Rumored Rock Band 2 Track List
Submitted by a QA who supposedly wrote down as many songs as he could remember, he came up with about 60 of the rumored 80 track list
Mercenaries 2: WiFi 'Recon' Trailer
Mercenaries 2 is a sandbox shooter for the 360,PS3, and PC platforms
Velvet Assassin 'Killer' Trailer
Velvet Assassin is an action game coming to the PC , 360
Patapon 2 Announced
Detailed in Famitsu, Sony has a sequel in the works for the PSP
High Quality Killzone 2 Screens
Most of the screens are old, but have not been seen at as high of quality as these
Trauma Center 2 Demo Available
Demo can be downloaded on the Nintendo Channel
Ngamer - Animal Crossing and Punch-out
says Animal Crossing is finished at not a MMO and Punch-out has balance board support
Resident Evil Zero Wii edition impressions.
Nothing is changed. Wii controls detailed.
Tons of info on Pokemon Platnium
Hits Sept. 13 in Japan, additions described.
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Recently Spotted:
SupremeAC (4m)
What's all this testy and dick talk?
I was about to put my preorder in for Captain Rainbow at PlayAsia, got totally distracted and filled out the shipping address information all wrong!
But seriously folks, if I can make one teensie suggestion:
There should be a games discussion section of insert coin AND a social discussion section...
It's nearly impossible to follow one discussion or another, separate the news from the side talk, the jokes and personal convos...
Some of us want to see more games discussion and be subjected to less female-tennis-player-camel-toe or smugly, fugly, male-tennis-player-ball-sack-exposing yoga poses...
Everything about the site is great so far, it's just a tiny bit disorganized.
I said at the very beginning that maybe it would be helpful to have two separate boards. One for gaming, one for OT shit.
What's that Capt. Rainbow game about, Leo? Does it involve wangs?
at that cameltoe Hingis pic. Haven't noticed it before.
And they made one of the best games ever made because of it, your point is... the people that complained, well lets say people complain about everything. Zelda: TP is a masterpiece. Thankfully I will take your advice and not listen to you.
Ohhh snap!
I noticed that pic, I didn't want to say anything cause I was afraid her vagina would eat me. It has teeth!
EDIT: Yeah Leo is right, as I said we should have a forum for dedicated games and then keep this place for general news and shenanigans.
So you guys have noticed it too. I thought I was the only one. By the way I kinda like the disorganized thing here, but I do agree that we need a seperate forum.
P.S. Leo did you just call Nole fugly? You sir have no taste!
Omg we can't have a little off topic discussion? Its not like it was taking up the whole board, in case you missed it we just had a big discussion about IR Sensors, Motion Control, and the next generation of consoles. I don't mean to be an asshole, but I thought the whole reason behind this site wasn't just for news, was so that we could engage in some lighthearted discussion free of restrictions...If you want organized, post on GS, thats how I feel.
Stop bitching. Asshole.
If the mods could say that at GS it would be such a better place.
(Not that I think hires is an a-hole, your awesome, just love the funny comment Steel made.)
Haha, glad to know that others saw the camel's toe, too. Must be really sandy and dry, ya think?
Anyway, more on-topic stuff: The only plausible ways I can think of to make a practical pointer-capable controller are to make it gun-like or wand-shaped (the latter being what the Wii employs). It seems to me that both options have the ability to improve aim and precision, but at the cost of controller complexity in number of buttons or, more generally, functions. This is due to the need for stability as I've mentioned in relation to the above mock-ups. Today's traditional controllers owe their practicality and utility to the fact that they can and do extend into the center from the sides. Functional units (buttons, sticks, d-pads, etc.) can be placed away from the grips without negative consequences because there is another hand holding the controller to keep it steady and in place.
All modern controllers that I am aware of limit the face button layout so that the outer-most functional unit is above the grip on either side, centered or off-center--this is due to our thumbs' flexibility. This provides the outer boundary for functional units on the face of the controller. The inner boundary is, at smallest, as far in as it takes for both thumbs, extended horizontally, to touch (for small controllers); and at greatest, as far in as the thumbs will go without making one reposition one's hand on the grip. However, the issue of comfort further limits functional unit placement. While it could be argued that buttons such as "Start" and "Select" could be placed anywhere on the face, buttons, sticks, etc. should only be placed in regions that are comfortably reached without repositioning of the hand being necessary.
With a split DualShock-style controller, repositioning would likely be necessary to attempt to handle the controller comfortably and well, as I explained previously. With this type of controller, there is that additional contraint on where functional units can be placed. We know that either type of single-hand controller I mentioned (gun or wand) can have at least one functional unit (probably only feasibly a button) on the underside, and the gun-type may have a stick on the upper grip or the face immediately above the grip, but I don't know how well it would work, since it would obstruct any face buttons. So without being able to fathom how such an arrangement on a gun-type would work, we might want to think about how the stick would work on a controller like the one that Rag posted a pic of. In my opinion, the stick's placement is outside of the physical boundary I stipulated above. Finally, I just don't see how a stick would work well at all on a wand-type controller. The kind of grip we use for objects of that shape just doesn't seem like it would comfortably accomodate something sticking a centimeter or so above the surface on any part of the face, which we would be using extensively and moving in all directions.
Even if we solved the stick problem, there would then be the problem of button placement. They must be placed so as to allow for fluid play in speedy games such as Ninja Gaiden. Given the stability issues I talked about with sticks, we should assume that face buttons have the same boundary conditions on a single-hand controller. However, I believe those same boundary conditions rule out button placement such as we have with the 1, 2, "+", and "-" buttons on the Wiimote, and even the d-pad is a little too far away for comfort. I certainly would not have designed the controller in such a way. So there is, ideally, less space for buttons on a wand-type controller than what the Wiimote gives us. And because we need both comfort and quick access, the buttons must lie on the top, facing vertically, since our thumb has to both manage a stick and have quick access to buttons.
All of this reasoning leads me to believe that a stick can not be paired with face buttons on a single-hand controller.
The above makes me think that there is no way to incorporate pointer functionality into the right-hand side of a split traditional-style controller, as the right stick would have nowhere to go. So it looks like it's one or the other, traditional or non-, unless we want to have a traditional controller that splits, as in the previous picture, although I think that would make the right stick useless.
You can tell it's not a 360/PS3 game, but those lighting effects make it look awesome! It reminds me of HL2.
whatever assholes!
What happened to Insert Coin's new cat? Is he still alive? Was he named Higgins?
I've been wondering the same thing, I need to stay updated on the status of this cat's name.
The cat was crushed by Steel's massive balls!
P.S. Master Higgins is an awesome name for a cat don't you think.