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The E3 2010 Great Dustbin of Doom dumping thread - Might as well put it somewhere
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Thu, 17 Jun 2010 17:59:27

Archangel3371 said:

Watched a bit of that Konami conference as well and my god that was just a complete embarassment. I'm looking forward to watching the full crash & burn. LOL

I am hoping Silent Hill turns out to be a good game.

I need to see this conference but I probably wont be able to till sunday. Sad

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Thu, 17 Jun 2010 20:46:33

Now I know some of you might find this purile.

But by internet law it has to be posted anway.

E3: 2010's sexiest E3 booth babes



65 more pics at the link

Edited: Thu, 17 Jun 2010 20:47:34

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Thu, 17 Jun 2010 20:53:30
I wanna see some Booth Dudes...  Sad

Oooo! Look THERE'S ONE...!

* Prolly the ONLY one... *grumble!* *
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Thu, 17 Jun 2010 21:15:09

Purile? Hell no. That's what I wanted to see. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go and drool over the other pics. Nyaa


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Thu, 17 Jun 2010 22:57:58
E3 2010 Nintendo

E3 2011 Microsoft

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Thu, 17 Jun 2010 22:59:13

The VG Press

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Fri, 18 Jun 2010 06:46:31

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Fri, 18 Jun 2010 11:15:37

phantom_leo said:
I wanna see some Booth Dudes...  Sad

Oooo! Look THERE'S ONE...!

* Prolly the ONLY one... *grumble!* *

That's not a booth guy.

That's Steel cheating on his wife.

Archangel3371 said:

Purile? Hell no. That's what I wanted to see. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go and drool over the other pics. Nyaa

Make sure you post the best pics Happy

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Fri, 18 Jun 2010 13:35:09


Is it wrong that

a) I can't decide what looks better


b) I can't decide what I want more?

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Fri, 18 Jun 2010 18:11:03

Yes. It is wrong.

You shouldn't have to decide. Get them both, shag the blonde and play some 3DS games afterwards, neglecting her of post-coital attention.

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Fri, 18 Jun 2010 18:29:01

SteelAttack said:

Yes. It is wrong.

You shouldn't have to decide. Get them both, shag the blonde and play some 3DS games afterwards, neglecting her of post-coital attention.


That MS Nintendo comparison, LOL

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Fri, 18 Jun 2010 18:45:28

I don't get it Sad

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Fri, 18 Jun 2010 18:53:31

gamingeek said:

I don't get it Sad

Didn't you hear about the freaky cultist Kinnect event?

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Fri, 18 Jun 2010 19:24:08
Saw some Metroid, not that impressed. There was way too much 3D gameplay, the camera is behind the back and you running in a free space. I saw a lot of Samus running in circles trying to point her in the direction of enemies whil holding the shoot button down. The running in circles was awkward cause its a dpad. For that might as well use the traditional stick, why did they go with this scheme. Level design looks good, still seems like a fun action game.

Sonic 4 looks better but its still off.

LBP2 is fantastic. Mini games everywhere!! Actually I am going to see a full level now.
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Fri, 18 Jun 2010 19:30:40
OMG that level!!! Springs all over that move you like you are in a Sonic game. A grapple hook that adds a whole new element, people can make a real Bionic Commando game now! The level was just spectacular!! I think I just saw my GOTY.

Edited: Fri, 18 Jun 2010 19:32:11
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Fri, 18 Jun 2010 19:42:30

Dvader said:
Saw some Metroid, not that impressed. There was way too much 3D gameplay, the camera is behind the back and you running in a free space. I saw a lot of Samus running in circles trying to point her in the direction of enemies whil holding the shoot button down. The running in circles was awkward cause its a dpad. For that might as well use the traditional stick, why did they go with this scheme. Level design looks good, still seems like a fun action game.

Sonic 4 looks better but its still off.

LBP2 is fantastic. Mini games everywhere!! Actually I am going to see a full level now.

Most players didn't even use the dodge functions or other moves, I don't think it's safe to judge the gameplay from idiots @ E3. And what do you mean too much 3D? It's always 3D, even when you're moving left to right, much like Super Mario Galaxy's side scrolling sections which still allow you to move "in" and "out" of the screen, only the camera angle and level design making it appear 2D. As for the lack of analog control, the levels appear to be designed so that the important bits, doors, interactive elements, the actual paths you can take, or whatever else, are always to the four main directions, to make that a non issue, from what I've seen of it at least.

I guess they should maybe have a direction lock function (if they don't have it already and nublets @ E3 didn't see it) that allows you to look in one direction but move in another, so that you can back away from opponents while still shooting them instead of facing the other way, even though the latter is faithful to the 2D games.

Edited: Fri, 18 Jun 2010 19:48:03
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The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
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Fri, 18 Jun 2010 19:45:51













These are the best from pics 1-30.

Someone else post the rest.

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Fri, 18 Jun 2010 19:46:27

Agnates said:

Most players didn't even use the dodge functions or other moves, I don't think it's safe to judge the gameplay from idiots @ E3. And what do you mean too much 3D? It's always 3D, even when you're moving left to right, much like Super Mario Galaxy's side scrolling sections which still allow you to move "in" and "out" of the screen, only the camera angle making them appear 2D. As for the lack of analog control, the levels appear to be designed so that the important bits, doors, whatever else, are always to the four main directions, to make that a non issue.

I dont know what Galaxy game you played but when you go in 2D you cannot go in and out of the screen.

Metroid does the same but from that demo it is rarely in that 2D view, its almost always behind the back running down a corridor. Or in a circle shaped arena.

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Fri, 18 Jun 2010 19:57:33
Oh, right, that's how it should have been but wasn't.

I still think Metroid doesn't lock your directions though.
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while the pessimist fears this is true.
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Fri, 18 Jun 2010 20:18:09

gamingeek said:

These are the best from pics 1-30.

Someone else post the rest.

Nice selection. I'm glad you didn't post the horror one.

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