GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
[] Jaffe blown away by God of War 3 Iga_Bobovic
[] Fable II to get downloadable content Iga_Bobovic
[] Shaun White Snowboarding (Wii) Eurogamer Review 7/10 Iga_Bobovic
[] Age of Empires: Mythologies - more screens Iga_Bobovic
[] Microsoft - The Wii doesn’t even have online Really? Iga_Bobovic
[] de Blob wins big down under Iga_Bobovic
New FFCC: Echoes of Time Screens Iga_Bobovic
[] The Last Remnant gametrailers review Iga_Bobovic
[] What would Aonuma change in OOT? The iron boots, me and Aonuma see eye to eye! Iga_Bobovic
Nintendo Power news Up, up in the butt Iga_Bobovic
[] Final Fantasy XIII: more pics of Snow Iga_Bobovic
[] Nintendo Dominates in Australia "Wii and DS AU sales figures will blow your mind" Ravenprose
[] Sonic Chronicles 2 nearly confirmed Ravenprose
[] ECA boss talks used game sales They are not bad for the industry Ravenprose
[] Bonus Round: Nintendo Online Services Michael Pachter rules! Ravenprose
[] PlayStation 3: Two Years Later Iga_Bobovic
Harvest Moon: Welcome to the Wind Bazaar more screens, art Iga_Bobovic
RIZ-ZOAWD - more art Iga_Bobovic
[] Game pirate takes cash, buys boob job for wife Iga_Bobovic
[] Monolith Soft has ideas for Disaster 2 is ready to make a new Baten Kaitos Iga_Bobovic
[] Sony - The Wii is great…but the EyeToy is better Okay... Iga_Bobovic
[] Prince of Persia Trailer Ravenprose
[] IGN Last Remnant Video Review Ravenprose
[] IGN The Last Remnant Review 5.3 Ravenprose
[] Wanted: Weapons of Fate Trailer Ravenprose
[] Batman: Arkham Asylum Trailer Ravenprose
[] IGN Pit Crew Panic Screenshots Ravenprose
[] New Mushroom Men Video Ravenprose
[] Has Nintendo Lost the Hardcore Gamer? IGN Editorial Ravenprose
[] Prince of Persia IGN Review Wow a 9.3! Wait a second it is reviewed by Hilary "Oscar Worthy" Goldstein Iga_Bobovic
[] TrackMania DS Eurogamer Review 8/10 Nice Iga_Bobovic
[] Banjo-Kazooie Eurogamer Review 5/10! Ouch Iga_Bobovic
[] Sonic and the Black Knight - preview Iga_Bobovic
[] Marble Saga: Kororinpa - preview Iga_Bobovic
[] Aonuma won’t quit Zelda until he betters OOT Newsflash: Majora and Twilight > Ocarina Iga_Bobovic
[] Suikoden Tierkreis - more screens Iga_Bobovic
[] Wii breaks 7 million in Japan Iga_Bobovic
[] ELSPA Sales Awards UK (November 08) Iga_Bobovic
[] Angry Video Game Nerd: CD-i Part II Zelda CD-i, Vader in crying Iga_Bobovic
[] Valkyria Chronicles GT Review Iga_Bobovic
[] Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom new video Iga_Bobovic
[] Afrika new Japanese TV commercial Iga_Bobovic
[] Tenchu 4 announced for the PSP Iga_Bobovic
[] Shantotto in Dissidia : Final Fantasy Who? Iga_Bobovic
[] Summon Night X : Tears Crown scans Iga_Bobovic
[] Dragon Quest IX new female characters Iga_Bobovic
[] The Godfather II: new screenshots Iga_Bobovic
[] Fallout 3 DLC Revealed Editing tools and new content in '09. Iga_Bobovic
[] Gamers Not Addicts Clinic says problem mainly social, not psychological. Iga_Bobovic
[] Grand Theft Auto IV's PC Multiplayer Modes Same modes, but now with support for up to 32 players. Iga_Bobovic
[] Halo 3: Recon Name Changed Now with more acronyms. Iga_Bobovic
[] Hacked on Xbox 360: A Victim's Tale Plus, seven tips on how to avoid the same fate. Iga_Bobovic
[] Fixing Square's RPG Machine Just buy a DS Iga_Bobovic
[] The Lord of the Rings: Conquest Video Good to Be Bad Trailer Iga_Bobovic
[] PowerUp Forever Video Infinite Trailer Iga_Bobovic
[] No PS3 Price Cut Sony responds to rumours. Iga_Bobovic
[] PlayStation 3: The Year Ahead A Sony suit answers IGNs questions about the PS3, Home, and the future of the PSP. Iga_Bobovic
[] LocoRoco 2 IGN AU Review Happy happy joy joy: the game. How can you resist? 8.8 Iga_Bobovic
[] Devil Survivor Screens Iga_Bobovic
[] Harvest Moon Screens Iga_Bobovic
[] New DS Bundles for Black Friday Does your blood run Mario Red? Iga_Bobovic
[] Boingz IGN Review Play with a dildo Iga_Bobovic
[] Carnival Games Mini Golf IGN Review The lowest score wins, right? 3.5 Iga_Bobovic
[] Shaun White  (Target Edition) IGN Review A great example of how to handle the Wii version of a multi-platform game. Iga_Bobovic
[] The Top 10 Games That Might Make You Whack .. ...your Friends in the Nuts Iga_Bobovic
F.E.A.R 2 Banned in Australia ANOTHER ONE!? darthhomer
[] Personal Trainer: Cooking Review Better than Left 4 Dead! Foolz
[] New Zelda Movie fan trailer gamingeek
[] Sonic Unleashed (Wii) GT Review Iga_Bobovic
[] Left 4 Dead GT Review Iga_Bobovic
[] Bayonetta: new screenshots Iga_Bobovic
[] Fragile new screenshots Iga_Bobovic
[] WoW: The Wrath of the Lich King IGN Review Bringing the battle back to Azeroth in Blizzard's second expansion. 9.0 Iga_Bobovic
[] The Godfather II Video Families Trailer Iga_Bobovic
[] 50 Cent Talks Blood on the Sand Iga_Bobovic
[] Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 IGN Review 7.2 Iga_Bobovic
[] Street Fighter IV screens Iga_Bobovic
[] Dead Space DLC Impressions What's good and what's not. Iga_Bobovic
[] Prince of Persia IGN UK Review Much better than the Hilary Review Iga_Bobovic
[] PlayStation 3: Home-ward Bound Iga_Bobovic
[] Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia Guide Be master of glyphs and bosses with our in-depth walkthrough. Iga_Bobovic
[] Top 10 Videogame Turkeys Let us celebrate magnificent videogame flops. Iga_Bobovic
[] Adult video game maker calls out industry "Why have ESRB ratings when no one will allow ‘Adult’ rated games?" Ravenprose
[] Gamespy Castlevania Judgement review 1.5 stars out of 5 Ravenprose
[] Top 15 Most Bizarre DS Games Ravenprose
[] Ys Being Re-translated for DS Ravenprose
[] IGN Reboot: Luigi's Mansion For Wii, DS "Why Nintendo should give Mario's cowardly brother another mansion to explore" Ravenprose
[] NGamer - review scores Sky Crawlers 88% nice Iga_Bobovic
[] Marvelous Entertainment - midterm results/forecast See the expected sales of LKS, Rune factory, etc. Iga_Bobovic
Monster Games producing new game for Nintendo Top Secret - EXITEEE? Iga_Bobovic
[] Yakuza 3: new video gamingeek
[] Asian Aquanaughts Holiday has English option! Import it now, or face GG fury gamingeek
Hope for HDTV upscaling? Toshiba has new tech for SD signals gamingeek
[] Capcom shares hit five year high Chop till you drop responsible? LOL gamingeek
[] Rare talk avatars So they planned for minigames? gamingeek
[] PSP2 Processor being worked on? Will it allow you to jack into the matrix? gamingeek
[] 360 sales double in Japan Last Remenant still leaves console lagging gamingeek
[] Gaming graveyard Where canned games go to die gamingeek
[] Dreamcast 10th birthday gamingeek
[] Resistance 2 review Suprisingly, unsuprising gamingeek
[] Stormrise screens SEGA total war devs gamingeek
[] Ninja Blade videos gamingeek
[] Uh oh, bad news for FFXIII. Delays? 360 version hasn't been worked on gamingeek
[] PSP vs DS The Gamasutra sales showdown gamingeek
[] Ubisoft profits slip Endwar bad, Shawn White Wii good gamingeek
[] Animal Crossing selling big in Japan gamingeek
FF XIII Interview Will make Edge happy? gamingeek
[] Star Ocean the Last Hope screens gamingeek
[] Suikoden Tierkreis screens Konami DS game gamingeek
[] RE5 screens gamingeek
[] Japanese hardware sales - Nov. 17th to 24th DSi > DS Lite in sales Ravenprose
[] The internet has Shenmue fever Fans plan to mass email Sega requesting a sequel Ravenprose
[] Capcom: WiiWare file sizes too small for Bionic Commando Rearmed/SF2 HD Remix, still hope for SFIV Ravenprose
[] Why adding 3D graphics to games was a bad idea Opinion Ravenprose
[] Sonic Unleashed Eurogamer Review Wii version 6/10 Iga_Bobovic
[] Sonic Unleashed Eurogamer Review The HD version 4/10 Iga_Bobovic
[] FRAGILE G-station TV programme special Please come to Europe Iga_Bobovic
[] 428-preorders jump after perfect Famitsu score Reviews do matter Iga_Bobovic
[] Broken Sword DS announcement soon So says point and click legend Charles Cecil. Iga_Bobovic
[] The Trader's Dilemma Iga_Bobovic
[] Reading Aloud Play Wii - screens series of WiiWare picture books Iga_Bobovic
[] Mikami - Resident Evil 5 will "just cause me stres "I won't like it, because it's not going to be the game I would have made," Iga_Bobovic
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Mon, 24 Nov 2008 00:18:53

First post! YES!

One of the site's forefathers.

Play fighting games!

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Mon, 24 Nov 2008 00:32:20

So, what have you guys been playing? That's the usual question that Iga posts at the begining of the week, so I'll help keep the tradition.

I've been playing Animal Crossing City Folk, and it will indeed be my GOTY 2008. I'm having a lot of fun with it, and it's just as addictive as ever. I also played several levels of Mirror's Edge which is great. It becomes a little repetitive after a while, but still very fun. Tomb Raider Underworld (Wii) sucks, so I might rent the 360 version once I'm done with Mirror's Edge.

Edited: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 07:35:25

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Mon, 24 Nov 2008 00:38:20

I played LBP for the first time in a store.

I want to play more.

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Mon, 24 Nov 2008 01:15:04

One of the site's forefathers.

Play fighting games!

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Mon, 24 Nov 2008 02:52:59
Well I finished Fable II this weekend and continued playing it some more doing sidequests and stuff. Just recently finished Gears of War 2 campaign mode on Insane difficulty. Fantastic stuff, intense, tough and sometimes a little frustrating but oh so satisfying in the end. Now to take it online.


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Mon, 24 Nov 2008 03:05:18

So it turns out rather than buying Call of Duty: World at War, I just reinstalled MOH:AA onto my computer. Instead of buying C&C:RA3, I just brought my C&C:RA2/Aftermath CDs back to university with me. Instead of buying Fallout 3, I realized it probably sucks. And I obtained World of Goo.

Only De Blob remains on my Christmas list now Nyaa.

What have I been playing: Old stuff (story of my life.) Played about 5 minutes of Wii Sports tennis and 5 minutes of Guitar Hero III with my sister and her friends. Logged into Combat Arms just to install patches and see what things are like lately. Played some NSMB on my DS on the way home for a little bit. About 3 hours of World of Goo (that game is fucking hard)... that's about it.

Edited: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 03:08:17

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Mon, 24 Nov 2008 03:12:43
Archangel3371 said:
Well I finished Fable II this weekend and continued playing it some more doing sidequests and stuff. Just recently finished Gears of War 2 campaign mode on Insane difficulty. Fantastic stuff, intense, tough and sometimes a little frustrating but oh so satisfying in the end. Now to take it online.

I need to buy Fable II, and rent Gears 2 soon. Fable II will most likely be my next game purchase.

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Mon, 24 Nov 2008 03:39:45

Soon to be playing - Guitar Hero III.....

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Mon, 24 Nov 2008 07:42:46

Been playing Super Luigi Galaxy. Found a few shortcuts and did the awesome jump again. Will finish it, and hopefully I will have saved enough money to buy Zack and Wiki!

Man, I know Galaxy like the back of my hand. I am now Mario/Metroid God. Tremble before me!

Iga_Bobovic, still living in 2007

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Mon, 24 Nov 2008 10:54:51
Iga_Bobovic said:

Been playing Super Luigi Galaxy. Found a few shortcuts and did the awesome jump again. Will finish it, and hopefully I will have saved enough money to buy Zack and Wiki!

Man, I know Galaxy like the back of my hand. I am now Mario/Metroid God. Tremble before me!

Iga_Bobovic, still living in 2007

Good man!

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Mon, 24 Nov 2008 12:28:53
Dvader said:

Oh BTW GG did you hear the rumors about Steven Spileberg and Will Smith remaking Old Boy for the US. WTF?! That is about as polar opposite as you can get. Spileberg might be able to pull it off cause he has done almost everything, well except that he is a more straight forward director, he won't have the crazy almost dream like stuff like this director had. Smith is completely wrong for the role.

There is a new story up that its not the movie they are trying to remake but make a movie based on the original comics.

I heard that rumour, the old rumor was that it was to have Nicholas Cage as the lead. Uhhhh, why can't they just leave it alone? There is actually an Indian Bollywood version that ripped the film and was sued called Zindi, you can find the trailer in some places LOL

I have actually read part 1 of the original Japanese manga. It's pretty bland actually, Park Chan Wook is something of an auteur and he pretty much wrote and directed everything there. For instance the whole premise of the film, the ending that shocked, that was all him. The original manga is a black and white, basically written comic that I didn't even enjoy enough to buy part 2.


Thanks very much for that, I want to keep my code managable so I might just use your advice and do transparent borders and use gifs. With javascript we weren't really even taught properly, just handed a series of crappy exercises which no one cared to explain. It was hell.
Yarcofin said:

So it turns out rather than buying Call of Duty: World at War, I just reinstalled MOH:AA onto my computer. Instead of buying C&C:RA3, I just brought my C&C:RA2/Aftermath CDs back to university with me. Instead of buying Fallout 3, I realized it probably sucks. And I obtained World of Goo.

Only De Blob remains on my Christmas list now Nyaa.

What have I been playing: Old stuff (story of my life.) Played about 5 minutes of Wii Sports tennis and 5 minutes of Guitar Hero III with my sister and her friends. Logged into Combat Arms just to install patches and see what things are like lately. Played some NSMB on my DS on the way home for a little bit. About 3 hours of World of Goo (that game is fucking hard)... that's about it.

You know you haven't got a bad idea there. I've bought a number of sequels to games and in retrospect I could have just stuck with the freaking first game and replayed it. As for me I've been playing this excellent DS game called Soul Bubbles, you guys can check out the thread I made for the videos, it's quite special. Also replaying Disaster Day of Crisis and Call of Duty World at War. Don't know what it is about COD5 but even with its pain in the ass instant deaths and rigid linearity and top it off with ridiculous, unfair even more instant deaths and it can still be compulsive, engaging and visceral, especially with IR control.

Unfortunately repeat play just shows up how rigid the levels are, their idea of open level design is giving you two similar paths each level. Left or right.

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Mon, 24 Nov 2008 13:46:28

Ravenprose said:

Archangel3371 said:

Well I finished Fable II this weekend and continued playing it some more doing sidequests and stuff. Just recently finished Gears of War 2 campaign mode on Insane difficulty. Fantastic stuff, intense, tough and sometimes a little frustrating but oh so satisfying in the end. Now to take it online.

I need to buy Fable II, and rent Gears 2 soon. Fable II will most likely be my next game purchase.

Yeah they're both fantastic games. There's a ton of things to do in Fable II. I just love the artwork in this game. Gears 2 just really blows me away sometimes with it's graphical prowess and is simply a blast to play from beginning to end. I also really liked the story in this one and it opens up some cool paths and things that can really be expanded upon.


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Mon, 24 Nov 2008 18:46:29

Wow, slow news day!

Check out the Nintendo Power news story

-MadWorld has an attack that lets you shove a trumpet up a man’s butt, and he’ll stumble about in a daze, playing a tune for you



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Mon, 24 Nov 2008 19:13:13
Iga_Bobovic said:

Been playing Super Luigi Galaxy. Found a few shortcuts and did the awesome jump again. Will finish it, and hopefully I will have saved enough money to buy Zack and Wiki!

Man, I know Galaxy like the back of my hand. I am now Mario/Metroid God. Tremble before me!

Iga_Bobovic, still living in 2007

2007 > 2008

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Mon, 24 Nov 2008 19:36:52

1999 > 2007

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Mon, 24 Nov 2008 19:41:21
Yarcofin said:

1999 > 2007

1991 > 1999 Happy

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Mon, 24 Nov 2008 20:05:36

65,000,000 B.C. > all

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Mon, 24 Nov 2008 21:59:39
Iga_Bobovic said:

Been playing Super Luigi Galaxy. Found a few shortcuts and did the awesome jump again. Will finish it, and hopefully I will have saved enough money to buy Zack and Wiki!

Man, I know Galaxy like the back of my hand. I am now Mario/Metroid God. Tremble before me!

Iga_Bobovic, still living in 2007

you can buy zack and wiki plus resident evil 4 wii (or another good game) for £30 over at

or just get z&w on its own for just over 15 quid.

i've been playing zelda the minish cap and order of ecclesia


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Mon, 24 Nov 2008 22:34:11

EA Sports Not Selling on Wii

Duh? They are charging $50 for basically one sport per disk. Wii Sports has 5 different sports. Perhaps EA would be better off trying to beat Wii Sports at their own game by releasing their simplified All-Play Football, Golf, hockey, baseball and basketball for Wii on a single disk for $50? Casuals like to see value in their purchase, and one sports game for $50 isn't enough to persuade them to buy it when they already have Wii Sports.

Edited: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 22:35:17

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Mon, 24 Nov 2008 22:37:56
bugsonglass said:
Iga_Bobovic said:

Been playing Super Luigi Galaxy. Found a few shortcuts and did the awesome jump again. Will finish it, and hopefully I will have saved enough money to buy Zack and Wiki!

Man, I know Galaxy like the back of my hand. I am now Mario/Metroid God. Tremble before me!

Iga_Bobovic, still living in 2007

you can buy zack and wiki plus resident evil 4 wii (or another good game) for £30 over at

or just get z&w on its own for just over 15 quid.

Nice, not really interested in RE4, I finished the Gamecube version 7 times. Hmm de Blob for 20 pounds! Are these guys reliable, and I assume they ship in rest of Europe?

bugsonglass said:
i've been playing zelda the minish cap and order of ecclesia

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