Karateka Mania 'Aoi Inazuma' gameplay
Karate mini game from Rhythm Tengoku turned into a full blown game via pc homebrew
Capcom vs Tatsunoko Wii trailers
On Dailymotion much more superior than youtube
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"But at the same time, there's a little bit more personal elements in there, and some of the themes in the game with loss, retribution and the sadness of war, I think they're coming through a lot more in this game."
Wow, who'd have thought cliffy b would turn out to be the new hideo cojima
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Yeah there is a world map to explore and you're free to wander around like in the classic RPG sense. You have a map you can look at to see where all the towns and other locations are but the whole world isn't immediately visible. The map fills in as you explore. You can see enemies so you can avoid them if you want to so no random encounters. A neat aspect is that if you encounter an enemy and there other enemies in the immediate vicinity those other enemies will join the fight in what is called a Linked Encounter and you'll have to fight them all at once. They have to be very, very close by though so you won't get into big tough battles too often by accident.
Didn't Cliff do some commentary or something in the Metal Gear Solid 4 Collector's Edition? Perhaps a little of Kojima rubbed off on him. Why does that sentence sound a little nasty.
I liked this part:
"There's still a fair amount of jock, fratboy, macho bullshit in the game. I'm not going to lie."
He just described the first game.
How easy is it to avoid enemies and is there a harsh penatly if you do? i.e not levelled up enough to beat dungeons or bosses?
Is it better than Symphonia?
It's not really too difficult to avoid enemies but they're fairly competent too so they can catch you at times. I usually fight a good number of times while I'm exploring or travelling from location to location but I have yet needed to hang around any area to level grind for any bosses but the bosses do put up a good challenge without totally wiping the floor with me. I would say that while you don't want to charge through areas without battling any enemies there doesn't seem to be a necessity to hang around and level-grind for long periods of time so the game keeps moving at a really nice pace. There are difficulty levels and it looks like you can change it anytime during the game. Right now I've kept it at the default normal level.
Oh yeah it's better then Symphonia. I've played a few Tales games and ToS was the last one I played. Right now so far I would say this is the best in the series. Every aspect of the game is well done and run together quite smoothly together without any one thing that sticks out in a bad way.
Once we have a forum we can finish this discussion about standarization. Punk you better come with a good opening explaining your vision.
Fragile looks awesome, man I liked this game since the day it was announced.
Archie is visiting us more frequently, good. Come to the lightside!
And Yoda working on the new site.
All is well at Insert Coin.
I <3 that fragile screenshot of the crescent moon behind the feris wheel. it will my new computer screen background. thanks gg
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
See there is your compliment you little baby. Gigi do you feel better now? And no one game me compliments, so I am happy too!
Its in my Gamefly Q, so I'll be checking it out in the next few weeks. Sounds good.
Hai guys!
Holy SHIT those fragile screens look wonderful. Artstyle reminds me of Eternal Sonata. Hey, maybe now I can pick up Eternal Sonata, it must be cheaper. At any rate, thanks, man. I'm definitely picking this one up.
Iga, your updates are so dreamy! Thank you thank you thank you! *heart*
I missed the last part of the past week, so I dunno if anyone noticed my Baten Kaitos issue. I've been working my ass off these past few days, but tomorrow night I'll jump back into it. Any advice that can make the card based battle system less alien for me?
Morning all. Lovely, yet cold, day here in Melbourne.
Here's to another great week in news...and Vader freakouts...
Morning! Cold, what's the temperature there?
You cum guzzling sea monkey! Gigi did most of the updates, I only did the last six. Now go read the Kirby review it is hilarious.
So now it's Gigi?
I always knew he was a total slut.
Is Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles any good? Saw it a couple days ago. I'm getting more GameCube games lately than Wii360 ones.
Not unless you have 3 friend each with a GBA and a time to play with you through the whole adventure. Do you have Paper Mario: Thousand Years Door?
Crap. Waitaminute, GBA?
No. Is it good? Will it make me stop saying: "Fuck platformers"?