and EP2, but not in Half Life 2, Team Fortress 2 or Portal? WTF?
EDIT2: Well, according to several people on Gamespot forums, all games in The Orange Box are supposed to have rumble, but for some reason, rumble would not work on mine. I decided to try deleting my user settings save file on my HDD, and rumble works fine now. Weird problem. Especially considering there's no option in-game option to turn off rumble. I have no idea why it prevented it from working.
This is about variable scope. Normally, a variable declared in a class has a scope pertained within that class. Declaring the variable as static should allow it to be read and updated by all instances.
Simple example
In the interest of full disclosure, because Java is a pain to set up (I don't have a compiler configured on this computer), that code I didn't test in Java so forgive any syntax errors. I only tested the logic in C#, which is very Java-like.
Short answer: Static variables are outside instance scope.
EDIT: Hey, would this get you partial credit?
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile---
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileHoly shit! This is so awesome! 100% win!
Almost every panel has a MMA related joke in it! If you do not see it, just ask!
The hell?
Anyhow I found out that I am Alive is made by the guys who did Cold Fear. Ugh.
For whomever posted the speculative Jet Set Radio Wii article, it was pitched to SEGA by Headstrong the Bwii/HOTD OVerkill guys. It supposedly was rejected a long time ago.
So wrong.
Another of my faves.
Madworld barely even begins to amke up for it.
I don't get any of it.
You guys like Lupin 3rd? It doesn't really feel like a Ghibli film at all to me. It's fun but not really Ghibli to me, it feels like its down in my bottom 3 along with Ocean Waves and Only Yesterday.
Now I saw Isao Takahatas Little Norse Prince over Christmas, apart from the music it's very Ghibli like, you can even see that Isao was doing Miyazaki before Miyazaki.
i totally loved castle of cagliostro ... it is one of my favourites out of the really old studio ghibli. i only wish i had got to watch these movies as a child.
i think Little Norse Prince is the oldest ghibli film i ever got to watch. it's amazing. don't have Ocean Waves, has it been released on DVD? to me the Yamadas, i suppose doesn't feel very ghibliish but i still love it. talking about studio ghibli reminds me i still haven't seen Ponyo ...doesn't seem to have been released on DVD yet. also haven't seen Earthsea but i heard (think it was Iga who told me, or gg) it doesn't make much sense if one hasn't read the books before
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Little Norse Prince wasn't amazing like Ghibli's best, but considering that it's pre-Ghibli and made in 1968 or something, well, the style and direction hold up remarkably well. If only it didn't have this 60s Western music. The battle with the giant pike has so much dynamism. Ocean Waves is terrible, I think it was made as a two or three part TV thing and merged into one movie.
Ponyo is the ultimate shit, so much fun. It has no depth of story but its like animated candy from start to finish. Disney hold the rights to wesern distribution and I think they delayed the asian DVD release till it has the chance to come out on US cinema screens: Spring or summer this year
I remember the painful wait for Howl on dvd, they even go to the extent of omitting english subs on the japanese dvd release. Earthsea is different to the books so you can enjoy it without inside knowledge except for the end when a character transforms and there is no explanation, unless you have read the books. Actually there is a lot more you can get out of it by reading the books, they are excellent fantasy books and I'm no fantasy book fan. I initially hated the movie because it was different than the book, upon a second viewing it grew on me, it's pretty good for Goro Miyazaki's first try.
Have you seen the Ponyo trailer?
Did I see CM Punk in one of those panels...or am I hallucinating?
watched it now GG, thanks. looks awesome. the colours don't look as dreamy and vivid as in howl but maybe it was just the not so great quality of the trailer clip.
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