Episode 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wt1LHFlBO6M

Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wt1LHFlBO6M, with more parts apparently coming soon
Hope they never make such a thing for I would buy it and never play it effectively throwing another 60 euro down the drain.
OR even worse I would buy it and play it then my life as I know it would be ruined.
bugsonglass said:OR even worse I would buy it and play it then my life as I know it would be ruined.
This one. Did you play New Leaf?
gamingeek said:bugsonglass said:OR even worse I would buy it and play it then my life as I know it would be ruined.
This one. Did you play New Leaf?
Yes, albeit very briefly. I played Wild World a ton. City Folk less but still a lot. New Leaf ... very little. Not that there's anything wrong with it... "It's not you it's me" and all that
Animal Crossing DLC Trailer (Secrets & Hidden Details) Video
bugsonglass said:Yes, albeit very briefly. I played Wild World a ton. City Folk less but still a lot. New Leaf ... very little. Not that there's anything wrong with it... "It's not you it's me" and all that
You should try it, there is so much new stuff it's ridiculous.
SteelAttack said:I don't think it would have such a wide FoV.
Would it still be that rotating globe thing?
What Animal Crossing Wii U could look like (TheBitBlock)
Archangel3371 said:Don't bump old threads, unless you have Star Tropics 3 pics.
I found a pic.
gamingeek said:I found a pic.
Got an error. It says the website doesn't allow hotlinking.
Dear Raptor Jesus, please deliver.
Orchestrated music trailer:
View on YouTube