Rumored Rock Band 2 Track List
Submitted by a QA who supposedly wrote down as many songs as he could remember, he came up with about 60 of the rumored 80 track list
Mercenaries 2: WiFi 'Recon' Trailer
Mercenaries 2 is a sandbox shooter for the 360,PS3, and PC platforms
Velvet Assassin 'Killer' Trailer
Velvet Assassin is an action game coming to the PC , 360
Patapon 2 Announced
Detailed in Famitsu, Sony has a sequel in the works for the PSP
High Quality Killzone 2 Screens
Most of the screens are old, but have not been seen at as high of quality as these
Trauma Center 2 Demo Available
Demo can be downloaded on the Nintendo Channel
Ngamer - Animal Crossing and Punch-out
says Animal Crossing is finished at not a MMO and Punch-out has balance board support
Resident Evil Zero Wii edition impressions.
Nothing is changed. Wii controls detailed.
Tons of info on Pokemon Platnium
Hits Sept. 13 in Japan, additions described.
Order by:
Recently Spotted:
Hmm, I play Mario Galaxy just about every weekend and it certainly looks great, but I still think Star Fox Adventures looks better. Same with the Metroid Prime games. Star Fox's lighting and most of the textures just look better to me, especially those flying levels.
She would probably keep your wallet, after sex.
Does SFA runs at 60 frames per second?
I have no idea. To be honest, I never saw the allure of 60 frames per second. As long as a game has a smooth frame rate, I'm happy.
My penis runs at 60 bitches per second. That's 60 bps for you, the tech-impaired.
Because 60 frames is smoother than 30. The is no way in hell you could make F-Zero that fast and contollable at 30 frames. Extreme G was 30 fps and it was totally uncontrollable.
P.S. E3 prediction Sin and Punishment Wii, Believe. Infidels are bitches and are going to be screwed by Steel 60 times in a second
I'm sure 60 fps is smoother than 30, but I honestly can't tell the difference. You may be right about F-zero, but the last F-Zero I liked was on GBA. F-Zero GX was too fast, and too damn hard for it's own good. For most games, 60 fps is just overkill, IMO.
Too fast, how is that possile? Yeah GX was brutally hard, but that does not change the fact that it was awesome. You have to get used to not blinking though! Blinking is for pussies and real HARDCORE gamerz do not blink.
That's true. Teh hardcorez do not blink, they only contract their assholes in a synchronic fashion with the FPS.
That's OK, cause I'd keep her love.
So Dvader is on shift now right? Cool.
Stormrise pics:
Max Payne doesn't look bad, I have no issue with Marky Mark. The style of the movie looks alright, the supporting cast is questionable though.
I would destory Wynona as well, yummy.
Sega making a game I couldn't care less about, yay.
Is this where all the cool people hang out now? !! bat anus sex!
No only the retards
Shut up, asshole.
BAT AAAANUUUUUSS!!!11 Join the fun, grab a beer and pinch one of rag's tits. I was starting to think you would never show up.
Yeah, it's not better looking than those games you mentioned. In fact I give prime 3 the nod over mario galaxy. Sure galaxy has some fancy bump mapping but it also benefits from a zoomed out camera and a planetoid design that means the engine doesn't have to render a whole level at once. Prime 3 has really great texture detail and lighting.
Infinity Ward "definitely" doing sci-fi shooter - link screwed up so I removed
But she'd steal your wallet afterwards
It was.... till you showed up. Where the fuck have you been man!!
Those Stormrise pics look amazing. It's hard to believe it's an RTS. I'll be spending some time with a couple of REAL RTSs, though. I downloaded demos for CoH and Dawn of War last night.
Like you stole my joke.
All your jokes are belong to me.
Damn GG that link gave me pop-ups now my browser crashes.