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Your Interaction With Famous People
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Tue, 01 Feb 2011 06:51:51

I'd be interested to know if any of you have had any interactions with any famous people.  Sports figures, celebrities, actors -- or even people that you may be geeked about but no-one else would.

Having lived in LA, I saw plenty of famous people, but never bothered them -- it's in my personality.  But have any of you spoken with or e-mailed/ tweeted anyone in the public eye?

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Tue, 01 Feb 2011 10:27:16

If I happen to be at an event where people are self-prommoting themselves in the form of activism or education (the wonders of school) I will usually collect an autograph, not because they're famous, but because it is socially acceptable to do so. If I could collect your autograph I would do so as well, but I have a feeling you (I'm not talking about you, but you) would give me a dirty look rather than a rendering of your name.

Do GS people count? Cause I've "talked" to Alex Navarro about a shitty review (which is now no longer on GS), and to Kevin-Vanord about GS being homophobic (GS is still homophobic). Both discussions were a lot fun. Okay that obviously doesn't count, but it was hilarious.

Edited: Tue, 01 Feb 2011 10:28:43

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Tue, 01 Feb 2011 10:48:31

Well, I for one would be very interested in your conversation with A. Navarro (and what game that was).  I;ve always liked A. Navarro for his Phantom Hourglass review, and what he said of it from his blog.

And also K. VanOrd.  I like him a lot (not least of all for giving Deadly Premonition his #7 spot for GOTY last year).  There are some things on which I completely disagree with him on, but for the most part he is the reviewer on that site that is most in tune with what I dig.

Edited: Tue, 01 Feb 2011 10:51:04

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Tue, 01 Feb 2011 10:54:35

He gave Mashed: Drive 2 Survive a 3.5 or something on the PS2 in a review that had about half a paragraph devoted to multiplayer (it is a multiplayer focused game) which talked about some stupid two players on one controller crap that I didn't even know existed. (It certainly didn't on the xbox version.) Me and someone else pointed this out and he had a pretty good conversation with us saying that he did in fact play the multiplayer with someone else normally, but hated it. He didn't say why he didn't bother including it in the review let alone it not being the focus, though.

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Tue, 01 Feb 2011 11:03:07

GS always seemed to give him the games that they wanted to dump on.

I have to say, I am not familiar with that game.

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Tue, 01 Feb 2011 11:13:36

Well, it's excellent. Much, much better than the Micro Machines of that generation. In fact I can't think of a better multiplayer racer from the generation. Maybe Mario Kart Double Dash!!? But I didn't really play that extensively.

Hyper was obsessed with the franchise and it good scores from everywhere but GS and Play.

Edited: Tue, 01 Feb 2011 11:19:34

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Wed, 02 Feb 2011 02:36:24

I have never had a normal casual conversation with a celebrity but I have had plenty of run ins with them.

I've gotten the autograph of Don Shula at a Heat game. I went to a Heat behind the scenes event where I got to take pictures with the players like Dwayne Wade. Jean Claude van Damme came to a premier of Double Impact at one of our local theaters, I shook his hand, small guy. I have met many Marlins players at various card shows. I saw Pat Riley exiting a movie theater once, I did not say anything he was with his wife, seemed like a date night. I have helped out various UM football players at the parking department where I worked cause they always get tickets.

I almost ran over Gloria Estefan and her kids in a cruise ship we were on. I was late to dinner so I was running down the stairs and as I was turning on one flight to another she was coming up with her kids, I stopped, said sorry, went past her and then realized that was Gloria. Emilo was standing at the top waiting for them. Oh also on one of the cruise ships I went to the band All 4 One was a headliner, my sister and I shared an elevator with them, she recognized them I had no clue who they were. They sang the hit song "I swear", believe me you know it.

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Wed, 02 Feb 2011 02:41:56


Edited: Wed, 29 May 2013 02:41:55
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Wed, 02 Feb 2011 03:10:21

"I almost ran over Gloria Estefan and her kids in a cruise ship we were on."

For a minute I thought you meant you almost ran over her with a cruise ship. Sad

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Wed, 02 Feb 2011 03:29:32
Foolz said:

"I almost ran over Gloria Estefan and her kids in a cruise ship we were on."

          For a minute I thought you meant you almost ran over her with a cruise ship. Sad

LOL That would be a far better story.

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Wed, 02 Feb 2011 05:34:09
I am indifferent to status.


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Wed, 02 Feb 2011 05:45:19
Yodariquo said:
I am indifferent to status.

Have you never thrown an octopus at a hockey player?

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Wed, 02 Feb 2011 05:46:09
phantom_leo said:

L.A. hmmm...?

Say hello to Shannon for me...(?)

Hrm What?

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Wed, 02 Feb 2011 10:18:04


Edited: Wed, 29 May 2013 02:42:19
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Wed, 02 Feb 2011 13:01:16

I just fap to them.

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Wed, 02 Feb 2011 13:49:03

I've had a lot, though nobody I'd call an A lister (or even a B lister), but people you've heard of all the same.  When I was a teenager I used to work at a grocery story that was a block away from a gym called Main Event Fitness. It was owned by a couple famous pro-wrestlers, so we had a bunch of wrestlers always coming in and out.  The coolest was Macho Man Randy Savage. He even took somewhat of an interest me. One week I mentioned I had to go to New Jersery to visit my sister and wasn't looking forward to it. A few days after I get back he came up to my counter and said, "hey brother, how'd Jersey work out for you?"  And no he never bought Slim Jims.

And not counting the instances where I've paid for their autographs I've met a few cool celebs at a lot of the conventions I've been to. I played in a celebrity poker tournament with Kane Hodder, the guy who has played Jason in most of the Friday the 13th movies, and got to bullshit with him for a while.

The coolest story I have though is with Ron Jeremy. We met him at a head shop that he used to own, and after a brief conversation he took my wife and I to a strip club, along with his little entourage. It was a sleazy strip club, but it was still cool all the same.

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Wed, 02 Feb 2011 17:54:36
robio said:

The coolest story I have though is with Ron Jeremy. We met him at a head shop that he used to own

Do you pay for head at that shop. Nyaa

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Wed, 02 Feb 2011 18:37:43
phantom_leo said:

Ha, ha...

Exchanged pleasantries with a young couple in a place called Clifton's years and year and years ago.

Guy shared your first name, girl was named Shannon.

Was taking a one in a million stab in the dark.


Well, I've never eaten at Clifton's, but I did linger outside of it for a while checking out the mosaic.

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Wed, 02 Feb 2011 22:35:18

I saw a number of famous people.  I never spoke to any of them as it's just not in my character.  They don't know me and the fact that they have a public profile doesn't give me the right to intrude their privacy.  I saw Liam Gallagher and Richard Ashcroft both with their respective wives coming out of a cafe in Hampstead.  Richard Ashcroft very nearly bumped into me, I smiled and let him go past.  I saw Gaz Coombes (Supergrass singer) with the bassist in the street in Camden Town.  Saw Mel C (sporty spice) with her girlfriend buying a pair of jeans in a shop on King's Road.  Saw the director Mike Leigh walking in the streets of Soho.  In Cyprus at a pub here in my home town I saw John Cleese.  I asked the barman whom I know and he said "No, no ... that's not John Cleese.  That's a Canadian pilot".  I thought yeah ... that's so Monty Python.


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Thu, 03 Feb 2011 00:05:02

I had a small conversation with Tommy Chong after one of his shows.  I met Heisman winner, George Rogers, at a gas station.   I've ran into several USC and Clemson football players.  I swear I've seen Steve Spurrier at a theater, but my wife swears that it wasn't him.  I did see him at a game, though.

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