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Archangel3371 (4m)
It works exacty like Elebits, no friend codes here, it just recognises your system code friends. But what we mean is that there is no LBP mass site where users levels are all up there and which you can pick and choose and rate levels and download stuff. Here it is all share between Wii friends.
Edgrecrusher, I would like to think that the journalists grew up and decided that picking over which game had a slightly better framerate was pointless. But as someone who owns all systems I can understand you wanting to know the best version. When it comes to an HD game I have only one choice: 360 so it doesn't affect me. Even if I have a core machine with no hard drive and thus the most pain in the ass slow loading version of Oblivion with no Shivering Isles, I have no choice either way. What I find a pain is when there is a HD version and a Wii version of a game and the reviews come out and there is no Wii review to see anywhere till a month later, if you are lucky. Obviously there are huge differences between those versions and no kind of feedback unless you are lucky enough to know a forum guy who has tried both.
Shit at the 1up news. I can't stand the mag but the site was great, especially for special features and interviews that kind of thing. Does this mean my 1up account is going to die?
Capcom seriously fail:
"The Tatsunoko side of things in Tatsunoko Vs Capcom consists of characters that for the most part haven't been popular for over twenty years (which is probably where the "cross generation" thing comes in). The only modern character from Tatsunoko is Karas, a sword wielding, demon-yakuza from an OAV series of the same name. Every other Tatsunoko rep. is either a 1970's looking action hero in a skin tight jumpsuit, a giant, clunky looking robot, or cute/ugly genie-thing. This lack of currently marketable Tatsunoko characters was the first thing that tipped me off to the fact that Tatsunoko Vs Capcom is not a game that's shooting for mainstream appeal. "
"The Capcom side of the roster is even more packed with obscure characters. Sure, Ryu and Chun-Li from Street Fighter II are here, but everyone else from Capcom hails from a series that either never got popular or hasn't been hot for years. The game has Mega Man, but this is the Mega Man Legends Mega Man we're talking about, e.i. "the one from those 3D PS1 Mega Man games that no one played". Mega Man's sister Roll also makes an appearance, but this is the broom wielding, decidedly not boob-missile-firing Roll from Mega Man: Powered Up, one of the least successful Mega Man games ever made. Morrigan from Darkstalkers, Batsu from Rival Schools, Joe from Viewtiful Joe, and Alex from Street Figther III are all here too; and all represent fighters that have long since been abandoned by Capcom. The protagonist from the fourth Onimusha game came to the party as well, despite the fact that no one knows who he is. Most random of all are PTX-40A from Lost Planet and Saki from Quiz Nanairo Dreams, two extremely cool characters who most Capcom fans didn't take notice of the first time they were introduced, let alone hoped to see in an all-star fighting game. "
Not sure I even like the characters enough to want this game. Roll on Marvel vs I say. This is the too niche for the niche loving people. This is ultra niche!
Tenchu IV roxxers
"Tenchu 4 lives on meticulously crafted set-pieces where you have to play your role to perfection, because one false move results in instant death. It’s mostly about not being seen or heard, and about killing enemies with the minimum of fuss. Yet it’s a tremendously satisfying game, mainly because it sets such intricate, difficult tasks without ever unfairly hindering you with dodgy controls or botched AI. In short, Tenchu 4 is a smooth operator and every bit as tricky as the ninjas who front the game.
Perhaps best of all, though, the developer has managed to create a graphically rich and detailed version of 13th Century Japan that’s positively dripping with atmosphere (Tenchu 4 is best played in the dark, so make sure you’ve got the lights switched off or down low before you begin). At some point, we’ve probably all imagined how cool it would be to live the life of an elite ninja, and Tenchu 4 takes us right into that role."
I've seen a lot of praise for Tenchu 4, but I still don't want to get my hopes up about it. Its been a long time since a good Tenchu was made.
Who's that preview from anyway?
It's a review, it's in the updates for Tuesday. 9/10
This Tenchu brought back the original developers. IGN has some great 480p videos up. I think it looks like a ninja Splinter Cell only faster and cooler because of the ninja aspect
Okay wait *feels around*
There is nothing there you female impersonator!
I'm too busy chatting about classic toons in the forum.
I'm thinking about getting 2 of these vid cards right here for my PC.
Seems like it would do nicely. A friend of mine is going to build it for me, so I'm gonna ask him since he knows way more than me about this stuff.
Did some updates:
So, you're porting Dead Rising to the Wii. Obviously, the big challenge there is that the MT Framework engine isn't available on the Wii. I was wondering if you'd talk a little bit about the process of porting a next-generation game to the Wii console.
Minoru Nakai: This time, it's not really a port so much as it is a remake. We made it from the ground up -- from scratch -- basically saying, "This is what we had in the 360 version, and this is what we want to do, so we're just going to remake it from scratch."
Why? Why why why not make a new game? Argh! Oh I see:
Were you able to bring over most of the content, like assets, models, recording of voices, and other things, or did you have to remake a lot of that for the Wii version?
MN: Things like voice, of course, stayed the same. We were able to use the original versions. But things like polygons ... the Wii can't handle as many polygons, so we took the models from the 360 version and we reduced the polygon count and things like that, and we were able to recycle and reuse them that way.
A friend made a PC for my bro and the power kept cutting out. I would be wary. They are no longer friends.
LOL...that list of 2009 X360 games is even more proof that I won't need the 360 very much. The 2 exclusive things are GTA 4 DLC and Halo 3...oh and Halo wars. All of which I have no doubt will hit at the very least the PC eventually.
Hhaha...this guy builds PC's all the time, I have confidence in him. He loves this stuff.
I may have not explained this too well so i will copy the question as it is stated. "Describe in words how you would modify the Player class so that you could keep track of the number of Player objects which had been created by other classes. You should not actually change the Player class - just explain how you would change it"
Thank you very much in advance for any help over this, and apologies to everyone for the totally off-topic post.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
The is no off-topic on GGweekly.
Wow! That's an awesome list of "Most wanted" games for the 360 in 2009. Basically everything on it is stuff I will most likely pick up. The Mad Max/Diablo reference for Borderlands really perked up my interest. Sweet.
Your penis is off topic.
D'oh it is so big, it would not fit in a topic, so it went off-topic!
So Hearst is buying 1up? They are the guys who made Defenders of the Earth (see my sig)
Edgecrusher you are right, I just saw the list, apart from ninja blade and a couple of Halo type stuff, it's all on PC and/or PS3.
Did you guys read the I am Alive Ubisoft story?
In the article, developer Darkworks (best known for last gen's so-so survival horror game Cold Fear) reveals that Jade Raymond isn't working on I Am Alive at all, and the team actually has no idea how that rumor got started. In Raymond's rumored place stands senior producer Alexis Goddard, who seems most enthusiastic about how the project draws on other sources:
Later in the article, Goddard also brings up comparisons to Armageddon, Titanic, Cloverfield, Jericho, and Lost. But with such a wide variety of influences from other mediums, what is the actual gameplay like? Goddard describes it as being built "around the concept of social chaos." After a mysterious earthquake destroys Chicago, main character Adam Collins must find his girlfriend and seek out enough survivors to get the attention of a mysteriously quiet government task force.
Goddard believes that the actual moment-to-moment gameplay will be unlike anything we're used to, though, noting, "In I Am Alive, we're not only turning your everyday life upside down; we're also changing the very social values and rules that both everyday life and videogames rely on." Items, especially weapons and ammo, will be much scarcer than gamers are used to, even more so than in traditional survival horror titles such as Resident Evil. The real focus of the game will be obtaining items necessary to survival, such as the water bottle in the trailer. Water can be used for healing or (again, as seen in the trailer) distracting potential opponents to clear a safe path for Adam. And although guns will be rare, they do exist in the game:
And if a first-person game -- in a genre that isn't traditionally first-person -- using weapons scarcely and in an abnormal way sounds a lot like Mirror's Edge to you, the comparison surely isn't lost on Ubisoft. Goddard defended the choice to go with first-person in the article:
The excellent GamesTM story provides a lot more information than we previously had on this project, as well lots of pretty artwork, although it's too early to tell if any of it is in-game yet. Now that the first info has trickled out, hopefully Ubisoft will open the floodgates and start giving us a better idea of what we can expect from the wrecked city and desperate society in I Am Alive.
Well the top pads are the following:
Logitech Cordless Rumblepad 2 (the one I have) - If there was a true sucessor to the genius of Dualshock THIS is it. It's practically the same controller only wireless with two improvements. The first being that the terrible DPAD is now fixed for a tightly loose intiuitve feel (think HORI DPADS) that make even 2D fighters play buttery smooth. The buttons are actually shaped out giving the player a feeling of feedback when they push a button. Far better then keeping the same DPAD, taking out the rumble (in older models at least), putting in some weird ass trigger controls, and completely useless and unresponsive motion controls if you ask me.
Saitek P3600 Cyborg Force Rumble Pad - So why do I list this pad? Because it has probably the best innovation of all modern pads. This pad allows the user to flip the left analog stick and DPad so that the analog sticks can be horizontally from each other or diagonally. in simpler terms you can play your games either Playstation analog style or Xbox analog style whenever you please. I have yet to try it myself so I can't guarantee or comment on things like intiuitive button pressing, but one criticism I can give is that it only has two shoulder buttons (SNES style).
Microsoft Xbox 360 Wireless Gamepad for Windows - Why would I put the Xbox 360 controller on here despite its price? Because unlike other controllers if you want a true console expereince this is the one to choose. Menus and Context Sensitive events all display the Xbox 360 buttons and controller. So if it bothers you to see instructions and Button images of a different controller then the one you are holding in your hand due to counterimmersion then this is the controller to get.
If you want card comparisons look no further. Just click on the games below to see comparisons of all the recent cards.
One of the site's forefathers.
Yeah that I Am Alive game could be very cool, too bad Jade Raymond isn't involved in it. Aside from the lametastic ending to Assassin's Creed I absolutely loved that game. I definately can't wait for the sequel and I'd also be very interested in any other game she might be involved with. A few years ago before this generation of consoles began I really never paid much attention to Ubisoft but they've been banging out some pretty great stuff.
What was the ending like? This game is like Disaster DOC only serious.