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What direction do you see yourself going as a gamer next-gen?
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Mon, 04 Mar 2013 15:23:01

This is something I've thought about quite a bit, taking into consideration the direction the PC and console makers are going, and the trends of the industry. We know what we are getting from Sony and Nintendo, and we also know what the PC is going to be doing. The only thing still uncertain is what Microsoft plans on doing with the Xbox.

After really weighing what the PS4 looks to be delivering, I have a feeling Microsoft will be doing something very similar, only likely with more emphasis on Kinect and Casual stuff, ironically enough. Basically, they both seem content on delivering gaming platforms that are bringing a PC-like experience to a living room audience, like they always have. For me, having a High end PC really brings into question the need for machines like this. Do I really need to be spending $500 on a console that is going to mostly have inferior, more expensive versions of 95% of the games coming out for a long while? Obviously if I didn't have a gaming PC, the answer would be a loud HELL YES I need them! But yeah, the PC changes everything.

When I look at consoles now, I look at only one thing to determine their value, and its something that brings back that old school console mentality from 10 years ago: The exclusive games I will never get anywhere else. These are a dying breed, and the ones that actually end up being the BEST games on a platform are even rarer. Back in the day, it was almost unheard of for a multi-platform game to be an elite piece of software. Times have drastically changed over the past generation.

The PS3, for example. The amount of exclusives it has that I would consider some of the absolute best games of the past 7 years would be The Uncharted games, Metal Gear Solid 4 (series is now multi-platform), and Demon's Souls (series is now multi-platform). The others IMO range from GOOD to average. So that leaves me with Naughty Dog stuff, going into PS4.

On Xbox, its similar. The Halo games (why are these not on PC? Oh that's wouldn't be a system seller) Fable (Is Lionhead still viable?) And possibly Gears. I wish I could say Rare, but...yeah.

That's one of the reasons I had no problem grabbing a Wii U on day 1. As even though it doesn't have much NOW, its only a matter of time before the Nintendo magic starts coming. Exclusives is the only area Nintendo has always owned...when Nintendo has an exclusive, you know its staying that way and its going to really tap into the uniqueness of their hardware. For that reason, I know the machine is going to prove its worth in the long run, regardless of how it sells, how it does against the popularity of other consoles, etc. That its finally a Nintendo console that can pump out impressive HD visuals and digital sound with at least a decent online community is more than enough for what I need out of it.

So I'm personally likely going to ride the PC/Nintendo train for a good while. I know the PS4 is going to be a great console with impressive power for a console, and the Xbox will likely be the same. But unless they both offer some absolutely incredible AAA exclusives, not just graphically, I can't personally see myself spending the cash on them.


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Mon, 04 Mar 2013 17:10:34
I plan on doing the same thing next gen as I did this gen. The Wii U for Nintendo games and perhaps the odd third party exclusive, the PS4 for it's exclusives, and the 720 for exclusives and multi-plats.


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Mon, 04 Mar 2013 17:20:07
Archangel3371 said:
I plan on doing the same thing next gen as I did this gen. The Wii U for Nintendo games and perhaps the odd third party exclusive, the PS4 for it's exclusives, and the 720 for exclusives and multi-plats.

Same here.  Nothing has changed, really.  I'm gonna be a three console owner unless I suffer a huge financial burden in the future.

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Mon, 04 Mar 2013 17:56:08

Archie, you're still going to get multi-plats on the Xbox even if the PS4 gets better versions as Dvader seems to think?


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Mon, 04 Mar 2013 18:24:00
edgecrusher said:

Archie, you're still going to get multi-plats on the Xbox even if the PS4 gets better versions as Dvader seems to think?


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Mon, 04 Mar 2013 18:26:28

I'm not buying any of them just because I trust and love Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft.  Whether I will and which of them I end up buying will depend entirely on the games.  In other words I'll resist this generation as hard and for as long as I can.

But I don't see me becoming a PC gamer either.

I'll just ride the current gen for as long as I can and play as many games as possible out of my backlog.  There are also some 3DS games I'm looking forward to so I think I'll be OK for a while


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Mon, 04 Mar 2013 18:37:51
edgecrusher said:

Archie, you're still going to get multi-plats on the Xbox even if the PS4 gets better versions as Dvader seems to think?

Yeah probably. It kind of depends exactly on how much better they are of course. I really doubt there'll be any great difference though. Even still I'd be willing to have a slightly inferior version because there's other things that I take into consideration as well such as controller and online preferences as well as other platform preferences such as if I can put the whole game on the HDD. I also just ended up liking the 360 the most as a main platform because I liked the Avatars and Achievement system. So right now as long as most things stay the same I'll end up using the 720 as my main platform.


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Mon, 04 Mar 2013 19:19:07
Archangel3371 said:

Yeah probably. It kind of depends exactly on how much better they are of course. I really doubt there'll be any great difference though. Even still I'd be willing to have a slightly inferior version because there's other things that I take into consideration as well such as controller and online preferences as well as other platform preferences such as if I can put the whole game on the HDD. I also just ended up liking the 360 the most as a main platform because I liked the Avatars and Achievement system. So right now as long as most things stay the same I'll end up using the 720 as my main platform.

Cool beans.

I wonder if the PS4 will allow for full installs. It should...hell even the Wii U could do it with an external HDD.


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Mon, 04 Mar 2013 19:43:22

Honestly, choosing which platform to buy my multiplats on really depends on my mood,  which console I've been using a lot lately or one that has the least games for.  Unless there's a huge difference in quality.  I also determine which one all of you buy a new release for if I'm anticipating the mp portion.  That's why I chose Borderlands 2 for the 360.

Edited: Mon, 04 Mar 2013 19:44:57
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Mon, 04 Mar 2013 20:10:49
edgecrusher said:

Cool beans.

I wonder if the PS4 will allow for full installs. It should...hell even the Wii U could do it with an external HDD.

They should allow for that option. It's a fantastic feature that saves system from a lot of wear and tear.


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Mon, 04 Mar 2013 20:42:51

Depends on a lot of things going forward

Will used games still be available?

Will MS have backwards compatability compared to Sony not having it?

Will MS still charge for online?

Always online required?

Right now im leaning MS IF they have B/C and still allow used games and all that.

Its sad to not be so much excited for next gen as worried that it's all gonna fall apart.

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Tue, 05 Mar 2013 00:04:41

I've got my Wii U so I'm set for at least the next two years unless a big bomb is dropped and the PS4 launches with EverQuest Next or Persona 5. And really unless Sony does something insane and launches at under $400 I wouldn't consider it anyway. PS4 will be what I get next though. I've never bought a MS console and likely never will since I don't give a crap about shooters. You take those games out and the Xbox pretty much leaves me with Fable and Elder Scrolls games that you don't have to worry about crashing and that's it. So yeah it'll in all likelihood be a PS4 unless of course Atlus and Level 5 both jump ship and start developing for MS.

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Tue, 05 Mar 2013 01:38:11

I don't see myself buying any next gen console for at least year or two. I'm quite happy with my PS3 and 3DS, and there are lots of games I have yet to play, so I'm set for a good long while.

As far as next-gen, I am leaning heavily toward getting a PS4 eventually. I'm not liking the social media nonsense, but as long as I can turn that crap off, I'm good. My tastes in games have changed quite a bit over that last year, so I have no interest at all in Wii U or the next Xbox. I'm completely burned out on Nintendo franchises, and the only MS exclusives I like are Halo and Forza, both of which I could honestly live without.

The wild card for me is the Steam Box. I'm really curious as to what Valve will do with that system.

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Tue, 05 Mar 2013 01:48:00

Pending financial readjustments.

Likely outcome due to dead PS3: nowhere.

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Tue, 05 Mar 2013 02:14:19

I will do the same as this gen. PS4 as my main system. Wii U for Nintendo exclusives. Will get Xbox much later unless something incredible is shown.

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Tue, 05 Mar 2013 03:21:08

Probably the same as this past gen: PS4 and Wii U. I'm interested in Steambox I might get it so I can play my Steam games at better quality.


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Tue, 05 Mar 2013 09:41:45
I'm fairly price sensitive, once I get my first console of a new gen it becomes a waiting game for the prices to drop on the consoles that launch later. This is the evaluation period where they have 1 to 2 years to sway me. I hate this trend where the prices stay high and they just throw in a larger hard drive.

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Tue, 05 Mar 2013 09:53:00
Dvader said:

I will do the same as this gen. PS4 as my main system. Wii U for Nintendo exclusives. Will get Xbox much later unless something incredible is shown.

This. But with PC being lead on non-Sony, Non-MS exclusives.

Wii U will have to prove itself some more. After being a launch GC and Wii buyer I've been reticent ab out the Wii U and Nintendo's franchises. Sad

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Tue, 05 Mar 2013 09:55:31
gamingeek said:
I'm fairly price sensitive, once I get my first console of a new gen it becomes a waiting game for the prices to drop on the consoles that launch later. This is the evaluation period where they have 1 to 2 years to sway me. I hate this trend where the prices stay high and they just throw in a larger hard drive.

I cannot ever see you buying a Sony console at this point.  S3 had some killer exclusives and you held off. and i agree on the trend.  What is the deal with these manufacturers?  I know they have more polling data that supports their decisions, but shoudl not the ultimate goal be to get as many of these consoles into the pipeline as possible?

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Tue, 05 Mar 2013 11:54:07
Nintyfan17 said:

Probably the same as this past gen: PS4 and Wii U. I'm interested in Steambox I might get it so I can play my Steam games at better quality.

Steambox is an interesting idea. I wonder how they're going to really position this thing in between everything else.

gamingeek said:
I'm fairly price sensitive, once I get my first console of a new gen it becomes a waiting game for the prices to drop on the consoles that launch later. This is the evaluation period where they have 1 to 2 years to sway me. I hate this trend where the prices stay high and they just throw in a larger hard drive.

Agreed...the HDD trend of keeping high prices for a bigger drive is foolish IMO. The hardcore fans are gonna buy the console right away...they're not going to be swayed by a bigger HDD into buying for the same price years later. Casual fans could care less about HDD size, so dropping the price would seem more important than packing in bigger HDD's.

I think you should go with the PS4 GG, over the Xbox. Unless Rare pull their heads out of their asses, I know for a fact you would find more to your liking on the Playstation for the types of games you like.


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