Eidos strikes again!!
Blocking Tomb Raider Underworld scores that are lower than 8.0
Nintendo Power: Eiji Aonuma Interview
Talks about the design process of Ocarina of Time. Awesome interview, download NOW!
Rumour: 2009 sony blow-out
PS3 pricecut, LBP and Motorstorm PSP, Uncharted 2, Killzone 2 and GoW3 info
Taliban destroys video game shop
Oh, it's on! Fanboy vs Terrorist! Round 1! Fight
Sherlock Holmes coming to the Wii
Highly-acclaimed Sherlock Holmes series coming to the Wii
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Kill them anyways
I had another girl! This time in Fable II.
And now, some words from my younger daughter:
f hakadkakdhkdadkkadgahdhadhhadhahdha
A new Killer Instinct would be awesome!
Only if the kill would kill Dan and Sakura also!
I just like to mess with you
Thankfully I sold off Wild World a few months ago in anticipation of city folk. This is going to be fun, again. These guys assume that everyone has played each game in the series from N64-GC-DS and now to Wii.
I've never been an AC fan, never will be, which leaves me dry. Although it doesn't bother me what review scores it gets it does annoy me how this was Nintendo's answer to 'catering for the hardcore' this year.
Very dissapointing.
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They have released Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Animal Crossing and Disaster this year. If they had held back Smash for a Winter release people would have a different perception all because of timing and not because of content. Meanwhile why don't you pick up some third party games? I just got COD WOW and its pretty good actually despite its rigid linearity and instant deaths. You know we have forums right?
Didn't the Neo guys reccomend a whole load of games to you before Mantorok? Didn't pick any up? If you've never played Bully before, get that, it's brilliantly hilarious.
Mario Kart I have, Disaster I will pick up but the other 2 I'm not interested in.
I got a lot of recommendations off the GAF and I'm going to [eventually] pick some of those up, the problem I have at the moment is lack of available time to play everything, so I pick my titles wisely (i.e. it has to be hot!).
I guess it's more my problem than anything, would you recommend Disaster? I did read some of your impressions but I expect you've finished it now.
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I know the rest of the world has pretty much played (those who did) and forgotten it by now, but europe is just now getting Trauma Centre: New Blood. It's supposed to be decent and I have quite enjoyed the previous one so Mantorok if Animal Crossing doesn't do it for you, maybe this will be more up your alley?
There's also Boom Blox (going below half price now) and de Blob which i haven't played but which are recommended by enough people here who have respectable tastes.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Go to the forum, I have done a thread with a billion impressions there. Yeah I have completed it and immediately started a second play through. It's not brilliant AAA or anything, but some people will absolutely love it because of the hilarity, rollercoaster atmosphere, cheese and grinning superhero type moments. It's a lot better than I thought it would be and once you upgrade your skills and weapons the lightgun sections are probably the best on the system so far IMO as it has more depth, the cover, weapons, RPG lite upgrade system etc.
It says a lot that despite it not being a AAA game, it's still become one of my favourite titles on the system. But some might hate it for its almost retro simplicity and sometimes spotty visuals.
Damn I can't believe you guys haven't got both of those games. Sometimes I think I'm the only one picking up Wii games because people are preoccupiued with other games or busy lives. I still haven't got Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn and that's a must for me.
Mantorok, get De Blob from Play.com it's £18 and a really fun platformer. Like Bugs said, Boom Blox is being heavily discounted too and its great fun although I can't beat the hard challenge modes.
Or how about "GG weekly updating"? That game is awesome in co-op, but it seems I am playing solo the last week or so!
I just posted a Wii Music article above.
I started already but I'm still PC less. I'm using someone elses.
EDGE mag scores:
Left 4 Dead (Xbox 360, Valve): 9
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts (Xbox 360, Rare): 7
Gears of War 2 (Xbox 360, Epic): 9
Fallout 3 (PS3/Xbox 360, Bethesda): 7
Call of Duty: World at War (PS3/Xbox 360, Activision): 6
Resistance 2 (PS3, Sony): 6
Mirror's Edge (PS3/Xbox 360, EA): 5
007: Quantum of Solace (PS3/Xbox 360, Activision): 5
Tomb Raider: Underworld (PS3/Xbox 360, Eidos): 8
Guitar Hero: World Tour (PS3/Xbox 360, Activision): 7
Animal Crossing City Folk (Wii, Nintendo): 7
Ninjatown (NDS, SouthPeak Games): 6
Command & Comnquer: Red Alert 3 (Xbox 360, EA): 7
Silent Hill: Homecoming (PS3/Xbox 360, Konami): 6
Tom Clancy's Endwar (PS3/Xbox 360, Ubisoft): 8
Socom Confrontation (PS3, Sony): 5
Valkyria Chronicles (PS3, Sega): 7
Need for Speed Undercover (PS3/Xbox 360, EA): 3
Shaun White Snowboarding: Road Trip (Xbox 360, Ubisoft): 7
Thanks, was getting tired of doing the updates for so long.
Technically there were quite a few other people who could have helped *cough*.
What's with the edge mag reviews these days? You used to able to guess but now they are about as reliable as famitsu.
Yes, my comment was directed to "them" not you.
About Edge Reviews they gave Gunstar Heroes a 6, so they were never reliable!
Mario Galaxy bombed apparentely. L.O.L