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Red Steel 2 Official Thread: "Probably the best third party wii game we've played in recent memory"
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Thu, 30 Apr 2009 21:35:36
The images look pretty cool.  Now I'm actually interested in the game.
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Thu, 30 Apr 2009 22:21:29

OH it looks like that. When I saw the scans I just saw tiny shots, it didn't even look cellshaded. Now that I see it blown up, WOW. Love the new look.

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Fri, 01 May 2009 03:17:22
Looks great. I'm actually interested now.

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Fri, 01 May 2009 07:36:12
Hey, is this XIII - 2? J/K

I think they're taking a cue from No More Heroes and maybe Mad World. Let's see if the gameplay lives up to it though.

It doesn't look to bad. Cel-shading is a great way to take advantage of the Wii's system limitations because the artstyle can make it look like a next-gen game ( well, almost). For example, Mad World is more impressive to me than any next-gen game all because of the unique black & white artstyle.


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Fri, 01 May 2009 08:04:01

ASK_Story said:
Hey, is this XIII - 2? J/K

I think they're taking a cue from No More Heroes and maybe Mad World. Let's see if the gameplay lives up to it though.

It doesn't look to bad. Cel-shading is a great way to take advantage of the Wii's system limitations because the artstyle can make it look like a next-gen game ( well, almost). For example, Mad World is more impressive to me than any next-gen game all because of the unique black & white artstyle.

personally i love the cel-shaded look in games.  i think it gives them a certain kind of edge which i enjoy.  it's very "modern" (some would say post-modern) and I often prefer that to "traditional" as far as art-style is concerned.  GG has a point though, with the exception of The Wind Waker (which by the way most people decided was great after Twilight Princess went back to the traditional look they were crying for) hardly any other cel-shaded games have been overly successful.  Most recent case in point Prince of Persia, an altogether very successful franchise and recognisable IP that went cel-shaded suddenly.  Personally i think the recent game looks stunning (i haven't played it as i don't have ps3 or 360) but it sold terribly didn't it?

another thing that could be a problem for them is motion+ exclusivity.  while i understand that if you're going to take advantage of the technology, you might as well do it well and not be half-assed about it but i don't know if it is safe to assume everybody will have it that early on.  but maybe they can get a pack-in deal with Nintendo going, that would be good and the tennis games and tiger are proof that nintendo is thankfully not saving that just for Sports Resort.


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Fri, 01 May 2009 09:56:38

ASK_Story said:
Hey, is this XIII - 2? J/K

I think they're taking a cue from No More Heroes and maybe Mad World. Let's see if the gameplay lives up to it though.

It doesn't look to bad. Cel-shading is a great way to take advantage of the Wii's system limitations because the artstyle can make it look like a next-gen game ( well, almost). For example, Mad World is more impressive to me than any next-gen game all because of the unique black & white artstyle.

 It's made by the same team, with additions from the GRAW team and such. I liked the chunky arcade look of the first game. Really if you asked anyone about the flaws in Red Steel they would say controls, polish and multiplayer.

They spend so long trying to figure out what to do next when the answer was obvious, instead Ubilogic takes them to: lets set it in a futuristic desert town, and cel shade it. I mean WTH? Insanity. 

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Fri, 01 May 2009 09:59:32

bugsonglass said:

ASK_Story said:
Hey, is this XIII - 2? J/K

I think they're taking a cue from No More Heroes and maybe Mad World. Let's see if the gameplay lives up to it though.

It doesn't look to bad. Cel-shading is a great way to take advantage of the Wii's system limitations because the artstyle can make it look like a next-gen game ( well, almost). For example, Mad World is more impressive to me than any next-gen game all because of the unique black & white artstyle.

personally i love the cel-shaded look in games.  i think it gives them a certain kind of edge which i enjoy.  it's very "modern" (some would say post-modern) and I often prefer that to "traditional" as far as art-style is concerned.  GG has a point though, with the exception of The Wind Waker (which by the way most people decided was great after Twilight Princess went back to the traditional look they were crying for) hardly any other cel-shaded games have been overly successful.  Most recent case in point Prince of Persia, an altogether very successful franchise and recognisable IP that went cel-shaded suddenly. 

 Gamers on message boards love celshading. Everyone else ignores it and buys games that are visually easier to understand - realism or an approximation of it. 

Okami, Madworld, GTA DS, Prince of Persia, Viewtiful Joe. All great games with visual styles I love, all commercial failures?

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Fri, 01 May 2009 19:12:42

gamingeek said:

Okami, Madworld, GTA DS, Prince of Persia, Viewtiful Joe. All great games with visual styles I love, all commercial failures?

 What's the definition of a commercial failure? Okami, PoP and Viewtiful Joe all made money. Granted, they didn't sell millions of copies, but they were profitable; I don't see that as a failure. It's too early to say Madworld and GTA DS are failures either. They haven't been out long enough. I guess I don't understand why a game is considered a failure if it doesn't sell a million units on day one.

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Fri, 01 May 2009 19:18:46

Ravenprose said:

gamingeek said:

Okami, Madworld, GTA DS, Prince of Persia, Viewtiful Joe. All great games with visual styles I love, all commercial failures?

What's the definition of a commercial failure? Okami, PoP and Viewtiful Joe all made money. Granted, they didn't sell millions of copies, but they were profitable; I don't see that as a failure. It's too early to say Madworld and GTA DS are failures either. They haven't been out long enough. I guess I don't understand why a game is considered a failure if it doesn't sell a million units on day one.

Clover who made okami and the viewtiful joe games was shut down so you can't say those games were successful either


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Fri, 01 May 2009 20:09:12

Yeah, what he said. 

What I mean is that Red Steel is already a million seller, there is no need to move the game into niche territory by celshading it. 

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Sat, 02 May 2009 02:51:17
The Wind Waker sold 5 million.  I win Nyaa


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Sat, 02 May 2009 12:08:49
Red Steel 2 - more details reveal some controls, non-linear gameplay, and explanation for lack of multiplayer

- some aspect of leveling up your character
- gun and sword combos
- “RS2 is tightly focused on intensely physical first person sword fighting, with gunplay a secondary option”
- hold Z to lock onto enemy
- hold down C and swing to block, vertical and horizontal blocks
- switch lock-on at any time
- screen prompts you if you’re being attacked from behind. Press A to quick-turn in this situation
- many enemies wear bulletproof armor
- not open world
- not a linear game, multiple paths to take
- several hub-worlds
- side quests
- collectibles
- return to old areas with new powers and abilities
-”non-combat use of MotionPlus wont be limited to opening doors”
- boss fights
- production began last summer
- Ubisoft discussing the lack of multiplayer: “We would love to create a multiplayer engine, but not right now. It’s single player because we want to really focus on the core mechanic and as much as we all want to kill each other with swords, it’s not going to happen this time.
- Ubisoft on releasing a multiplayer mode through DLC: “That would be cool. The world has changed, and we can do that sort of thing. I certainly think that would be cool. I’d buy it. But we need to be careful bringing out something that people think should be in the main game.”

Oh crap, they are changing the balance of sword and gunplay? No, they had it right before. It's going to get frustrating I feel. Hold C to block? WTF is the use of motionplus if the blocking works in exactly the same way as the old game? Hub world and side quests sound good. Almost sounds more of an RPG or adventure game type structure.

So motionplus is being used for more stuff other than fighting. Interesting.

Production began last summer? So this is another freaking rush job? Well okay, by the time it comes out that's a year and a half, but by the end of this year that will be 3 years since the original came out. Why wasn't it being worked on? Oh yeah the cancelled game. Great.

That means that the interview last year was BS and that as the interview was taking place they hadn't even begun working on the game. The Smash Bros Brawl effect. Will this be your patented Ubi-rush job? I will be severely pissed off if it is.

I want New Play Control Red Steel 1, fix the godamn controls, add motionplus swordfighting, polish everything up and add some decent multiplayer shit.

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Sat, 02 May 2009 17:37:11

Swords >> Guns, that is a fact.

If you can splice bullets with you swords like Machii, it will be the most awesome thing ever!

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Sat, 02 May 2009 18:04:19
I'm with Iga, swords are better than guns. I love that it will have exploration aspects. That is why I ask about the gameplay GG, cause you learn valuable info and now I am more excited for this game than ever.
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Sat, 02 May 2009 18:20:04

Dvader said:
I'm with Iga, swords are better than guns. I love that it will have exploration aspects. That is why I ask about the gameplay GG, cause you learn valuable info and now I am more excited for this game than ever.

 The swordplay doesn't worry you Vader? You hold C and then do a motion at the right time to block? That's exactly the same as the first game, hell in the first game you didn't even have to hold down a button. 

The first game had 75% shooting, 25% swords? Imagine that level with the ninjas only on every level. It could get very frustrating, very soon. 

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Sat, 02 May 2009 18:28:33

gamingeek said:

Dvader said:
I'm with Iga, swords are better than guns. I love that it will have exploration aspects. That is why I ask about the gameplay GG, cause you learn valuable info and now I am more excited for this game than ever.

 The swordplay doesn't worry you Vader? You hold C and then do a motion at the right time to block? That's exactly the same as the first game, hell in the first game you didn't even have to hold down a button. 

The first game had 75% shooting, 25% swords? Imagine that level with the ninjas only on every level. It could get very frustrating, very soon. 

 I think they mean that you hold the button and tilt the controller to do a vertical or horizontal block. In Wii Sport Resort you also hold a button to block, this makes the block more weaker by using horizontal block to block a vertical slice and vice versa. One to one blocking would be way to difficult. What happens if two swords clash and you hand moves further will you sword does not?

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Sat, 02 May 2009 18:28:36
Not if motionplus is as good as it should be. Which it may not be and the game is a disaster. We shall see. All I know is that sword play interests me more than gun play which I can get from a ton of other games. But I get your fears, if its as robotic and repetitive as the sword fighting in the first game it could be trouble. It needs to have more of a Ninja Gaiden feel to it, fast paced, many kills, to be fun for a whole game.
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Sat, 02 May 2009 18:44:10
I like my FPS just as much as anyone, but Motion Plus swordplay just sounds like it'll be really awesome, so it doesn't bother me at all that they are placing the emphasis on swords over guns.

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Sat, 02 May 2009 18:50:48

Iga_Bobovic said:

 I think they mean that you hold the button and tilt the controller to do a vertical or horizontal block. In Wii Sport Resort you also hold a button to block, this makes the block more weaker by using horizontal block to block a vertical slice and vice versa. One to one blocking would be way to difficult. What happens if two swords clash and you hand moves further will you sword does not?

 It says swing to block either horizontal or vertical. If you swing to block then you are doing it with the right timing, how it worked in the first game with the nunchuk.


Dvader said:
Not if motionplus is as good as it should be. Which it may not be and the game is a disaster. We shall see. All I know is that sword play interests me more than gun play which I can get from a ton of other games. But I get your fears, if its as robotic and repetitive as the sword fighting in the first game it could be trouble. It needs to have more of a Ninja Gaiden feel to it, fast paced, many kills, to be fun for a whole game.

But having it constantly enjoyable means avoiding repetition and getting the difficulty curve exactly right. Too easy and its a slashfest, too hard and it will be a pain in the ass.

But think about what we know so far. Z lock and fight, focus on swordplay. So you walk up to one dude, lock on, slash, beat. Move onto next guy, do same thing, move onto next guy. How boring is that going to get if you have to beat say 8 guys in one area? Or 6 guys?

In RS1 you had all this explosive gunplay for half an hour, a 5 minute swordfight and then another 20 minutes of shooting.

Fast paced would be good, but if its like that then it needs to be like bloody and visceral like your Wolverine impressions and there is no blood and they are aiming for a T rating. There would also have to be many different ways to kill opponents like Madworld.  

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Sat, 02 May 2009 19:55:40

gamingeek said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

I think they mean that you hold the button and tilt the controller to do a vertical or horizontal block. In Wii Sport Resort you also hold a button to block, this makes the block more weaker by using horizontal block to block a vertical slice and vice versa. One to one blocking would be way to difficult. What happens if two swords clash and you hand moves further will you sword does not?

It says swing to block either horizontal or vertical. If you swing to block then you are doing it with the right timing, how it worked in the first game with the nunchuk.

Dvader said:
Not if motionplus is as good as it should be. Which it may not be and the game is a disaster. We shall see. All I know is that sword play interests me more than gun play which I can get from a ton of other games. But I get your fears, if its as robotic and repetitive as the sword fighting in the first game it could be trouble. It needs to have more of a Ninja Gaiden feel to it, fast paced, many kills, to be fun for a whole game.

But having it constantly enjoyable means avoiding repetition and getting the difficulty curve exactly right. Too easy and its a slashfest, too hard and it will be a pain in the ass.

But think about what we know so far. Z lock and fight, focus on swordplay. So you walk up to one dude, lock on, slash, beat. Move onto next guy, do same thing, move onto next guy. How boring is that going to get if you have to beat say 8 guys in one area? Or 6 guys?

In RS1 you had all this explosive gunplay for half an hour, a 5 minute swordfight and then another 20 minutes of shooting.

Fast paced would be good, but if its like that then it needs to be like bloody and visceral like your Wolverine impressions and there is no blood and they are aiming for a T rating. There would also have to be many different ways to kill opponents like Madworld.  

Yeah thats why I feel it needs to be fast paced. The kill one guy and move on method would get old really fast. There will need to be ways to chain combo multiple enemies, to keep the action fast and exciting. The bosses can have the more traditional sword fights.

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