Rumored Rock Band 2 Track List
Submitted by a QA who supposedly wrote down as many songs as he could remember, he came up with about 60 of the rumored 80 track list
Mercenaries 2: WiFi 'Recon' Trailer
Mercenaries 2 is a sandbox shooter for the 360,PS3, and PC platforms
Velvet Assassin 'Killer' Trailer
Velvet Assassin is an action game coming to the PC , 360
Patapon 2 Announced
Detailed in Famitsu, Sony has a sequel in the works for the PSP
High Quality Killzone 2 Screens
Most of the screens are old, but have not been seen at as high of quality as these
Trauma Center 2 Demo Available
Demo can be downloaded on the Nintendo Channel
Ngamer - Animal Crossing and Punch-out
says Animal Crossing is finished at not a MMO and Punch-out has balance board support
Resident Evil Zero Wii edition impressions.
Nothing is changed. Wii controls detailed.
Tons of info on Pokemon Platnium
Hits Sept. 13 in Japan, additions described.
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Recently Spotted:
SupremeAC (3m)
I'm glad you guys finally noticed....that's why I picked that picture. But no, not dry. I'm willing to bet its wet and tastes like peach.
Very true.....maybe people would lighten up a bit like, I don't know...the OLDE GAMESPOT/VIDEOGAMES.COM??!!
Now that looks badass. I mean, in all the other pics I've seen I thought it looked GOOD, but not the incredible Wii pusher that it was hyped to be. But this pic is definitely pretty rad looking....the insane colors and whatnot are definitely Beyond Xbox 180. I hope that's a good indication of how the final game will look.
I agree. It made my balls tickle as well. Cmon, doesn't anyone else think Bond looks pretty killer?
Weekly Extra!
New Conduit Wii Screens
Eric: The single-player portion of the game is near the point of being just bug fixes and fine tuning. And polish, polish, polish. A lot of our team and development effort is moving to multiplayer now.
Eric: Yes, Medal of Honor Heroes 2 was a source of control inspiration, but we believe we've taken things even a step further. In MoHH2, you were able to adjust things like dead zone size, player turning speed and cursor sensitivity via a paused menu. In The Conduit, you can adjust these and other options in real time. That means you don't have to go back and forth to get the feel of your changes; you see them instantly and can tell if your adjustments are working for you. We are also taking some inspiration from Smash Bros. Brawl and will be allowing players to customize their control layouts. Don't like using the B button to shoot? Map it to the button you prefer. Like to use a certain Wii-Remote motion for something? You will be able to map to those too.
IGN: Sounds great. We've posted some new screens that show off some additional graphic effects for the game. How much of your tech are you hoping to implement into the final product?
Eric: All of it. [laughs] Seriously, we wouldn't be showing this stuff off if we weren't planning on using it and using it a lot. Some really fantastic graphical improvements came on line recently. Our artists and engineers are so amazing! I just wanted to give them all a big hug.
IGN: Tell us about the online experience you're hoping to deliver.
Eric: Our current multiplayer benchmarks are 16 players and we will definitely have the standard modes like Deathmatch and Capture the Flag. We are still exploring the possibilities and depending on how things go, we will have more. But we want to make certain that our online experience is solid and if that means sacrificing some other modes or features to do that, we will. We are choosing quality over quantity.
Comparison shots:
The giant "tank bugs":
I just don't see the way that wii games have been dumbed down in relation to controls personally. Again Twilight princess is a game that seamlessly blends a multitude of gameplay styles and yet the way EAD has used the wiimote controls is pretty much perfect.
I guess prime 3 is a decent example, you can even you trace this back in time to Perfect dark and Turok 2 with their weapon selection wheels. In prime 3 to change visors you use one button and you can literally point to the screen to change visors. Compare that to having 4 different directions on a d-pad in prime 1 and 2? You lose nothing and yet everything is smooter, more seamless, more intuitive and less hassle. You can maintain the same level of control in an easier form and lose nothing.
Most of the wii's shooters are old school in design, but that's not because of the controls or the technology, it's because there just haven't been many good developers putting in the effort to make a high calibre game. Wii's second best shooter is made by a PSP developer: Team Fusion.
Otherwise, personally I'm playing bioshock and Halo 3 and unless you are talking graphics I'm seeing absolutely nothing in design terms that couldn't be done on an Xbox level machine. That goes for HL2 as well which actually was on Xbox.
I love the shield bump with the nunchuk. And you can't forget the fishing either. Fishing was tops.
In all seriousness, that's just weird man
Reeeeeally weird. Did you put the controls to advanced in the options? Because you don't have to go anywhere near the edge of the screen to aim. I think you're definitely in the minority here, most reviews and gamers were wowed by the controls. I like them so much that going back to playing primes 1 and 2 just doesn't feel right anymore.
I kinda like the random way we can go off topic or whatever. If you want to join a conversation you can just quote the person you want or stick the topic in capital letters at the top of a post. I think you need to read the weekly thread from the beggining, i.e monday morning and follow it from there. You can't just jump in a guess.
From my old blog I thought it might be interesting to discuss the controls and what not given what it does.
I find myself interested in wii shooters simply because of the very method of interaction. MOH2 is no exception.
The game has next generation controls for FPS, it feels like the next step and truly shows what the wii controller can bring to the mix. It has this marvelous analogue lean feature where you hold down A to zoom in, then tilt the nunchuk left and right to lean out from cover. It sounds mildly complicated in theory, but in practive is brilliantly intuitive and deadly accurate. Let me try and explain it a little better. In other games you sort of lock behind some cover and push a button and your character just pops out at a predetermined angle and position.
In MOH2 you have what is called an analogue lean, with the nunchuk you can lean out a fraction of an inch if you should so desire, you have a minute, intricate level of control over your lean that is so pronounced that you can literally open up that tiny space to pop a shot off through. The brilliant thing about this is that it is wholly intuitive, fast as hell and deadly accurate. It's really a superb feature that other Wii shooters need to adopt.
Another feature that I love is the sniper aiming. The problem with sniper rifles in wii games is that the controller is so gosh darn accurate that sniping would be too easy and not satisfying enough. Red steel tried quite unssuccessfully to balance things by obscuring the screen.
MOH2 has you rotating your wrist to sort of rachet in and out the zoom, again, given a minute toying about it's terrifically intuitive and satisfying. What the game does is read the IR and your level of twist. Again it gives you a level an unbelievable level of zoom control, you have no need for another stick or to use separate buttons to zoom in and out. It's almost arcade like in the sense that it is again, fast as hell, deadly accurate and a ton of fun to boot. This is another clever example of no dumbing down, simply using the features of the system to bring about a greater level of control and design and yet sacrificing nothing in the translation.
The battle actions are clever and well thought out, nothing to sniff at if you've tried the abysmal and broken action commands of COD3 on wii.
The game has great graphics too, for the wii on an SDTV. I'm a sucker for bloom and frankly most 360 and ps3 games use bloom so much that my mind has associated it with prettiness. Some of the textures on close inspection are blurry but the overall affect, while bloom addled, is colourful and sharp and smooth. It reminds me of Xbox Half life 2 only at a rock solid frame rate and with cleaner textures - try out the ruined city level.
Unfortunately this title has last generation design and feels very much like frontline which is a few years old now. The nazi's all seem to be crack shots and can shoot a coin at half a mile away it seems, with a pistol or machine gun. At times this game in its normal mode is very tough, you can find yourself in situations where you are shooting almost at a dot, because the dot can shoot you grrrrr....
I'm only at the second level so far and mildly enjoying it. The team needs to be unleashed on an original shooter, because the WW2 setting brings nothing but comtempt and apathy from me. Oh and all the protracted debates we had about turning in wii shooters, is out of the door now. You turn like bloody lightning normally and there is even a quickturn where you can flick your nunchuk and do an instant 180 - however the turning is so godamn fast I can see no reason to use it. So there. In this game you have the option to tweak your controls to the ninth degree, manipulating and tweaking every aspect until you are comfortbale.
I've just passed the monastary level and I'm enjoying it a little bit more. It really kicks your ass and it's a very skill based even on normal difficulty you can get killed in seconds by a flurry of machine gun hail.
So you have to use cover, it's a cover based game essentially and rewards speed and skill which makes it feel very old school in a way and quite satisfying in that respect. The levels are too long however, they need mid-way save points as oppossed to mid-way checkpoints.
Graphically for some strange reason it keeps reminding me of Oblivion. Some of its external levels do have that bloom blinds you in the face look that oblivion had and the soft colour and lighting of rolling fields. I think this proves for my money that you could get a decent looking version of Oblivion on the Wii, with a few funnelpoint load sections like Twilight Princess.
MOH2 is getting slightly better, it's fun to play but I think I'd 8.0 it or maybe slightly less (having now completed it I would bump that up a couple of notches), not that there's anything wrong with it, it just doesn't endear itself enough. It is a real test of skill which is refreshing in a shooter these days with dual analogue and auto aim.
I think this game is a few steps away from being really good. It's got great graphics, excellent controls which make it a real test of skill and kind of brings things back to shooters being about testing your actual real life reactions, co-ordination and accuracy and not just waiting for a massive ass reticule to line up with a slow ass enemy and squeezing a shoulder button.
If it had a tad more variety and a different setting and a half decent story it would be a 9 + game. I really think these developers need to be given a chance by EA to do an original wii shooter. They put in much more effort than virtually any other 3rd party to make a hardcore, fully fleshed out presentationally (at least) game.
Because of the generic setting it's not a title that will stick in my mind and be remembered for years to come, but it's piqued my interest to see what they will do next. LOL knowing EA it will be Medal of Honor Heroes 3...
It's just a whole hell of a lot more fun when you're not having to constantly re-adjust your reticule with something as unresponsive (with shooting that is) as an analogue stick.
Guys, just yes. Yes it tickled my balls.
Hey everyone! I found out why GodMode hasn't been visiting all that often!
He secretly got Wii Fit and has been addicted ever since!
Here's some secret footage of him playing the game!
Are you implying that Metroid Prime 3 is a lowly shooter?!
That's not James Bond, those are crabs.
Fuck yes!
Not at all. You know I love that game and if it weren't for mario galaxy that would have been my GOTY.
But if we are talking FPS on wii there is a shallow pool. You have Red Steel, COD 3, MOH2, MP3. Then trash.
Red Steel and MOH2 with tweaking could easily be 9.0 games at least.
COD3 was hampered by broken battle actions, mid-90s design and poor visuals.
Red Steel had major polish and control issues, they rushed it out.
MOH2 suffered from being set in such a generic, well beaten path.
Apart from that there is.... the conduit? It's looking better but it's again not from a AAA FPS developer, all the big guys are concentrating on high definition games and insane produciton values. Which is fine. But I'm just saying that it's not like you have the best guys even making wii FPS so you can't just make a general assumption that wii is a bad platform for FPS based on shitty or incomplete games being released. This goes for all genres really when it comes to 3rd parties, who use the system as a dumping ground.
Well the Wii COULD be great for shooters. I mean, people seem to forget its more powerful than Gamecube and Xbox, which were great for obviously the Wii could have a bunch of great shooters too. IF the effort was there.
Its not the fault of the system. Its the fault of software makers. I mean Imagine if Valve made an exlusive Wii shooter and put 100% effort into it? I'm sure it would be incredible.
I think every development house worth their salt should at least make 1 high-level Wii game.
I kinda of look at HL2 on Xbox, it still looked pretty good. With Wii aiming and using the Wii's power it could be crisper and more detailed and run at a better frame rate and I'm totally okay with those visuals or even the visuals of Prime 3.
Given the sort of controls you are seeing in prime 3 or MOH2 you could have something pretty special. I was kinda disheartened by Valve they paid lipservice to the system for the longest time than later said that their Wii effort would be for the kids. Ehhh.
IGN keeps saying that Red steel 2 is in development and that ubisoft want it to be good. Well, it's E3 next week so it better be shown. Even that game had some decent visuals. I think at launch no one had access to component cables and people were playing wii on HDTVs which would have made everything look like crap. The nicer areas of RS on my SDTV looked just like most of the screens I have seen that some people keep insisting are fake.
This area actually looked better in game with a ninja in your face and lightning crashing down about you. The game even had this faux
3-d effect around the characters which whilst not amazing, simulated a sort of chunky normal mapped look. Admittedly not amazingly well or anything. But the game was just completely visually incosistent with some N64 textures next to Xbox like textures. If the control were as good as MOH2 and it was polished the game would be a 9+ IMHO.
Here is the last bit of the Eurogamer review:
"Red Steel is an old-fashioned game at heart, linear and cheesy and a bit inflexible, but also responsive, explosive and often greatly entertaining. It has inspired moments and a substantial single-player venture, but the whole thing is undermined by the terrible presentation and the all-permeating impression that Red Steel isn't quite finished, from the story-board-sketch cut-scenes to the jerky animation and weird, basic, placeholder textures. It's never enough to stop Red Steel from being enjoyable, but in an age where we expect our FPSs to be beautiful as well as action-packed, it's just not up to standard. Red Steel is a prototype - it does just enough to show that a Wii first-person action game could be genuinely superb, but sadly, it never capitalises upon that potential itself." 6/10
The following screens are much smaller and thus appear much sharper than the game actually is. So it's not representative in terms of resolution but those are enviroments in the game as they appear. What you can't see if the slowdown and inconsistent frame rate in some areas.
I wish Rare had stayed with Nintendo. Star Fox Adventures--a Gamecube game--looks better graphically than all other Wii games; including Nintendo's own games! I poped that game in a couple months ago, and I was still completely amazed by what Rare managed to do with the GC.
GG is was only joking. You know acting mad for people calling Metroid a shooter, because metroid is a Shooter/Platformer/Adventure hybrid. So the genre of Metroid is well Metroidvania and not a mere shooter. I wasn't really mad or something. So the best FPS on the Wii is MoH 2.
You know what I want to see in E3? Sin and Punshiment 2. The only thing holding the original back was the controls. This game begs for wiimote nunchuck control.
Oh no I wasn't talking about graphics at all, I was talking purely about FPSs, and purely about design.
Where the fuck is the Muon, anyway?
1st Max Payne Trailer, looks okay, but I agree with the site that the character in the movie seems to be more on the lines of Constantine than the totally badass yet somewhat demented character that we first met in the original Max Payne...Mark Walhberg looks better as Max than I expected, but still not as good as they could of done, and Mila Kunis just doesn't look anything like Mona whatsoever. These guys are idiots, Thomas Jane would have been perfect, and Aaron Eckhart
I think a better Mona would have been much easier to come by:, Amanda Peet, Winona Ryder, Mia Kirshner, or Jennifer Connolly all would have better picks IMO.
Amanda Peet ^ Winona Ryder ^ Mia Kirshner ^
I played it a few months back really was one of the absolute best looking Gamecube games. But dude, its not better looking than Galaxy or Corruption; I suggest you pop those in again. Its not better looking than many top tier Gamecube games either. One of the best looking, but not THE best looking. Its about on the level of Metroid Prime.
I've wanted to absolutely obliterate Wynona Ryder since I was just a little pup. In a sexual way.