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The 2016 wishlist
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Wed, 20 Jan 2016 01:48:17

It's a new year, and with that new hopes spring forth that will one day give birth to great disappointment. Still, like a fool I keep hoping for things I know this industry will not provide. As for this year, here's what I'm hoping for:

1.  The NX will have some kind of feature that will allow you to buy a dongle or addition that can be bolted onto the Wii U for an instant next gen console.

2.  While we're on the subject of the Wii U, I'd like to see that new account and rewards system rolled out some time this year.

3.  Dragon Quest Builders? Go ahead and bring that game over to the West and send that shit to PC or at the very least import the PS3 version to the US.

4.  And speaking of PS3, Persona 5 was promised for PS3 so that better not go PS4 only in the US.

5. And Atlus you're not getting off the hook that easily. I know that FE/Persona game you're making for the Wii U is coming to the West without question, but please add some clothes to some of the female characters. I really don't want to see half naked video game teenage girls. I want to play this game without my wife making comments about me being a perv.

5.  Getting back to Nintendo, if you're only going to put forth minimum effort on the Wii U going forward, how about an HD version of Wii Sports Resort?

6. Moondew Valley really needs to become the Harvest Moon game that Harvest Moon really should be.

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Wed, 20 Jan 2016 19:28:17

Some things for my wish list are:

  1. Street Fighter V is just a timed exclusive and the Xbox One gets some kind of version somehow.
  2. The NX is still a traditional home console in that I can still buy physical versions of games for it.
  3. The new Zelda game also has an NX version which comes out when the new system launches.
  4. Kingdom Hearts 3 comes out this year.
  5. Lost Odyssey, Final Fantasy XIII games, Metal Gear Rising, and others become backward compatible on the Xbox One.


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Wed, 20 Jan 2016 20:06:42
If S-E ends up releasing FFXV during the summer as is rumored then I think you’ll see KH3 as a holiday release. Though I'm not sure 11 months is enough time for me to understand the story.
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Wed, 20 Jan 2016 22:54:59

-Zelda Wii U, please.  I don't care for NX since I probably can't afford it.

-I want some new PS4 exclusives.  Something other than Uncharted to justify owning it.

-Kingdom Hearts 3

-Tons of new Splatoon maps to keep me hooked until August.

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Wed, 20 Jan 2016 23:53:02
robio said:
If S-E ends up releasing FFXV during the summer as is rumored then I think you’ll see KH3 as a holiday release. Though I'm not sure 11 months is enough time for me to understand the story.

11 months? 11 years isn't enough to understand the "story". LOL


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Thu, 21 Jan 2016 01:31:13

You forgot StarTropics. Uneasy

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Thu, 21 Jan 2016 03:24:05

No, no. That will be a 2017 wish. I'm taking a year off.

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Thu, 21 Jan 2016 04:10:44



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Thu, 21 Jan 2016 05:23:30


-Good video games

Do not want

-me playing bad, disappointing, mediocre, or merely okay video games

Edited: Thu, 21 Jan 2016 05:23:49

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Thu, 21 Jan 2016 05:51:34

Seems like my wish list has been the same for at least the last five years.  Here's to hoping:

New Zelda Wii U

Metroid Prime 4

2D Metroid (with stereoscopic 3D) for 3DS

The Last Guardian

New Wave Race

A decent new SSX or other snowboarding game


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Thu, 21 Jan 2016 11:24:51

Looking at the horrific job Namco did on making Wii Sport HD, I wouldn't be asking for a Sports resort HD.

No AA? Really?

My wishlist?

Errrrr Endless Ocean 3.

Zelda, Metroid. I want NX to come out of leftfield with some awesome new feature we never knew we wanted before they showed it to us.

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Thu, 21 Jan 2016 12:29:09
What was wrong with Wii Sports HD? I only bought the Bowling but it seemed fine to me.
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Thu, 21 Jan 2016 12:39:23
robio said:
What was wrong with Wii Sports HD? I only bought the Bowling but it seemed fine to me.

The whole point of HD versions is to get a better looking version of the original. Wii Sports HD presentation was woeful, with no anti-alisaing, a blurry image quality that was worse than looking at the original game. It was jaggy and ugly as fuck.

Also, colour loss, background detail loss.

This video is a little misleading as the Wii version was never that blurry.

Edited: Thu, 21 Jan 2016 12:42:59

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Thu, 21 Jan 2016 12:45:28

I also wish for Advance Wars 5 (or a much larger number if you count all the famicom wars games) for 3DS.  I really miss Advance Wars.  I'm not saying I don't want them making new Fire Emblems because I do, and I'm also for them to be trying different stuff (like STEAM) ... but I just really miss the friendly and whimsical character and fun strategic gameplay of Advance Wars.


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Thu, 21 Jan 2016 14:21:19
Hmmmmmmm can't say I noticed any of those things while playing.  Oh well, my request still stands.
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Fri, 29 Jan 2016 15:59:19

Square making ActRaiser NX.


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