Eidos strikes again!!
Blocking Tomb Raider Underworld scores that are lower than 8.0
Nintendo Power: Eiji Aonuma Interview
Talks about the design process of Ocarina of Time. Awesome interview, download NOW!
Rumour: 2009 sony blow-out
PS3 pricecut, LBP and Motorstorm PSP, Uncharted 2, Killzone 2 and GoW3 info
Taliban destroys video game shop
Oh, it's on! Fanboy vs Terrorist! Round 1! Fight
Sherlock Holmes coming to the Wii
Highly-acclaimed Sherlock Holmes series coming to the Wii
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robio (10m)
Ah, ok. I was thinking 360. Scratch Fable II then. I still recommend Fallout 3. Even though I haven't played Red Alert 3 yet I'd recommend that as my second choice just because I'm a big fan, it looks good, and the reviews were at least decent.
Guinness Word Records > Chrono Trigger
eww, snail porn? You scare me sometimes, Iga.
Agreed! I could make a thread about the business practices with respect to the video game "journalism", but I am lazy!
So you do it, or I will bombard you with snail related porn!
Get to work my dear hamster
So I'm considering using an external scaler to solve all Dreamcast/Wii/Xbox problems. I came across this from HDTV magazine:
"In the past we had only NTSC video which uses 480i and comes in a variety of different connections and level of performance. Our displays have been 480i also and this is called the native scan rate. HDTV though is 720p or 1080i and that means your HDTV has one of these native scan rates and possibly one more, 480p. There were few displays that do more than two and with CRT dead and gone there is only one scan rate that will perfectly match the pixel matrix of our new digital displays. Connecting a 480i signal to a native 480i display is a straight forward process. Connecting that signal to an HDTV will not work until it has been converted to the native scan rate of the display. This process is called scaling and every HDTV has one that will convert most everything out there so you can view it on the display. We call this an internal scaler. Unfortunately many of the internal scalers of the past were quite poor significantly degrading the final image you see. While scaling has radically improved over the last 8 years even with current displays you may not get the last word on performance with out an external scaler. The way to get around that is to use an external scaler that does a far better job and set it to one of the native scan rates of your display.
I've nearly completed my Associates Degree in Business. I've written soo many business oriented papers recently that I'm completely burned out. So, no thanks, Iga.
I like that hamster pic, though.
Best post ever!!!
From Neogaf written by Pseudo_Sam
Oh thank God, someone who understands.
The title of this thread should have been "Oh my fucking God Excite Truck is amazing sequel plz" or some such variant. Anytime I see a thread and it's not titled like so, I die a little on the inside and curse the heavens for allowing such unbridled ass-kickery to go so unappreciated.
Seriously, have any of you even played Excite Truck? The insanity is virtually impossible to describe. If a robot cyborg ever had to be made out of only video games, Excite Truck would be its dick. I'm not talking some stubby shit, either, this thing would be huge. Think 10 inches, with throbbing veins and shit. Anytime the cyborg tried to have anal it would instantly kill its partner with its massive cock, which wouldn't be easy considering robots have metal assholes.
Robot sex aside, Excite Truck fucking rules. God damn. Just go buy this shit already. A sequel would be the greatest thing in the history of things, but its never gonna happen if you sit on your ass and whine to GAF all day. Think about it: people like you are directly preventing the greatest game of all time from being made. You are one sick motherfucker.
Excite Truck does indeed rule, but I'd rather have a sequel to Wave Race right now instead.
Because Eidos are fucking pigs. They've been like this for years.
God, they can fuck off now. I'm either renting TRU or buying TRU used. I mean, what's worse? Giving Eidos money or giving Gamestop/Blockbuster money? Ditto the Batman game.
So I'm watching the new Sonic movie - the Werehog one. Someone uploaded it on to YouTube. It's alright - good CG.
My Walmart is still selling five or six different SDTV CRT models, but most other stores here in Colorado have completely phased them out. When my SDTV dies, I'm probably going to buy a used CRT as a replacement if my Walmart stops selling them by then. I have no need or desire for an HDTV, especially at current prices.
As far as the external scaler, I have no idea if that will work, but I heard they are quite expensive.
NFS Undercover is fucking broken.
As they say, "he's right you know."
Oh, and Microcosmos is in fact awesome.
Tomb Raider Underworld (Wii) sucks!
I had a Rent 1, Get 1 Free Coupon for my local video store, so I figured I'd rent a couple games for the weekend. Well, that plan hasn't worked out so well. I went to the store to rent Mirror's Edge (360) and Tomb Raider Underworld (Wii).
Well, so far I've spent about two hours with TR, and it has been one miserable gameplay session. Why? The game's camera is absolutely horrid! It's constantly twitching and/or flickering all over the place, and causing me to needlessly die over and over again. I can't get a good angle of anything except Lara's ass. WTF were they thinking? Have none of these dumb-ass devs ever played a 3D Super Mario game? The camera is soo bad that it actually made me sick, and I've NEVER become sick with any game before. Not only is the camera bad, but the games controls are far worse than they were on the Wii version of TR Anniversary. This is one of the worst controller configurations that I've seen on any Wii game I've played so far, and is very unresponsive too. This is exactly the type of half-assed crap that makes me not want to buy games anymore (except Nintendo's). Tomb Raider Underworld is nothing more than shovelware on Wii.
What really gets me is that Anniversary was so great! Sure itt had its flaws, but it was still a very enjoyable game on Wii. Same can be said of Legend on GC too. So WTF happend?
Thank God I have Mirror's Edge to play instead. I haven't played much of it yet due to the pounding headache TR created, but I will tomarrow.
Ok so I finally saw Oldboy. For a lot of the movie I was like what the fuck is this. It was a weird movie, very different directing style. I was kind of wondering where it was all headed, I thought the main dude would kill the bad dude and nothing would happen.
I just sat there for the rest of the movie with my jaw on the floor. Everything clicked at that moment, the whole movie came into focus and it was like wow. When I read the description on the box about a revenge tale I figured it would be your classic tale of revenge with the hero getting back at his enemies, I never thought it was twisted like that. Amazing.
You should have read some reviews, they all say its broken.
I saw you playing that earlier, I was wondering how it was going.
Raven TR on PS3 is no different, the camera is constantly going nuts. Its like the camera is a horny teenager that only wants to see Lara's ass and tits but I want it to show me the damn level and we are constantly in a fight.
Yeah they are expensive but there isn't much choice. I guess if you have a launch PS3 you have guaranteed backwards compatibility and upscaling for your PS2 collection, that version never launched in europe. With the other systems things get fuzzy, with a 360 you need online and a hard drive and not all games are supported for upscaling. With Wii nothing is upscaled at all. I put my Xbox and Ninja Gaiden with components through my HDTV and it looked like an N64 game. Scaling is crap. On Wii the only games that I have that seem to come out relatively unscathed are mario kart, galaxy and prime 3, although they lose sharpness and gain jaggies. I certainly hope that whatever system nintendo decides to release in the next few years has upscaling for Wii and Cube games.
Not only that, I dont know why but I still can't get VC games to run on my HDTV, the only game which does is Super Mario RPG which has a special note that it runs in 480p. Maybe it has to do with PAL vs NTSC on HDTVs and interlaced vs progressive. It's a pain in the ass. I don't mind HDTV it is the next step but they never tell you that your SD content and consoles and everything else will look worse. Here the only way to get HD television is to subscribe to Fox which costs a ton for a box and then the monthly subscription and most of their content is upscaled anyway. Otherwise there is this new service called freesat which is few but has only a handful of channels. You have to pay over $140 for a satellite dish and then double that for a decoding box. Really the only thing HD is getting used for is gaming. This is why I wish the PS3 had launched at a lower price, at least I would get gaming and blu-ray out of it. And if Sony hadn't have screwed europe I would have got a PS2 out of it too.
So at the moment I'm just glad that my excellent sony wega TV is still running, because when it goes, with shops phasing out SD CRTs I could be forced into playing on a 14" with a fantastic picture or playing on a massive 50" with a shitty picture. Or paying through the nose for an external scaler.
The director is Park Chan Wook and he's the best director around at the moment for my money. Another one of my favourite films ever is by the same director and I love it as much as Oldboy although it's a very different vibe, very melanchonic, almost like a Majora's Mask type feeling. It's Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, there is a trailer and details on my Movie blog. He also did a movie called JSA about a border post between north and south korea that is fairly quiet before a blow out ending. And a film called I'm a Cyborg but that's okay about a girl in a mental institution who thinks she is a cyborg. That's not as good as his other movies but still inventive and funny. It's a much lighter film that some will hate.
Anyhow I'm glad you like it, Korean cinema has had a great time although flagged a little recentely, there are some great movies out there, if need any reccomendations, check my movie blog or ask. I think you guys might like The Host, it's a Monster movie but a black comedy at the same time and the same director did this excellent film called Memories of Murder about the first serial killer case in Korea. It's not your typical hollywood blood and guts or forensic tale though.
I know, I posted that IGN review for gods sake. But I needed to see if it was really that bad - I mean, it's IGN!
God, I need more time to go on...
IP Man trailer, film based on the master who taught Bruce Lee. Ass kicking action.
trailer for Red Cliff 2 by Face off Director John Woo