Forum > Gaming Discussion > The what up coming games are you excited about thread....
The what up coming games are you excited about thread....
My 100% must own games which are definite buys are:
- Gears of War 3
- Modern Warfare 3
- Battlefield 3
- Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
- Rage
- Uncharted 3
- Skyrim
- Forza 4
- Batman Arkham City
- Skyward Sword
- Mario Kart 7
- Mario 3D Land
- Dark Soul's
- Deus Ex Human Revolution
- Resistance 3
- Resident Evil Revelations
- Resident Evil Raccoon City
- Saint's Row 3
Oh forgot to put Halo CE remake and Metal Gear Solid HD collection in the 100% must own games and Assassin's Creed Revelations, God of War HD collection, and Team ICO collection in the possible purchases sections.
Zelda, Skyrim, Arkham City, maybe, maaaaaaaaaybe Xenoblade.
Not sure what else. I would like to buy some 3DS games just to have something to play, so Mario 3DLand is a cert, Mario kart is less certain.
My for sure 100% buys are
- Deus Ex
- Dark Souls
- Uncharted 3
- Batman AC
- Skyrim
- Zelda
- Mario 3D Land
- Sonic Generations
- Resident Evil Raccoon City (not cause I really want it but cause I am a whore)
I am leaning toward getting Battlefield 3.
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travo (3m)
There are some really great games coming soon, I can't afford to buy too, many so I have some hard choices ahead. I'm going to name 5 or 6 games I really want in no particular order.
What are you guys excited about and what games are you 100% sure you must own?