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OT - Sega 3-D Classics!!! - "a robust 3D experience that offers more modern gameplay"
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Sat, 30 Nov 2013 20:04:12

If you hadn't heard (because you don't like Sega, don't have a 3DS, or live under a rock) Sega has announced a series eight 3-D ports from their classic library to the 3D eShop. In the words of Sega President John Cheng, "These games were completely re-built to offer a robust 3D experience that offers more modern gameplay while still keeping true to the original. We look forward to bringing these classic SEGA titles to Nintendo 3DS for fans – both old and new."

Each of these titles will be priced at $5.99/€4.99/£4.49 and two will be released each week. The list of games includes:

  • 3D Space Harrier, 3D Super Hang-On – 11/28/2013
  • 3D Sonic The Hedgehog, 3D Altered Beast – 12/5/2013
  • 3D Ecco the Dolphin™, 3D Galaxy Force II – 12/12/2013
  • 3D Shinobi III, 3D Streets of Rage – 12/19/2013

Space Harrier and Super Hang-On have been arcade ports, but in most cases it looks like Sega will be porting over the Gensis/16-bit versions of the game when applicable. Additionally, it was announced today (11/30/13) via Twitter that a second set of 3-D classics is in the works. There is no word whether or not this set will be available in the West, but likely will depend on response to the first set.

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Sat, 30 Nov 2013 20:11:07


Space Harrier is the first classic out of the gate, and I can tell you first hand it hasn't looked this good since it came out in the arcades almost 20 years ago. The premise is simple. You fly around the screen dodging obstacles and bullets, while trying to kill stuff that wants to kill you.... in a world with a checker board floor!!!!  Checker board is the hallmark of the Fantasy Zone you know. The real gimmick here is that unlike most shmups, this isn't a typical 2-D vertical or horizontal shooter. This time the camera is behind you, and you really feel like you're charging right into enemy fire and sudden death. Yeah pretty cool.

The 3-D is outstanding. Some of the best I've seen on the 3DS yet. The developer M2 really nailed it. That goes a long way into capturing what this game was really about, up until now what the consoles really couldn't quite emulate (no disrepect to the Master System version that tried at-home 3-D in the late 80's). There's also several new additions; adjustable difficulty level,touch screen controls (junk), tilt screen effects, and level selection for completed levels.

And what do the critics say? Well not much yet, but the reviews are coming:

  • - 7/10 (but they talk it up like it's better)
Edited: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 21:26:53
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Sat, 30 Nov 2013 20:32:45

Super Hang-On

Race your motorcycle around the world; Africa, Spain, Japan, Italy, Germany, France, and the UK. No racing motorcycles in America though. That shit ain't allowed.  The billboards of other Sega games like Outrun and After Burner are long gone, but the gameplay is completely intact, and possible better than even. Like Space Harrier this features several upgrades to regular ports that make it closer to an arcade experience like the enhanced 3-D and tilt controls to reflect how you used to lean side to side on the motorcyle seat that was attached to the original arcade cabinet. The original was kind of considered to be Outrun's less impressive little brother, but until that comes along, this could do a damn fine job of scratching your 3-D racing itch.

Current Metacritic Score (based on 4 reviews): 74

Edited: Sun, 15 Dec 2013 22:18:40
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Sat, 30 Nov 2013 22:49:47

I plan on getting Space Harrier 3D.


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  • Storm the Castle (77BD-0000-00E0-A9C0)


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Sun, 01 Dec 2013 10:12:40

Altered Beast LOL

"Wise fwom yo gwaaaaaave"

Worst game ever?

Some of these are tempting though.  Great thread!


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Sun, 01 Dec 2013 13:19:49
bugsonglass said:

Altered Beast LOL

"Wise fwom yo gwaaaaaave"

Worst game ever?

Some of these are tempting though.  Great thread!


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Sun, 01 Dec 2013 13:58:54

I never quite understood the hate that Altered Beast gets nowadays. It's not a good game by today's standards, but when it came out I had fun with it. That being said there's no way I'm going to buy it when it comes out.

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Sun, 01 Dec 2013 14:08:16

My only memories of that game are from the arcade at my local Fast Fare.

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Sun, 01 Dec 2013 14:16:23

Altered Beast was bundled with the Sega Genesis when it first came out, up until Sonic the Hedgehog came out. The rich kid in my neighborhood got the Genesis right around the time it launched so we played it quite a bit. Fun enough. How many games let you be a bear after all?

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Sun, 01 Dec 2013 15:02:06

Space Harrier came out well OVER 20 years ago, originally! It's been nearly 30!

Altered Beast, the arcade version, while still simple, was --MUCH-- better than the Genesis version!


robio said:

How many games let you be a bear after all?


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Sun, 01 Dec 2013 15:18:09
phantom_leo said:


And it's one of the best damned games of all time!

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Sun, 01 Dec 2013 16:37:20

Sorry, Robio, but Crystal Castles was nothing more than a lame Pac-Man ripoff. Nyaa

Edited: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 16:37:43

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Sun, 01 Dec 2013 16:40:19

Oh yeah? Your face is a lame Pac-Man ripoff.

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Mon, 02 Dec 2013 02:11:42

Altered Beast is still fun today, even if it's terrible. How many terrible games can you say that about?

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Sun, 15 Dec 2013 17:38:21

If you liked Space Harrier --AT ALL-- you --HAVE TO-- try Galaxy Force II ! ! ! You'd be amazed how good a 1988 Arcade Game could look even today and just how much the 3D can add to the game!

Best 3D classic yet!

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Sun, 15 Dec 2013 22:25:09

3D Sonic the Hedgehog

There's really no way around saying this, so I'll come right out and say it. Sega has whored out Sonic the Hedgehog like no other game in the history of games. It has appeared on over a dozen consoles and handhelds and plug-and-play systems. Solitaire isn't as readily available as Sonic the Hedgehog. So why buy this one? Well it's in 3-D.....

Not enough of a reason? Well it's tough for me to tell anyone they need this, but if you've somehow never played it before (because it wasn't available to play before you were born yesterday), or you just need it again this is a damned good version. Once again M2 has done a masterful job with the multi-layered 3-D graphics. They've added a bunch of bonuses, and for the first time ever Sonic is able to use the spin-dash move that should make the game a little easier. Not to say that Sonic isn't a good game, because it is. It's a very good game. But odds are you've already played it many times, so it's a little tougher to get excited about this one than some of the other 3D classics.

Edited: Sun, 15 Dec 2013 22:27:47
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Sun, 15 Dec 2013 22:32:56

3-D Altered Beast

Altered Beast has over the years earned a title as one of Sega's worst games. It's not an entirely fair claim in my book. As I've said before it's not a good game, but there's worse ways to spend 20 minutes (which is how long it takes to beat this game). And it's sad to say even M2 sort of shares this negative opinion. Of all the 3-D Sega classics Altered Beast seems to have gotten the shaft. The 3-D isn't as impressive as the others released thus far. The extras don't seem as plentiful either, but maybe there wasn't much to offer in the first place.

The early reviews are pretty bad, and it's safe to say there are better ways to spend $6.

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