Ninokuni book contains hidden secrets
May use special magnifying glass
Toshidan returns to the Wii
Remember that PSX launch title that was a 3D Fighting Game?
Punk Rebel Ecks
Little Big Planet delayed/recalled.
Over some muslim thing, WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Yes, that's true, Studio Ghibli are doing a DS game and Joe Hisaishi is doing the music for it.
Warioland Shake It! Sold a little over 20,000 copies during the NPD according to IGN. Then again it was out for like what 2 or 3 days?
One of the site's forefathers.
Hybrid Gaming Systems: The Super Genintari
Have you guys seen this? Awesome!
You know what would be a good console? An old gameboy strapped to a PSP. We can call it the Playboy.
Please, if someone can find this on DVD for me to buy I will have your babies. I will have a sex change and have babies.
This is the 25th anniversary live Studio Ghibli concert that aired on japanese TV
Holy crap Dead Space is fanfuckingtastic. If you ever once complained about wanting more horror in your RE4 this is the game for you. Its no RE4 but in terms of atmosphere and creepiness its better. It has AAA production values all around. I am very impressed with this game.
He is a human but he is the completely silent type like Gordon, you see his face once at the start, thats it. The ship is an incredible place. I saw that movie once a long time ago so I dont remember much, its like Nostromo in that its dark, it has all metal pipes and stuff all over the place but it has a wide variety of sections. One area is the botonay lab and its covered in plants and vegetation. Another is the med lab so you see large testing areas. There is great variety in the location all the while keeping that inside a ship look. Its quite possibly the best realized spaceship in game history.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileHe is a engineer. So awesome!
Eurogamer said: they are not making them like they used to, but at least they are still making them. If I have the money I will buy that game, luke-warm or not.
Yes, but Fedor is also world champion Combat Sambo. You can see his Sambo uniform below. Pay special attention to his jacket.
In SF4 you have a character Abel!
You can clearly see he is wearing a Fedor's Sambo jacket! See, Fedor is in a video game
God I can't wait!
One of the site's forefathers.
I have to warn you Leo, Abel is wearing a cup, so lower your expectations!
Well I decided to get Dead Space now and hold off on Fable 2 for an extra week. After all the great reviews and impressions I just couldn't wait on this game any longer. Can't wait to start playing it. This is always a great time of year but man is it always hard on the wallet.
So yeah got Bleach Dark Souls in the mail yesterday. Really good game, but god damn at the awful story line and the dialogue.
One of the site's forefathers.
GTA IV is geting a lot more addictive...
Where are you up to?
EDIT: Nevermind, I got my response off you.
Let's just say Derrick's demons are dead.
Any kind of story in this game? What's going on then?
You know you loved it. And you would buy it too. Just to own the Playboy. Awww yeah.
LOL, that actually looks pretty similar.
He's a sock stuffer. It takes one to know one.
Get away from that stripclub Foolz, they are not real women. And no matter how long you stay there, they won't get the goods out. I know from experience
November the 15th release
I still need help on distinguishing the 80s TMNT series DVD releases from the newer series.
EDIT: Got the info I need finally:
Click DVDs. Unfortunately they are poorly treated in that they don't include all the episodes in the series and some are not in story or airing order.