Eidos strikes again!!
Blocking Tomb Raider Underworld scores that are lower than 8.0
Nintendo Power: Eiji Aonuma Interview
Talks about the design process of Ocarina of Time. Awesome interview, download NOW!
Rumour: 2009 sony blow-out
PS3 pricecut, LBP and Motorstorm PSP, Uncharted 2, Killzone 2 and GoW3 info
Taliban destroys video game shop
Oh, it's on! Fanboy vs Terrorist! Round 1! Fight
Sherlock Holmes coming to the Wii
Highly-acclaimed Sherlock Holmes series coming to the Wii
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PVW, courier company messed up, still no Pc here
It's not just that, but forum gamers almost laser sighted focus on traditional blockbusters, coupled with multi console ownership is leading to a very narrow blinkered view. It's almost like a cigar filled room and a bunch of old guys sitting there nodding to each other and agreeing to everything. No one perhaps other than a couple of people can seem to take a step back and view things from a broader perspective.
So I've decided to sell out and (finally) buy a Guitar Hero game...
HOWEVER, I will be paying 300 AUD for that privelige. It'll be a good while until I'm able purchase the full package, because I'll be buying most of the game in pieces...hopefully NOT going a cent over 300 dollars.
You casual Judas!
Bah, could you not buy a Wii and a game for the same price? If you are going to sell out, you should sell out to Mr. Gay!
Pvw, if anyone is interested Aussie-nintendo has a review of Disaster that reflects my experience with the game. I can't post the link with no comp.
Linked for you, buttercup.
Nice review, BTW.
First impressions may make you somewhat critical, the voice acting scenes are truly cheesy, the A.I of the enemies in the shooting sections is horrendous and the game is wrought with movie clichés. But you won't care because you'll be having too much fun! You'll forgive the cutscenes, bad lines and movie clichés once you begin to immerse yourself into the story. The game is basically a rail shooter interrupted with cutscenes, walking around in third-person, driving, rescuing people and solving puzzles. This is the basic mechanics; different game-play elements tangled and seamed together. Messy or not, it works well and makes Disaster a unique gaming experience. Although there's a lot of variety it follows a predictable pattern, shoot the baddies, find the way through, rescue some people, shoot the baddies again and drive after them. This however doesn't detract from the game at all but makes it all the more engaging.
Nice indeed.
But don't you want to be a "hardcore gamer"!? Being hardcore is looking forward to what is most advertised and epic looking and respecting the games that everyone else respects. You know games from EA, Activision, Ubisoft, and Square-Enix REAL companies for REAL hardcore gamers.
One of the site's forefathers.
Oh come on, everyone is just looking for the best games, its not anyones fault the best games are the most covered and hyped games.
Like I'm not referring to games like Dead Space, The Last Remenant, or Prince of Persia. But more so the games that are just your run of the mil shooters and action games. I don't think I need to list them.
One of the site's forefathers.
Hey, I write for those guys!
...Fuck, I should get my reviews for them done...
Yeah, games like RE5!
*runs away before Vader goes nuts
I completely agree. IMHO, Resident Evil and Metal Gear Solid are the crappiest most over-rated game series of all-time. And what's with this Little Big Planet game? It's nothing but a shallow button masher to me.
One of the site's forefathers.
Even from a small sample size here, there's plenty of disagreement on what's actually a 9.0+ quality game or what that even means. Yet take the media, take these homogenized big forums and we get nothing but blind agreement with the pre-determined score for the game.
For example, when was the last time a big hyped game genuinely flopped in reviews. I don't just mean one or two reviews under perfect, but along the lines of an MGS4 scoring 6-7. I haven't seen it happen in years. Meanwhile, statistically it's more likely I'll give a game that the media rated 9.0+ and between 7.0 and 8.0, and I'm sure we've all had far more experiences along that line than the media finding one disappointing. Big name and big graphics seem to be enough.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileIf everyone is saying one game is fantastic but only a few think its not dont you kind of have to think that maybe they are missing something. Maybe you just dont like a certain type of game, thats fine.
But this sense that everyone is under some magic spell and only a select few can see the truth is bullcrap. Guess what, if a game gets all high reviews and massive praise it probably deserves it. And no, in most of my experiences my feelings on most games are in line with many of the reviews, not all but that is why there are many reviews.
Vader your reaction is actually proofs Yoda assessment. If you do not like a hyped game, there must be something wrong with you? What the hell, all reviews are subjective, so if one finds a game overrated, he has a much right to say it, as people saying it is the second coming of Christ. The notion that a review can be accurate or not, is simply retarded, unless you can show me a formula that calculates the score accurately. Compare game reviews to movie reviews and you will see the huge difference there, even the best movies have a few critics that hate it, games score are much, much more homogeneous.
And the majority of people are sheep that follow other people blindly, only few people actually form their own opinion. Same is true for gamers.
Reviews suck. Reviews have always sucked. Reviews will forever continue to suck. That's just the way it is.
It's like I say "Reviews are paid for." It doesn't have to be bribry it can just be all the advertisement, hype, and presentation.
One of the site's forefathers.
I'm just finnicky because like Mr Roboto, I think people need to balance and qualify their statements, it's when people throw out blanket generalisations. That bothers me.