The Last Of Us.
The most polished game from start to finish I played.
Bioshock Infinite. I haven't played GTA V or The Last of Us and have played very little of The Legend of Zelda: ALBW.
It is really hard to say but I think I will say Animal Crossing: New Leaf since I played that game every single day since June 20th.
I think out of all the contenders Animal Crossing is the only one I played in any considerable amount of time so it would have to be that
I don't think I have one I didn't play many games this year, and none left me sufficiently impressed for it to be a GOTY contender in my book. It's been a great year for gaming, but I just haven't had the time to play a lot of the games that came out this year. I really liked Pikmin3, but it's too similar to it's decade old brethren to be considered a GOTY by me.
SupremeAC said:I don't think I have one
I didn't play many games this year, and none left me sufficiently impressed for it to be a GOTY contender in my book. It's been a great year for gaming, but I just haven't had the time to play a lot of the games that came out this year. I really liked Pikmin3, but it's too similar to it's decade old brethren to be considered a GOTY by me.
Choose one or your vote defaults to Animal Crossing.
Of the ten I played (Pokémon Y, BioShock Infinite, Grand Theft Auto V, Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time, Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, The Last of Us, WWE 2K14, Resogun, Contrast, and Killzone: Shadow Fall), my favourite is BioShock Infinite.
By Miu Watanabe.
Foolz said:I think Aspro forced me into an NDA until our GOTY podcast.
Choose one now or your vote defaults to Tomb Raider.
Dvader said:Hey I havent done my GOTY list yet. My GOTY is a surprise, to me even.
gamingeek said:Choose one or your vote defaults to Animal Crossing.
Foolz said:I think Aspro forced me into an NDA until our GOTY podcast.
gamingeek said:Choose one or your vote defaults to Animal Crossing.
gamingeek said:Choose one or your vote defaults to Animal Crossing.
Ok, ok.... Ummm... Animal Crossing?
SupremeAC said:Ok, ok.... Ummm... Animal Crossing?
You can only choose one.
Mine is Animal Crossing, it's hard to vote against a game I've played everyday for 6 months.