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Wed, 03 Jun 2009 05:10:55

Official Trailer

Coming: 2010

From IGN's Interview: "Reggie Fils-Aime on the Record"

IGN: You have a bit more insight on the development of Galaxy 2. What's the direction for the game? Do they really want to blow it out or will it be more of the same? 

Reggie: What Mr. Miyamoto has shared is that if the first Galaxy was maybe more inviting in terms of all the audiences, what Galaxy 2 is going to be is maybe a little more Nintendo fan / harder gamer focused. A little tougher. The use of Yoshi makes it a little more challenging. We showed some of the snippets of some of the activities -- it's a bit more challenging. It's going to be, if you will, for more of that passionate Mario fan who grew up getting challenged with Super Mario World. It's going to be much more in that area.

From "Shigeru Miyamoto Roundtable LiveBlog"

"With Super Mario Galaxy, it's the first time we really worked with spherical worlds and we had a lot of ideas about how to use gravity. However, when we finished the game, we realized there were a ton of ideas we just couldn't fit in," he says.

More than 90 percent of what you will see in Super Mario Galaxy 2 is all brand new. Maybe even 95 percent . . . Galaxy 2 contains roughly the same amount of content as the original. 

 Galaxy 2 is very, very far along, but since Nintendo has New Super Mario Bros. Wii, it's going to hold off and keep Galaxy 2 for next year. Sad

Edited: Wed, 03 Jun 2009 05:28:06

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Wed, 03 Jun 2009 08:33:25

Nice work Hamster!

Let's do a wishlist

This is mine from most wanted to least wanted. The first two are highly wanted

  • Super Mario World like level progression! No stars, but simply end a level and you open a route to another one. Level selection will take place on a Super Mario World like map. Also lots of secret exits, secret levels and worlds
  • Back to the 2D Mario's power-up system. So small Mario, Super Mario, Fire Mario. Take the power-up with you to other levels, use them to unlock secrets in earlier levels. The only timed power-ups should be the star and the mega mushroom, the rest should be one hit and you lose it. 
  • More 2D levels. One of the best part of Galaxy were the crazy 2D gravity levels. We need more. Make some levels completely 2D, make some completely 3D and make some a combination of the two. So you have a level that starts 3D, then you get to a 2D section, than back to 3D again and so forth. The ratio can be 70% 3D and 30% 2D, or perhaps even 50-50. 
  • More pointer activity. Galaxy had you use the pointer to collect starbits, slingshot Mario, blow a buble, etc. Expand on this, like moving planets while platforming with Mario. 
  • Better swiming levels. In Galaxy swimming usually was a to move from point A to B. There was no challenge in the swimming. Make it more like the 2D Mario's were you had to avoid bloopers, cheep-cheeps and fire rod things. Perhaps change the controls to allow more precision and more speed. In Galaxy swiming felt more Zelda-like (exploring and stuff) it needs to be more Mario-like (swimming to avoid stuff)
  • Daredevil comets on each level, forcing you to complete the whole level as small Mario. Basically an extra hard mode.
  • Flying power-up utilisation. You have this awesome flying power-up, please use it in some levels.
  • Koopalings! Yeah they need to return! Bowser Jr can stay too, but the seven are a must
  • Rosalina, her story was awesome and sad. Posalina > Peach
  • Mini games. I think one of the reason why New Super Mario Bros sold well is because of the crazy mini-games. And let's face it, they were fun! And seeing as the game is delayed to make place for Mario Bros Wii, they might as well put them in, maybe even some motion plus mini games. They are also fun in multiplayer.
  • Mario Vs Luigi mode. While we are at it, the Mario vs Luigi mode was fun as well. The spherical worlds would be perfect for this. A 4 player Mario Vs Luigi would be awesome, if highly unlikely.
  • On-line for the mini games and Mario vs Luigi. While we are on the subject of highly unlikely, we might as well put this in.
  • Super Mario Universe! Because it sounds much better than Galaxy 2!

This is all, what do you guys think?

Edited: Wed, 03 Jun 2009 08:41:56
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Wed, 03 Jun 2009 11:17:14
I was just thinking we need a fresh batch of awesome mini games like the ones in NSMB but they would probably be more fitting in NSMB2 but who cares, the more the better.

your other ideas are nice too.  i agree with how the power ups should not be necessary just to complete a level but they should be necessary for finding hidden/secret stuff etc (as it was in the 2D games)

i think they should focus all their multiplayer ideas on NSMB2 as well and make this one just a very focused single player game


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Wed, 03 Jun 2009 11:25:22

I like the secet exit idea, Iga.  I would call this amy automatic GOTY for 2010, but with Metroid and Zelda targeted for next year, I can't.   Looks like they still have a lot of good ideas.  I can't wait.
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Wed, 03 Jun 2009 11:42:23

They are holding back this amazingness for that 4 player retro romp?


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Wed, 03 Jun 2009 13:57:23

gamingeek said:

They are holding back this amazingness for that 4 player retro romp?


 You mainstream whore!

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Wed, 03 Jun 2009 14:13:47
Umm, I guess I should be trying to finish the first one.
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Wed, 03 Jun 2009 14:35:52

SteelAttack said:
Umm, I guess I should be trying to finish the first one.

I'll just spoil the ending for you. Mario beats Bowser, rescues the Princess, and everyone celebrates.

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Wed, 03 Jun 2009 14:38:26

robio said:

SteelAttack said:
Umm, I guess I should be trying to finish the first one.

I'll just spoil the ending for you. Mario beats Bowser, rescues the Princess, and everyone celebrates.

Yipee! LOL

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Wed, 03 Jun 2009 22:25:13

Iga_Bobovic said:

Nice work Hamster!

Let's do a wishlist

This is mine from most wanted to least wanted. The first two are highly wanted

  • Super Mario World like level progression! No stars, but simply end a level and you open a route to another one. Level selection will take place on a Super Mario World like map. Also lots of secret exits, secret levels and worlds
  • Back to the 2D Mario's power-up system. So small Mario, Super Mario, Fire Mario. Take the power-up with you to other levels, use them to unlock secrets in earlier levels. The only timed power-ups should be the star and the mega mushroom, the rest should be one hit and you lose it. 
  • More 2D levels. One of the best part of Galaxy were the crazy 2D gravity levels. We need more. Make some levels completely 2D, make some completely 3D and make some a combination of the two. So you have a level that starts 3D, then you get to a 2D section, than back to 3D again and so forth. The ratio can be 70% 3D and 30% 2D, or perhaps even 50-50. 
  • More pointer activity. Galaxy had you use the pointer to collect starbits, slingshot Mario, blow a buble, etc. Expand on this, like moving planets while platforming with Mario. 
  • Better swiming levels. In Galaxy swimming usually was a to move from point A to B. There was no challenge in the swimming. Make it more like the 2D Mario's were you had to avoid bloopers, cheep-cheeps and fire rod things. Perhaps change the controls to allow more precision and more speed. In Galaxy swiming felt more Zelda-like (exploring and stuff) it needs to be more Mario-like (swimming to avoid stuff)
  • Daredevil comets on each level, forcing you to complete the whole level as small Mario. Basically an extra hard mode.
  • Flying power-up utilisation. You have this awesome flying power-up, please use it in some levels.
  • Koopalings! Yeah they need to return! Bowser Jr can stay too, but the seven are a must
  • Rosalina, her story was awesome and sad. Posalina > Peach
  • Mini games. I think one of the reason why New Super Mario Bros sold well is because of the crazy mini-games. And let's face it, they were fun! And seeing as the game is delayed to make place for Mario Bros Wii, they might as well put them in, maybe even some motion plus mini games. They are also fun in multiplayer.
  • Mario Vs Luigi mode. While we are at it, the Mario vs Luigi mode was fun as well. The spherical worlds would be perfect for this. A 4 player Mario Vs Luigi would be awesome, if highly unlikely.
  • On-line for the mini games and Mario vs Luigi. While we are on the subject of highly unlikely, we might as well put this in.
  • Super Mario Universe! Because it sounds much better than Galaxy 2!

This is all, what do you guys think?

 Awesome ideas, Iga! You should work for Nintendo. Happy

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Wed, 03 Jun 2009 22:31:50

gamingeek said:

They are holding back this amazingness for that 4 player retro romp?


 I prefer to believe they'll use that extra time to make Mario Galaxy 2 even better. Happy

Edited: Wed, 03 Jun 2009 22:35:50

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Wed, 03 Jun 2009 23:46:02

Ravenprose said:

gamingeek said:

They are holding back this amazingness for that 4 player retro romp?


I prefer to believe they'll use that extra time to make Mario Galaxy 2 even better. Happy

That's what I'm thinking.

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Thu, 04 Jun 2009 00:29:19

Iga needs to direct this game.

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Mon, 08 Jun 2009 19:26:11
This game is going to be nuts.  The first one is one of the finest games ever made.  I can't wait to see what they do now that they've got the first one to use as a framework.
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Mon, 08 Jun 2009 20:06:49

I still cant get over how this is a 2010 game thanks to NSMB.

When you watch the trailer you can put it on a loop and you get that same grin you had whilst playing the first.

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Fri, 12 Jun 2009 13:03:23

So one thing I wanted to talk about were some peoples fears about this game.

Is it a quick sequel? Two mainline mario games in one generation? I've heard mutterings, not on this site that its a mis-step for nintendo. That they are known for reinventing their games once every few years and that a sequel that is too similar kills the magic.

I've seen another article saying that nintendo are playing for keeps by making this game. What are your thoughts?

I've heard Vader on the podcast saying that as soon as he completed Galaxy, he would have bought a sequel immediately. That is exactly how I felt (and with Endless Ocean).

My perspective is that Galaxy is almost the perfect rendition of the mario gameplay. What makes a Galaxy sequel acceptable to me is that every level, every part of every level had such variety and was completely different with the planetoid concept. And it was so perfectly balanced that even with a sequel, you are going to get such variation between sections. So it doesn't bother me that much.

If you just watch the trailer on a loop you also get that same giddy feeling. I guess the only bad bits are the repetition bits, for instance in the first game you had a wooden Yoshi head and now there is a wooden mario head. But that is like 0.01% of the game.

I hope its not an excuse to re-cycle assets though.

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Fri, 12 Jun 2009 13:27:50
i have no fears, really. no complaints. i am glad they are making a sequel.  it would have been a waste not to do one since it appears there are so many ideas that didn't get used in the first one, and so many fresh ideas.  also it's not as if platformers are an over-saturated genre so that this will not be a welcome game.

thank you nintendo for making this game


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Fri, 12 Jun 2009 15:51:23
This does not look like a quick sequel at all.  The gameplay looks even more amazing than the first.  I'm not worried at all and GG, you're right.  I had the same silly grin on my face when I saw this, just like when I played the first game.  I'm changing my mind, this is automatic GOTY for me ATM.
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Fri, 12 Jun 2009 15:56:32
I'm not sure how anyone can play the quick sequel card on this.  It'll be 2 1/2 years between the games.  GTA and Metal Gear games come out on a more frequent basis.  I don't think it'll be a GOTY game just because it will share a lot of similarities to the original and doesn't seem to have gotten a face lift, but that doesn't mean it won't be an excellent game and completely worth playing.
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Fri, 12 Jun 2009 16:03:11

^^The only reason it won't get GoTY is because Metroid and Zelda are going to be released the same year.

It's too soon to jump to conclusion. We have hardly seen anything yet. What will the power-up structure be? What will be the level selection structure?

Just changing the power-up structure and the level selection structure to resemble Mario World, would totally change the game for the better!

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