We can probably count Hamster out. The game was made after 1983, so it's too complicated for him.
GG will make an official topic for a game, discuss it for a year and a half and then never land up playing it, so he's probably out too.
I think Vader might be won over. He's not so afraid of control schemes as the others. We'll just have to chip in and buy it for him. He has been known to like and play Online Console MMO's before!
Oh! and Archie! Party of 3! Yay!
Steel? Hmmm. If we give him the biggest sword and allow him to play in the n00d... Maybe...? He's a manly man! The controls won't scare HIM away. Possible 4th member.
We'll have to wait and see!
I LOVE the cave in the middle of the area for some reason.
I found those little, whooping Leech-like monsters very creepy for some reason. I love the way they hop around. I THOUGHT they were too cute to be hazardous... Until one of them jumped on me and started draining my blood!
Unfortunately, I had no idea how to use my inventory when I first found them, so I never lit my torch to see them very clearly.
In another play-through of the demo. I did go into a cave. I did light the torch. I really liked the lighting effect the torch displayed.
Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Capcom! Awesome!
phantom_leo said:
We can probably count Hamster out. The game was made after 1983, so it's too complicated for him.
I'm probably the most casual gamer on this site, and I'm damn proud of it. *goes back to playing Wii Sports Resort.*

phantom_leo said:
GG will make an official topic for a game, discuss it for a year and a half and then never land up playing it, so he's probably out too.
Damned right.
Steel will claim he wants the game and that he's going to buy it and then never will, citing steep import charges or excessively priced Mexican copies or lack of stock at his countryside mom and pop store.
gamingeek said:phantom_leo said:
GG will make an official topic for a game, discuss it for a year and a half and then never land up playing it, so he's probably out too.Damned right.
Steel will claim he wants the game and that he's going to buy it and then never will, citing steep import charges or excessively priced Mexican copies or lack of stock at his countryside mom and pop store.
phantom_leo said:Well. I have Wii Speak (came with Endless Ocean 2) and we can be a party of 2... at least until the other n00bs come to their senses.
We can probably count Hamster out. The game was made after 1983, so it's too complicated for him.
GG will make an official topic for a game, discuss it for a year and a half and then never land up playing it, so he's probably out too.
I think Vader might be won over. He's not so afraid of control schemes as the others. We'll just have to chip in and buy it for him. He has been known to like and play Online Console MMO's before!
Oh! and Archie! Party of 3! Yay!
Steel? Hmmm. If we give him the biggest sword and allow him to play in the n00d... Maybe...? He's a manly man! The controls won't scare HIM away. Possible 4th member.
We'll have to wait and see!
Well in that case I guess I'm lucky that this game reminds me of some strange niche game, otherwise I might not play it.
What about Ernesto? Can he hold a controller?
phantom_leo said:I still find even just the environments jaw-dropping!
I LOVE the cave in the middle of the area for some reason.
I found those little, whooping Leech-like monsters very creepy for some reason. I love the way they hop around. I THOUGHT they were too cute to be hazardous... Until one of them jumped on me and started draining my blood!
Unfortunately, I had no idea how to use my inventory when I first found them, so I never lit my torch to see them very clearly.
In another play-through of the demo. I did go into a cave. I did light the torch. I really liked the lighting effect the torch displayed.
Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Capcom! Awesome!
what about me? i thought you was my hunting buddy now i don't even get 4th place in the team when no one else wants it?
bugsonglass said:what about me? i thought you was my hunting buddy now i don't even get 4th place in the team when no one else wants it?
Oops! Our party is complete! Yay!
robio said:What about Ernesto? Can he hold a controller?
Hmmm. Good question. I've never seen him hold anything smaller than a Wii-Mote with Motion-Plus before...
...and even then he wasn't using his hands...
So I have NO IDEA!
Agnates said:Played the demo a bit more, bumped against a wall to force the camera to get closer and check out the character. Damn, it's almost a shame you can't get the camera closer in normal gameplay, these are the most impressive character models on Wii.
Really? I've seen the close ups in video form and they didn't seem that good.
Whats that bit I saw in one of the trailers where 4 hunters were sitting around chilling and wiggling their feet about?

And yes, they're really that good (doesn't Shattered Memories that you're playing now also look better than most videos - especially the shadows which aren't so obviously jagged as in screens and other media in direct motion?). It obviously varies with the armor suit currenly equipped, but that's just down to design preferences. My favorite of those shown in the demo is the one I said with the sword and shield setup, but the full game has a huge amount of stuff to craft so more will be just as awesome and better :-)
Agnates said:There are just various gestures you can do, MMO style, no use than to look pretty. There's waving, greeting, cheering, sitting back (what you saw), stomping the ground frustrated, etc. They're like emoticons
And yes, they're really that good (doesn't Shattered Memories that you're playing now also look better than most videos - especially the shadows which aren't so obviously jagged as in screens and other media in direct motion?). It obviously varies with the armor suit currenly equipped, but that's just down to design preferences. My favorite of those shown in the demo is the one I said with the sword and shield setup, but the full game has a huge amount of stuff to craft so more will be just as awesome and better :-)
Do you create your character face? Or if you just choose, how varied are the choices? Do you have race types or something?
Also, my bad above, you didn't choose skin tone separately in MHFU, it was tied to the different face choices and automtically changed the rest of the body color to match.
So, how large are the environments? Sometimes in pics or videos they seem huge, but then when you move to a certain point a loading screen just sort of pops up out of the blue. Its very fast, but I get the impression that individual areas are relatively small in that they require a load between them.
Say compared to something like Twilight Princess, how often are you seeing loading screens break up the environment?