Ninokuni book contains hidden secrets
May use special magnifying glass
Toshidan returns to the Wii
Remember that PSX launch title that was a 3D Fighting Game?
Punk Rebel Ecks
Little Big Planet delayed/recalled.
Over some muslim thing, WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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travo (8m)
I just saw the Infinite Space anime. Looks awesome, whish I could understand what was happening though. Titty lady looks awesome too.
You know you were talking about Arc Rise Fantasia cosplay? The other day I saw some, but none of the pink outfit lady. Shame.
EDIT: November 17th
You can get season 1 and 2 seperately already but this isn't far off and it's a better price and all that.
How can I forget, when Foolz has quoted it in his sig.
Badass, just badass.
Amazon sells it with 4 exclusive art cards too.
Damnit, just read this about the 1994 Spiderman series
As of now, as with the majority of the other Disney-acquired Marvel Comics animated series, there are no plans to release the show in complete season sets on DVD. Instead, select episodes have been released on DVD by Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment:
EDIT: This is the biggest collection you can get.
5 dvd set
Just realised I used to own the toys!
I just ordered:
hardly any gaming for me this weekend (except for when on the bog). i started a new java course for open university and have been getting reaquainted with my NetBeans!
I have a question for iga who knows his ninja stuff well. i have for some time now been thinking of taking up some kind of martial arts training both for fitness as well as to become able to defend myself and to deal damage if i am forced to. being a small guy (5'6'' and small legs and arms) i was thinking judo or jiu-jitsu. my options here are pretty limited too. i could find a judo school but i don't know how realistic or relevant that is any more. the closest i found to a jiujitsu school is a guy who basically does mma. i went and met him and had a chat yesterday and he basically told me that the training there is very versatile and depends a lot on what his athletes need. e.g. once a week bjj, mixing it up with sambo, amateur wrestling and other stuff like muay thai and some thai boxing strikes. basically he seems a jack of all trades (which i suppose is ideal for competition nowadays). I will go for a trial training session tomorrow.
what's your take on this? i don't have a strong grounding on any one traditional discipline (i did shotokan for about 2 years - about 8 years ago, and greco-roman wrestling as a teenager ... and my fitness level is currently lacking.) do you think i could/should do mma style/reality based training or would i benefit more from doing a single traditional discipline to begin with, like judo (not a good example i know as it's a not so old mixture of disciplines but whatever).
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Well you are a small guy, so the best way to defeat bigger opponents is to take it to the ground. So BJJ, Sambo and Judo would be a good base. The MMA training sound awesome, but be sure to check out the credentials of you teacher. What is his background in Muay Thai, BJJ and Sambo.
Another thing that is important is the conditioning. Some martial arts schools like Bujinkan do not do warming up. This is bad, in a real fight when you are stressed you will tire a lot faster. So need to be in shape, so warming-up excercises should be hellish.
The last point is sparring. This is very important. It is easy to do techniques to a compliant opponent, but what if he is resisting. So you need to spar, it does not have to be super hard, like beating you senseless, but it must be there. You techniques will get much better if you spar a lot. You can also do this with friends after lesson just for fun, my motto is punch full speed, but not full power.
If these all check out, do the MMA training, but remember you are not invincible and even MMA has holes (like no weapon defense or against multiple opponents). And if you find yourself struggling in a certain aspect of MMA, than take an additional art to improve it. For example you have trouble taking people down, take Judo or Wrestling to improve you takedowns
The best form of self defense remains Run-Fu. (Maybe you should take free-running)
Do kendo, Bugsy!
I'm the one with his back to the camera. (I'm 5'8".)
Nice butt.
wow Kendo! sure looks good. i don't suppose anyone even offers that here
Iga these are the teacher credentials pasted on the guy's webpage:
developing and enhancing knowledge oF M.M.A AND THAI BOXING/WRESTLING
He also has been in many many competitions of all kinds. Ask me if i should list them for you.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Looks very nice from here, take a few lessons and check out if my other point of sparring and conditioning hold true. The last point is the atmosphere. This is very important, I know one guy who did Muay Thai and he trained with jerks. Remember it should be fun too.
And about the teacher, do not hesitate to ask lots of questions about techniques. One guy went to a ninjutsu school and you were not allowed to ask any questions. What kind of shit is that? If he can answer your questions intelligently and clearly, than you have a good teacher. A teacher job is to make you understand the technique and tell you what you did wrong. You should always be able to improve yourself. I say take lessons for a day, if you like it, do it for a month or two. And if you feel you are actually learning something keep it up. Remember you are there to improve yourself.
Kendo is for pussies, real men do kenjutsu
Edit: guys stop using the imperial system. Some of us live in a country that does not have a totally retarded system of measurment. For the love of God/Budha/Darwin use the metric system!
Pfft, NetBeans. Real programmers use notepad and command prompt
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobilePlease tell me what net beans is? I am doing javascript training now. And hating it.
NetBeans is a java IDE (integrated development environment) which makes it more user friendly to write java code and create useful stuff with java for then non hardcore as it has a nice editor and also holds all the files you need for a project in a nice tidy place and has things to help you with the debugging as opposed to leaving you to your own divices ... with just notepad and command prompt.
It's open source ... meaning it's free. and it's very powerful i think. you can use it for jave applets to (ie applications that run on browsers) ... but it is different to javascript which is a much simpler language than the beast that is full java. javascript needs to run in an HTML document, but java can stand alone ... or you can have the aforementioned java applets for HTML.
some of what i said may be wrong but yoda will correct me and give more info i am sure.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Thanks, WangAttack, but you don't like the helmet's Dumbo-ear flaps? They're the best part! Actually, when the helmet is packed properly, you fold the flaps up and tie the helmet's cords around them, so you can tell that that armor isn't new. What's really irritating is when you get a nose itch, or when your hair comes out from under that cloth and gets in your face, or when sweat is getting in your eyes. You just can't get your fingers through those bars to do anything about it!
Doesn't matter. Just get a big stick (e.g. WangAttack's member) and watch YouTube.
Armor isn't required.
Do beaver anuses make pussy farts?
Real men do yosakoi!
Shachihoko! This is my favorite dance currently. LEARN IT!!!!! There are instruction videos for it on that guy's channel (he's our now-ex-director).
Gakko-Soran (Gakkouyoukyouzai version) is one of our most tiring dances. Skip to 2:24.
Soul of Toppu. I don't know this one yet.
Samurai. This one is just plain epic.
I'm not in any of the videos or that pic because I wasn't active in the group then.
Holy shit is Dead Space ever awesome. The atmosphere presented in the game both in graphics and audio is fantastic. Exploring this derelict vessel is marvelous with some downright creepy moments and brutally visceral combat. Some truly stunning visuals in the game. I'm currently at chapter 4 right now.
I'm off to go play some more of this game now.
Why can't we get cool shit like that?
SHAME on YOU Nintendo!!!
I'll just add a little
To phrase IDE another way, it's an editor, usually with visual editing, for development of programs including compiling. You're pretty much always going to want to use an IDE with Java because it's just such a pain to write out every requisite detail.
And rather than phrase it as "simpler JavaScript" versus "full Java," they're two completely different languages. There is nothing tying them together other than their similar name and as different as possible. JavaScript is essentially procedural while Java is object-oriented; client-side versus server-side (well, JSP anyway); interpreted versus compiled; weakly typed versus strongly typed. In short, they aren't comparable.
It's also notable that other than syntax highlighting there's not a whole lot to improve over plain text editing for JavaScript, particularly while doing the basics.
I am curious what your training exercises for JavaScript are. I've always thought of JavaScript as both a great and terrible beginners' programming language.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileBlah, all this talking about internet gibberish and Japanese dance performed by trannies is pussyfying this site.
Let me inject some manliness by showing the most FEARLESS ANIMAL ON EARTH
Watch it, and grow a dick, ladies
Bah, animals. Beware the ULTIMATE INSECT
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile