gamingeek said:
That hunter would be you, just hunting down testicles while everyone else was trying to hack off arms and legs.
Pretty much. Teste Hunter.
SteelAttack said:gamingeek said:
That hunter would be you, just hunting down testicles while everyone else was trying to hack off arms and legs.
Pretty much. Teste Hunter.
I can just imagine an online game. 3 of us would be struggling to defeat this massive beast who was kicking us to shit. And in the distance we'd see your character waddling into the distance with a massive teste in his arms.
gamingeek said:I can just imagine an online game. 3 of us would be struggling to defeat this massive beast who was kicking us to shit. And in the distance we'd see your character waddling into the distance with a massive teste in his arms.
Running away towards the sunset with a huge fucking ball in my arms.
Two really high quality videos. Looking great. Pretty epic locations and a nice engine and music.

The textures on the dragon look aweosme. Though it is a small pic.
This is bigger and still looks awesome. I'm really impressed by the animation in this game. However, after watching those two videos I'm not sure this is a game I will enjoy. Huge environments but they are quite empty with only a few massive beasts to kill. It will all depend on how well the multiplayer works, if it uses Wii speak and how many of you guys get it. Still, I have a feeling this game will take ages to come out in the west.
gamingeek said:This is bigger and still looks awesome. I'm really impressed by the animation in this game. However, after watching those two videos I'm not sure this is a game I will enjoy. Huge environments but they are quite empty with only a few massive beasts to kill. It will all depend on how well the multiplayer works, if it uses Wii speak and how many of you guys get it. Still, I have a feeling this game will take ages to come out in the west.
huge empty and barren landscapes ... big beasts minding their own until you attack them ... it's reminding me more and more of shadow of the colossus. OK not quite, but i think it's looking more and more like a game i will enjoy though i was a little iffy to begin with. and if several of us here get it, then it'll be even better
bugsonglass said:huge empty and barren landscapes ... big beasts minding their own until you attack them ... it's reminding me more and more of shadow of the colossus. OK not quite, but i think it's looking more and more like a game i will enjoy though i was a little iffy to begin with. and if several of us here get it, then it'll be even better
Actually it sort of reminded me of Endless Ocean. I actually felt a bit sad. If you watch the second video up top^ those sea beasties are living peacefully until you go and start hacking them up. It's like whale hunting
gamingeek said:bugsonglass said:huge empty and barren landscapes ... big beasts minding their own until you attack them ... it's reminding me more and more of shadow of the colossus. OK not quite, but i think it's looking more and more like a game i will enjoy though i was a little iffy to begin with. and if several of us here get it, then it'll be even better
Actually it sort of reminded me of Endless Ocean. I actually felt a bit sad. If you watch the second video up top^ those sea beasties are living peacefully until you go and start hacking them up. It's like whale hunting
Colossus is like that too. most of them are not even aggressive towards you until they know you're planning to kill them, and slaying most of them fills you with sadness. it makes it that much more memorable and emotional though
I dunno. It makes me feel like a meanie.
If it has Wii Speak support you'll hear me shouting "Hey, leave him alone!"
bugsonglass said:gamingeek said:bugsonglass said:huge empty and barren landscapes ... big beasts minding their own until you attack them ... it's reminding me more and more of shadow of the colossus. OK not quite, but i think it's looking more and more like a game i will enjoy though i was a little iffy to begin with. and if several of us here get it, then it'll be even better
Actually it sort of reminded me of Endless Ocean. I actually felt a bit sad. If you watch the second video up top^ those sea beasties are living peacefully until you go and start hacking them up. It's like whale hunting
Colossus is like that too. most of them are not even aggressive towards you until they know you're planning to kill them, and slaying most of them fills you with sadness. it makes it that much more memorable and emotional though
Amen man, it was absolutely brutal. And when you stagb your first collosal. The sickening crunch and blood spray. Ugh, it was simeltaneously awesome and horrible!
bugsonglass said:trailer looks fantastic. music could have been better but it does the job. is it confirmed that the online is going to be "pay2play"?
No, but 2nd G is. Capcom wont comment at the moment.
I dont see why the games have to use servers and not just use the consoles as a host like other games.
Holy shit! Just watching the trailer now. Looks epic.
But why are they trying to rip the Superman theme tune?
Awesome trailer
All the swinging with the huge weapons reminds me of Fedor training with his hammer.
See the video here around 2:09 mark
One of the Monster's testes?
That hunter would be you, just hunting down testicles while everyone else was trying to hack off arms and legs.