Karateka Mania 'Aoi Inazuma' gameplay
Karate mini game from Rhythm Tengoku turned into a full blown game via pc homebrew
Capcom vs Tatsunoko Wii trailers
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Wow new week
Yes but besides television (and this is a big stretch) there still isn't even somewhat close to the control Nintendo, Microsoft, and SONY have over the other companies. And Nintendo to Virtual Reality? Where'd you get that. Even so it would be dually supported like CD's and MP3's or Blu-Ray and Digital Downloads. What your doing is essentially thinking of how the current market would work under the standardization formula however this is false because the entire videogame market needs to be reconstructed from the ground up much like it was during the mid-to-late 80's.
I'm too scared to be honest.
One of the site's forefathers.
I take back what I said about SonChron. It's alright. It's not as bad as I originally thought it would be, but it certainly isn't the best Sonic game on the DS.
You should be.
They fuck up the characters and storylines badly. They make Goku a fucking outcast and almost a nerd. Bulma is a gun-wielding scientist. Krillin's only in the movie briefly, Yamcha has a key role...the Red Ribbon Army is also in the movie and they're trying to rebirth Piccolo...
God, I could go on. Should I just post the damned script?
Plus you could have guys from once competing companies teaming up to create mega-games...like Insomniac teaming up with Miyamoto or something of that nature.
I will continue to insist that the hardware issues surrounding standardization are far greater than examples used for DVD players. RAM, graphics card, CPU all affect relative performance. In order to have games run as they do now and not push consoles entirely into PCs would be to require VERY specific details in the hardware spec -- I mean the exact model of everything.
It's not simply a matter of a disc format, then hardware to read that disc. Games render using the hardware. It would be a nightmare to get agreement while very little potential decrease in price. Meanwhile you're eliminating the option of the Wii vs 360/PS3 scenario of a cheaper alternative with lesser hardware.
Additionally, gaming is an active experience, whereas movies are passive. Games at their core are a sequence of inputs. Standardizing hardware standardizes input, and consequently stagnates game design.
The all-games-under-one-platform fairy tale would be a complete disaster.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobilePunk for Virtual Reality 1-1 motion is also needed, so that so can act as naturally as in reality. The Wii-interface (read interface not Nintendo as company) is a step closer to this natural movement than the old controllers.
So how do you propose to make a standarised video game market? What about handhelds? And more importantly what about new ideas? If some one has a radical different idea, how would that fit the standard?
And where do you get the idea that 3rd parties are suffering under "evil" Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft? They seem to be doing fine, it is the hardware companies that are strugling. They take the most profit, because they take the most risk. It is only fair.
Just so everyone knows, I am working on the new site (hence you haven't seen any changes here in a while). It will be a few weeks yet at least, but it's coming, and it will be significant.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileMake a standardized video game market? Simple have all companies be able to make a console that has a unified medium and upgradable specs. As what the standard specs would be? Well only time will tell when that will happen as we are quickly hitting the wall for tech in gaming, well at least for the majority audience.
Handhelds? Same thing with laptops and portable DVD players just make the consoles smaller.
New Ideas? That certainly didn't stop the revolution known as the IPOD with it's data music and iTunes store or the IPHONE with it's touch screen, why would gaming be any different?
And we aren't saying that SONY, Nintendo, and Microsoft are "evil" but that they are limiting what developers can and cannot due to some of their policys (SONY's no straight to 2D ports policy, Microsoft's must have Xbox Live policy and strict XBLA policies, Nintendo's strict downloadable content policy, etc.) not to mention the "tech picking" example I gave before.
Again you are looking at this the wrong way. If this was true then how has PC gaming stayed afloat so long without such competition and companies running the show? Not to mention that graphics and tech are quickly reaching there end. There are very few games that still push tech hell very few games that couldn't be done on the Wii's tech level outside of their visuals. The models don't have to be exact but they can be similar. Yes you may get performance differences (like in PC Gaming) but this is about as big as a deal of the difference of sound quality in MP3 players or different picture quality in TV's. If you want to watch those high tech Blu-ray movies upgrade your TV, you want to play Crysis? upgrade your PC.
Cheaper Alternatives with Less Hardware? If anything this would dramatically increase it. Just look at any other medium industry as price collapses happen when more companies enter in to compete against for a slice of pie.
This isn't a "fairy-tale" this is a very realistic reality. Again you can't look at it as "switching the current industry to that state" it has to be completely reborn similar to how it was in the mid-to-late 80's.
I'm now terrified.
One of the site's forefathers.
PC gaming is an involved process because of the hardware issues; you don't just pop the disc in and go. As I said, you'd have to turn consoles into PCs to make it work, which is a waste of time when we already have PCs.
And PCs "stay-afloat" because it's a ubiquitous platform. They are not dedicated gaming machines and are there regardless.
You also seem to have completely missed the basis of my objection with your insistence that other mediums having hardware competition lowering the price. This is due to the option of cheaper production. In order to have standardized consoles, the hardware still has to be IDENTICAL. Identical parts and you don't have those cheaper alternatives.
And no, again it is not comparable to televisions or MP3 players. Those output a signal, games require actual processing and rendering. Performance issues on consoles DESTROY THE GAMES.
Let's for a minute assume your scenario. One platform. Let's call it Superconsole. Here's Super Mario Superconsole: How do you tell if or how well it will run? Are we going to look at the box and see "Minimum system requirements"? If so, what is the point of this and how is it not just a PC? If not, how can the specs of the Superconsole vary between manufacturers and not be an unmitigated disaster?
Let's also address this "rebirth" idea. Movies have multiple hardware manufacturers because the creators of the mediums used, such as Toshiba and the DVD, benefit from releasing the codec and medium for reading. In the case of games, the content of the disc must be created with an assumption about the hardware used to read it and in that, while a DVD is a DVD hardware-wise, one game is not the equivalent of another. How then does it ever get a rebirth when parties can't simply release and wait for the disc to be read, and when a company such as Nintendo has nothing to gain from it?
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileWho says that the product doesn't have to be identicle? It is as I've said the hardware manufactures would make consoles with similar specs and builds. You are also acting like every PC game to come out has tons of bugs and problems when that isn't the case and that won't be the case especially if specs were similar across the platforms. Even if the "similar specs" is still too different then I don't see why ATI or NVIDIA would make standard video cards for the platforms to make them have similar performance the same goes with Intel and Asus.
With the "Super Console" approach again you don't understand what I am giving. The majority of the platforms will have similar specs to one another so games should run similar. There could be games that go past that and that would result in just upgrading the console as games like Half-Life 2 and Crysis have shown very healthy markets for that.
Yes Nintendo, SONY, and Microsoft have nothing to gain from it but every publisher and developer certainly has a lot to. If a company offers such a reality to them they'll surely take it. And third party royalties are the main reason companies go into console making in the first place (Nintendo is the only exception).
EDIT -So yeah I'm now playing "The Witcher" great game so far.
One of the site's forefathers.
Will it have a forum?

Can't wait.
Handheld to be mini-consoles? So say goodbye to the DS! Your idea will create one console. You like it fine, you don't though luck.
About iPod: the thing followed no standard. It destroyed the standarized music industry. The other copied iPod and a new industry is born. The same thing can happen to you Super Console. Heck the Wii is now doing what the iPod was doing.
My God man, how many games can one person buy?
I've wanted the 3DO aka DVD licencing model for a few years now. I just don't see how this system benefits consumers that much. Sure there are some benefits but does that outweigh the one huge benefit of being able to play every game on your system?
That's very true. I guess I'm just precious about having ideas protected. Back in early 2000 I was on magazine and the production team was telling me about how they instituted this design that was then copied by a boat load of other mags. I'm a writer too, so if someone took my idea and made it their own I would be pissed. But image is a different beast. Overall I just want to see more ideas and creativity.
That's the problem is that there are a small number of hardware makers who can effectively choke the industry. If there was like a gaming consortium they could agree on specs and controllers and licence the tech so that people could make them dvd player style. Sure you would have cheap crap dvd players and really expensive great ones. But like others have said it wont happen because the big 3 have nothing to gain.
I loved it, but there was one thing that drove me mad. It was just like reading a comic book in that it always left you on a cliffhanger and you had to wait till the next week. Just like the X-men cartoon. Damnit.
3DO Interactive Multiplayer (often called simply 3DO) was a video game console originally produced by Panasonic in 1993. Further renditions of the hardware were released in 1994 by Sanyo and Goldstar. The consoles were manufactured according to specifications created by The 3DO Company, and were originally designed by Dave Needle and RJ Mical of New Technology Group. The system was conceived by entrepreneur and EA Games founder Trip Hawkins.[2]
Despite a highly-promoted launch (including being named Time Magazine's "1994 Product of the Year") and a host of cutting-edge technologies, the 3DO's high price ($699.95 USD at launch), limited 3rd-party developer support, and an over-saturated console market prevented the system from achieving success comparable to competitors Sega and Nintendo.[2]
The original edition of the console, the FZ-1, was referred to in full as the 3DO REAL Interactive Multiplayer. The console had advanced hardware features at the time: an ARM60 32-bit RISC CPU, two custom video co-processors, a custom 16-bit DSP and a custom math co-processor. It also featured 2 megabytes of DRAM, 1 megabyte of VRAM, and a double speed CD-ROM drive for main CD+Gs or Photo CDs (and Video CDs with an add-on MPEG video module).[2] The 3DO included the first music visualizer in a game console, converting CD music to a mesmerizing color pattern. The controller was also original for its time; a headphone jack and volume dial was available at the bottom of the initial version.
ModelsTrip Hawkins interview:
Why do you think that the 3DO was a commercial failure, why you thought it would be a success when he started it, and what you would have done differently knowing what you know now?
Chris A.
That one would take a book! The main reasons are that a new game console needs a prominent, leading manufacturer to commit more than $2 billion in capital. This convinces the industry that an installed base will truly exist, and that makes the industry willing to support the platform. 3DO never had that; it was intended to be a looser federation like Dolby Labs, but that doesn't seem to work with new consoles because you need entirely new games to motivate the consumer to purchase.
Did the updates. Shower me with praise or poo, your choice.
Now, some guy at NeoGAF got Aquanaughts holiday on PS3:
Some other guy WYWY said:
"OK I've spent about 3 hours with this.
As a sign of the kind of the 'free-roam' play-style here, my progress is pretty different from Johnnyram, seeing and experiencing different things. I stick much closer to the story as I progress. There's actually a pretty good mystery story here. You can go exploring wherever you want to, but following the story will guide and aid your exploration progress. Oh it won't turn totally linear, consider it along the lines of "you can go to A,B,C,D or E but maybe you can try A or C first. But you can always come back later if you don't want to".
Following the story will also gain you upgrades and stuff, such as increasing the battery capacity, allowing you to deploy the NaSU thingees that allow you to "shortcut" to selected areas instantly, etc.
And I'll have to say, at this early stage the story - though 'just' a missing person mystery - is already superior to 99% of the jrpg nonsense we usually get. A boon for those who enjoy a nice plot."
From what I can see, the HD resolution makes this game too unrealistic looking. It's far too clean looking and seeing all this unnatural fancy mapping just puts me off. That screen of the giant squid is pretty telling to me. For instance in Endless Ocean you encounter this beast in the abyss, a jet black area where it moves in and out of your grainy torchlight. I also don't like the idea of being stuck in a submarine as oppossed to freely swimming about in my scuba gear. I also like the interactions with animals in E0. Having that three tier system meant that I could do one level and then the replayability was there on the next dive uncovering that bit more info. This game looks cool though and if I had a PS3, frankly I would buy this game because of Endless Ocean, like this guy did. It's that great of an experience to me.
Did you check out http://www.grsites.com ?
It has some good stuff.
Duke Nukem Forever
Arc Rise
CV Judgement
Holy crap
Deathnote the game on the Wii! Oh wait it is Castlevania, never mind!
Check out the most awesome Kirby Review ever!
As always, Kirby tortures his foes to death by eating them, stripping the flesh from their bones, then spit out their corpse/eat their brains to gain their fighting abilities.
If that wasn’t enough, Kirby can saw open his enemies’ skull, and replace the brain with a mind control chip; transforming it to a helper.
Awesome review
They should make a comedy Kirby game, where he wears a rambo style headband and has twin Uzi's and drives jeeps and blows shit up.
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