Karateka Mania 'Aoi Inazuma' gameplay
Karate mini game from Rhythm Tengoku turned into a full blown game via pc homebrew
Capcom vs Tatsunoko Wii trailers
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Muramasa, is an action game right? I would not call in a sequel!
Do you guys know the background of Muramasa? I explained it earlier, but I think it was ignored!
I'm usually fine with Nintendo's hardware updates, but the DSi is particularly insulting. A rather lousy camera, and features that could have been applied as an add-on to the DS as it is. Instead in order to actually download games, they're going to tell to current owners to buy a new one?
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileOh My God.
They bumped up the above ground visuals.
One of the site's forefathers.
The DSi. Iwata is thrilled.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileIt's a spritual sequel much how Odin Sphere was to Princess Crown.
One of the site's forefathers.
Just watch a tutorial of how to do it properly when you start playing, and then apart from learning the more complex ones, you shouldn't have too much trouble pulling them off. Agree about the graphics though, everything comes together very nicely!
Wow, Oboro. See this is what I'm talking about with regards to taste. Some people will shrug at this game, others will cream their pants.
The solution sounds like ass, or good, depending on your sources. If you can actually play VC games from the SD card than cool. If you actually have to delete your onboard wii memory and copy it across from an SD card then it is complete ASS.
What if the when you click on the game saved in the SD card, the game is loaded automatcally to the Wii? Play another game and another game is loaded to the Wii.
Marumasa and Sin and Punishment is like sex with Zemanova and Ozawa together at the same, while riding a bike full speed over a ramp, jumping over a tank filled with robot sharks that fire lasers from their frickng eyes, while playing the ukelele. Yep, that awesome!
I said that because of E3's change more games would be announced at TGS and to be patient, especially because of the timing of E3 and how nintendo rushed out all their great franchises just before E3.
This conference has great stuff but it's still not enough for me personally. I want to see some more 3rd parties committing to bigger games and 3 Retro studios architects leaving worries me. Wonder what this cosmic rider game is like? It better not be some on rails kirby type racing game.
That could actually work very well with VC games apart from N64 games which take minutes to download. But it would be pretty useless for WiiWare games or any 3-D game with a larger file size.
Well than they have to do it in steps, level for level if you will. That would explain why it is taking so long, they probably have to optimize all the N64 and Wiiware game to be able to do it! Or not!
Yay! Punch Out? I'm in, baby. I'm fucking in. They better cram in there the most amazing, ball-kicking, ass imploding fighter roster EVER! I wanna see them all! Bald Bull, Mr. Sandman, Don Flamenco, Super Macho Man, leave nobody behind!
You know, I haven't even bought an SD card yet, so I have no clue about what you guys are talking.
Endless Ocean 2? I HELPED! And I'm down for this one as well. Yay!
Oh fuck, another DS? Will it be the same price? Now I won't be getting a Lite.
Iga, talk me about Muramasa.
And do it while you get naked.
DSi will be more expensive, plus it won't be able to play GBA games. So you won't be able to play Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga. The best RPG ever! Unless you can download GBA games, than buy it. About Punch-Out they should have Klitschko as the final boss. Klitschko's Punch Out.
Actually, I missed that part about the missing GBA slot. I guess a Lite offers better value.
Okay *strips slowly
Muramasa I a legendary sword and the counterpart to the famous Masamune. Masamune is said to be benevolent, while Muramasa I said to be evil and drive the user into a bloodlust. It is said that once drawn, it needs to draw blood, even if it means killing the user.
Are you feeling horny already Steel?
dVader thanks for the synopsis to the Nintendo conference, I wasn't following it as it was happening so it was quite overwhelming to come here and find all of that suddenly.
i'm excited about a lot of what I read, especially things like the new Endless Ocean game, also the new DS i guess, i'm a sucker i admit it ... i have a fat original, a dslite and i see me getting one of these new ones if i am still financially sound in these uncertain times we're going through. The Punch-Out announcement is kind of wasted on me as I haven't played either of the old punch-outs but it's nice to observe the excitement. I was wishing the revived Nintendo franchise though would be F-zero or PilotWings and for that reason i'm more sad than i am happy about Punch-Out. A new Sin and Punishment ... and one with Wii controls is definitely a buy for me also.
Iga ... while you're naked ... i too need some info regarding the Odin Sphere/Oboru line of games. That game you said Odin Sphere was a spiritual sequel to, how old is it? what machine was it on? how would it compare to odin sphere today?
... and how could i forget Mario and Luigi 3, the first two (especially superstar saga) are among my favourite games ever
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Sort of.
Once I read that japanese swords are made by folding the steel sheet a hundredfuckingbillion times. That gives them flexibility and hardness.
Yeah it was a pretty good fight, he took a few swings, I countered. But some things were said that I just have trouble even comprehending, that Edge post pretty much described it perfectly.
As for Wii Music, for all I know its an awesome game, I dont care. What it is for me is a symbol. Its a symbol of everything I dont want from Nintendo. Now they are making a freaking ton of money off of it so by all means do it, just dont put so much focus on it, its like turning a knife wound. For instance showcase Punch-Out as much as you would Wii Music, balance it out. Bah they are a business, they are doing what is right for them doesn't mean I have to like it. But yeah I am going to have complete irrational hate toward Wii music.