Forum > Gaming Discussion > What are your top 10 games for the rest of 2011?
What are your top 10 games for the rest of 2011?
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Wed, 03 Aug 2011 21:28:15

Its shaping up to be a nice end of 2011 gaming-wise, lots of great epic looking software coming out, and we can finally put the Wii to rest after Zelda hits and prepare for a real console again from Nintendo, setting upo a nice 2012. Well, before the world ends, anyway.

So as the title says, what are YOUR top 10 holiday games for 2011?

Here's mine, inbreds:

#10: Halo Anniversary, Xbox 360, Nov 15th

Halo Box Art Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Screenshot

I'm not entirely sure how much a graphically enhanced version of this game is even needed, but I intend to play it and find out. I'm also glad the original game's code is being used here, as I still find it to be the best balanced game of the series.

#9: Rage, PC Games, Oct. 4th

Rage Box Art Rage Screenshot

I'm interested in Rage mostly for the advanced tech which looks insane, and I want to see what ID Software can do gameplay-wise these days. The game looks much better than Doom 3, which put me to sleep more than once...that's for sure.

#8: Xenoblade, Wii, import

Xenoblade Chronicles PictureXenoblade Chronicles Picture

I've never imported a game before, and this will likely be my first for 2 reasons. Firstly, Nintendo suck balls. Secondly, this looks to be one of the best, most epic Japanese RPG's in years.

#7: Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, PS3, November

Metal Gear Solid Collection Box Art Metal Gear Solid HD Collection Screenshot

Metal Gear is one of my favorite series of all time, so naturally I have a major hard on for the HD Collection with 2 of the best games ever made, plus the other game that had the unfortunate birth on the PSP which is now being righted. Can't wait. Live and grow FAT!

#6: Uncharted 3, PS3, Nov. 1st

Uncharted 3 Box Art Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Screenshot

I still haven't played Uncharted 2, which many claim is the best PS3 exclusive not called MGS4. So I will be playing these 2 games back to back. Should be fun.

#5: L.A. Noire, PC Games, Oct.

LA Noire Box Art L.A. Noire Screenshot

I'm trying to wait for the PC version of this game, but tempted to just play the console version. Seems like a nice change of pace.

#4: Batman: Arkham City, PC Games, Oct. 18th

Batman: Arkham City Box Art Batman: Arkham City Screenshot

I'm a huge fan of Arkham Asylum. It was easily one of my favorite games of this era of consoles, so I'm totally pumped for this one. I'm really considering holding off on this and a few other games though, and contemplating getting them on the Wii 2 at launch next year to have some great games to check out on the new console. Such a long wait it would be though.

#3: Deus Ex: Human Revolution, PC Games, August 23rd

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Box Art Deus Ex: Human Revolution Screenshot

This one is right around the corner, and I can't fucking wait. It looks absolutely amazing, and I would not be surprised if its a GOTY contender. I liked the old games, even the 2nd one, but this could be the one to really nail it.

#2: Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Wii, November

Zelda: Skyward Sword Box Art The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Screenshot

Obviously the new Zelda had to be near the top, as I've always held this as one of my favorite franchise's. There seems to be some interesting things going on in this one, with the level design and the controls...and the graphics seem to be coming together much better. I haven't read much on it, which means its going to be fresh for me. As an added bonus, Link also gets to rid the world of Wii, on top of Hyrulian evils, what with this being the final game worth playing on it.

#1: Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim, PC Games, November 11th

Elder Scrolls 5 Box Art The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Screenshot

Its looking like I may need to take a 2 week vacation just to play games in November, and this is a huge reason why. I've been blown away by the vastness of the Elder Scrolls series since playing Morrowind on the original Xbox...then Oblivion, while both a step forward and a step back for the series, was an amazing experience. Now this monster of a game looks to push it over the top. EJACULATION!

Edited: Wed, 03 Aug 2011 21:47:54


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Wed, 03 Aug 2011 21:34:56
I don't have 10 games. I have Xenoblade, really am in a RPG mood. Deus Ex, one of the first game I will buy when my monstrous PC is build and the back story is brilliant. Finally there is Zelda, wm+ like control, dungeons within dungeons, loot system, Majora's Mask like town and flying sounds good to me.
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Wed, 03 Aug 2011 22:22:32

I am stealing your pics Edge.

10. Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City

Image 21

This game will be so bad... in a good way. I will play it a ton I think.

9. Super Mario 3D Land

Image 3

Is this coming out this year? Well if it is it will be awesome of course. Lets see how this game stacks up to the Galaxy games.

8. Sonic Generations

Image 4

Classic Sonic! Genesis levels redone with modern graphics! Unleashed gameplay as well! Best Sonic game ever.

7. MGS: Peace Walker

Metal Gear Solid Collection Box Art Metal Gear Solid HD Collection Screenshot

This is part of the collection, but its the only reason I am getting the collection to begin with. I have heard nothing but great things about this game so I cannot wait to play a new entry into one of my all time favorite franchises.

6. Dark Souls

Image 3

The first game was a masterpiece and now with an open world and more of everything I loved this game looks to be a great sequel. I cant wait to die and die and die.

5. Batman Arkham Asylum

Batman: Arkham City Box Art Batman: Arkham City Screenshot

Sequel to the best superhero game ever so I have huge expectations for this game. The movie to an open city is a great idea as long as the quests you get are interesting.

4. Deus Ex Human Revolution

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Box Art Deus Ex: Human Revolution Screenshot

I love the original and this one looks to bring all the elements that worked from the first but mixed with great combat and stealth elements of modern gaming. I cannot wait to explore this cyberpunk world.

3. Uncharted 3

Uncharted 3 Box Art Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Screenshot

I wonder if it can match the quality of the amazing Uncharted 2, I have faith though. If the single player can be even better we have a GOTY contender on our hand. I already know the fun multiplayer will be better than ever. This will be the best action game of the year.

2. TESV: Skyrim

Elder Scrolls 5 Box Art The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Screenshot

I am a bit burned out on these giant open games after Fallout but I know come November I will be ready to enter an epic giant world where I can do as I please. These games are magical, no other franchise allows for so many hours of gameplay.

1. Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword

Zelda: Skyward Sword Box Art The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Screenshot

Well no shit, the greatest franchise ever and a game that really shakes up the gameplay. It sounds like everything I have wanted from a Zelda game for a while now. This is the one game I want more than any other.

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Wed, 03 Aug 2011 22:51:23

I'm too lazy to post pictures. You want to see pics, look them up on your own.

  • Child of Eden - This isn't out yet for the PS3 so technically I'm still waiting for it.
  • Harvest Moon Tale of Two Towns - I like the premise of this game, but honestly I'm tired of the series on handheld. Probably won't even get it.
  • Disney Universe - This just looks like fun. I'll buy it with the excuse of it being for my kids.
  • Ultimate Marvel v. Capcom 3 - Rocket Raccoon. Nuff said.
  • Journey - This will be my next big downloadable game. Looks like it'll be an interesting experience if nothing else.
  • Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle - Can't miss with a Professor Layton game ever.
  • Mario Kart 7 - I'm still not 100% sold on getting a 3DS, but if I do I'll pick up this game the second it comes out.
  • Dragon Quest Monster Joker 2 - I'm bouncing up and down for this game. Probably the most excited I am for any game left in 2011.
  • Rune Factory: Oceans -  I can't say I'm really excited about this, but I loved Frontier and if this one is half as good as Froniter this will be excellent.
  • The Grinder - I really hope this game comes out. It just looks like fun.
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Wed, 03 Aug 2011 23:32:39
Mine, in no particular order except for the first game Nyaa are:
  • Gears of War 3
  • Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
  • Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
  • Batman: Arkham City
  • Uncharted 3
  • Zelda: Skyward Sword
  • Rage
  • Dark Souls
  • Modern Warfare 3
  • Battlefield 3


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Thu, 04 Aug 2011 01:35:32

10. KOF XIII -- After 12 I have no idea why I am hopeful about this... but... BOOBIES!

09. Rayman Origins -- Have a GOOD feeling about this one!

08. Super Mario Land 3D -- IF I still have my 3DS when it comes out! Koopa Kids and Tanooki!

07. Deus Ex: Human Revolution -- Need a good multiple pathways, multiple solutions adventure. VERY intrigued!

06. Lord of the Rings: War in the North -- From Snowblind Studios! 'Nuff said!

05. Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2 -- Do I even need to explain this one?

04. Dark Souls -- More Vaginal Creatures from From!

03. Uncharted 3 -- Cause all you all will bug me to play multiplayer!

02. Batman: Arkham City -- I expect this game to win MANY GOTY's!

01. Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten -- Every Disgaea I've ever played has brought me incredible happiness and near limitless gameplay. MY GOTY!

Edited: Thu, 04 Aug 2011 02:02:02
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Thu, 04 Aug 2011 01:37:01

If we are including DL'ables:

Honorable Mention:


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Thu, 04 Aug 2011 03:53:06

I'm still bitter that the original MGS isn't in the collection. Sad

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Thu, 04 Aug 2011 04:13:01
Foolz said:

I'm still bitter that the original MGS isn't in the collection. Sad

That's how I feel about The Orange Box. Sad

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Thu, 04 Aug 2011 04:40:44
Ravenprose said:
Foolz said:

I'm still bitter that the original MGS isn't in the collection. Sad

That's how I feel about The Orange Box. Sad

You guys are both right. Cheesy on both accounts.

I don't see why they couldn't have at least included Twin Snakes. Yeah, SK made it while they were with Nintendo, big deal. We now have Goldeneye coming out on PS3 and Xbox...nuff said.

phantom_leo said:

06. Lord of the Rings: War in the North -- From Snowblind Studios! 'Nuff said!

Is this a hack n slash? Been dying for one, and been wondering what Snowblind was up to!

Dvader said:

I am stealing your pics Edge.

10. Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City

Image 21

This game will be so bad... in a good way. I will play it a ton I think.

I forgot about this one...definitely interested with it being RE and all. Gas for a buck 15. lol Oh I miss you. angry


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Thu, 04 Aug 2011 10:18:02

If it wasn't for your posts above, I would struggle to even think of 10 games.

Mine would be:

  • Skyward Sword
  • Skyrim
  • Mario 3DLand
  • Batman, but I would wait for a price drop I think

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Thu, 04 Aug 2011 10:49:25

As far as I know, War in the North is going to be like the Baldur's Gate console games but with a much closer view, lots of loot and lots of blood!

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Thu, 04 Aug 2011 10:58:22

I doubt I'll get through playing 10 more games this year, and I sure as hell won't buy 10 more.

Steam doesn't count. :'(

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Thu, 04 Aug 2011 20:46:35
phantom_leo said:

As far as I know, War in the North is going to be like the Baldur's Gate console games but with a much closer view, lots of loot and lots of blood!

Hmm, I remember the Champions of Norrath screenshots having close up views just like this pic, yet the actual game had an over the top camera just like Baldur's this is likely the same. You can probably pan in close if you want, but I find the camera pulled back to be best in these games.


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Thu, 04 Aug 2011 20:47:48 like to pull back?

Edited: Thu, 04 Aug 2011 20:50:52
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Thu, 04 Aug 2011 22:13:27
edgecrusher said:

Hmm, I remember the Champions of Norrath screenshots having close up views just like this pic, yet the actual game had an over the top camera just like Baldur's this is likely the same. You can probably pan in close if you want, but I find the camera pulled back to be best in these games.

Nope! This is the perspective they are using!

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Thu, 04 Aug 2011 22:15:30

Probably Morrowind, realistically.

I do want to get Sonic Colors (Wii), Uncharted 3, Arkham 2, Infamous 2 and Radiant Historia (DS) this year.  Gears 3 and Bastion not until I get a 360 again.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and certainly Rage.

Edited: Fri, 05 Aug 2011 01:32:02

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Fri, 05 Aug 2011 00:55:40


Rayman Origins

Zelda (maybe)

Rage (maybe)

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