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Metroid: Other M
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Sun, 14 Jun 2009 13:30:25



Metroid Prime and Super Metroid consistently sit at the top of my personal best lists. There are few games that have even come (or will ever come) close. If there was a serious rating, higher than a 'Ten' that would convey how much this series means to me, I would award it that without hesitation!

Some of my earliest memories as a gamer have me browsing the brightly mirrored shelves at a Modell's store in my home town, lovingly staring at each and every NES title displayed and noticing two brand new games, sporting the 'Password Pak' logo on the box. I was immediately intrigued! One game was Kid Icarus, the other the original Metroid.

One was almost forgotten by history until recent rumors arose; the other, though gone for quite a while after the release of the AMAZING Super Metroid, had a more than triumphant return with Prime.

The series has always been top-quality gaming. I have never, ever been disappointed in ANY of them from the original, through the Gameboy version, the beautiful GBA titles to the GC and Wii games.




I was both shocked and concerned with the announcement at E3. Team Ninja? Really Nintendo? Really? Please don't turn it into Metroid Gaiden Sigma! Please don't turn it into Metroid Gaiden Sigma! The screenshots had me happy and nervous all at the same time!




Then I read this at Kotaku: 'Nintendo: Metroid: Other M Will be a Metroid Unlke Anything Ever Experienced Before.' Really? Ummm... Not sure how I feel about that. Nervously, I clicked the link, and all fears were IMMEDIATELY DISPELLED ! ! ! Read on!



  • "It should be noted that Sakamoto has one of the most impressive resumes in the industry, so his desire to top past Metroids is a desire to top his own work. Back in the 80s, he did character design for the original Metroid. He directed or supervised most of the games in that series. He also did game design for Nintendo Entertainment System cult cIassic Kid Icarus and has produced most of the WarioWare games that followed the first of that series."
  • "Enter Team Ninja, which, Hayashi said, "is very fond of Samus as a character. We've all got huge soft spots for her."
  • "noting how the game fits into the timeline between the Super Nintendo's Super Metroid and the Game Boy Advance's Metroid Fusion: 'With Fusion, that game was very story-driven. In that game, I believe I was able to explain Samus as a character, as a person, not just somebody in armor. And I was not only explain Samus but the characters around her… with Super Metroid I showed, through her relationship with the baby Metroid, some of her maternal instincts. Between those two stories I feel I was able to explain Samus as a person. But because Metroid equals Samus, I'd like to develop her character further, as a soldier, as a human, also as a woman. That's what they're hoping to do with Other M.' "
  • "The two developers described the new project as one targeted right at Metroid fans."
  • "Our goal in developing Other M," said Sakamoto, "Is to deliver the kind of Metroid that all fans want to play."
  • "Morph ball and ice beam? Of course."
  • "New abilities? Yes."
  • "Progressions of the character's powers? That's the goal. Said Hayashi: 'Metroid has definitely been one of those games where as the player progresses through the story you can really feel yourself powering up. You can really feel Samus evolving in terms of her abilities. I'd like to maintain that essence of the Metroid series. In addition, just the feel of the game, by being in there, the emotional experience for the player is something I feel responsible to maintain true to.' "
  • "It's clear, though, that there will be a twist. The Project M team, Sakamoto said: 'Will create a new Metroid unlike anything ever experienced before.' "




Original Developers? Check! Team of Metroid Fans? Check! Knowledge and Respect of the History of the Series and the Games that Came Before? Check and Check! Butt-Kicking Trailer? Check... it out!


Somehow I think everything is going to be O K ! ! !




**Is it too early for an Official Mega-Topic?**


Edited: Sun, 14 Jun 2009 13:36:27
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Sun, 14 Jun 2009 13:32:15

"Sakamoto has one of the most impressive resumes in the industry, so his desire to top past Metroids is a desire to top his own work. Back in the 80s, he did character design for the original Metroid. He directed or supervised most of the games in that series..."

**Unless they revive Gunpei Yokoi somehow, you can't get much more Metroidy than the original character designer and director/supervisor for most of the games in the series!**


Read the whole Kotaku interview here.


1UP: What most people love about Metroid is that it offers a huge, open world. It's non-linear, there's so much to explore, and you can move about at your own pace. Is that something you're going to be retaining for this game, or is it going to be more of a linear, level by level progression?

YS: If you think about this one as being maybe similar to Metroid Fusion, then I think you'll have an idea of how the story will play out. It's still linear in the sense that there's a progression, but there are side areas that players can go into. It will retain that true, Metroid feel.


Read the whole 1Up interview here.


Edited: Sun, 14 Jun 2009 15:48:31
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Sun, 14 Jun 2009 13:34:25
dvader654 said: Day 1, in fact day zero. But I am with Ask, I dont think they can match the masterpiece that was Metroid Prime.


I was more frightened by the jump from 2D to 3D with Prime than I am of this. Prime moved a bit too far away from the Metroid Mythos for me; the whole Phazon thing kinda got a bit out of hand by the third game. I also didn't like the fact that they seemed to NEED to make several evil Samus across the different games in the series; SA-X --AND-- Dark Samus got to be a bit much. It's like they ran out of ideas so they just started to re-use some old ones!

With the original character designer back I am hoping to see the return of old enemies and NEW enemies from the mind that created the old ones in the first place. Call me a snob --BUT-- Eastern Designers seem to be more creative in their ideas than Western. I expect to see more alien and organic designs from this game than: Hey! We have Samus, lets make a Dark Samus! Hey! We have an Evil Metroid, lets pump it full of Phazon and make a PHAZON Metroid!


Oh! Random thought:


Is this ^


This guy ^ ?



The inclusion of enemies from Super Metroid = Instant Win ! ! !


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Sun, 14 Jun 2009 13:35:36


...and if THAT'S the case, YOU-KNOW-WHO couldn't possibly be that far behind!


This would make me Very, Very Happy ! ! !


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Sun, 14 Jun 2009 13:58:38
For me this was the biggest announcement that E3 offered up.  I'm not much of a Metroid fan, in fact I couldn't even make it all the way through Prime.  But after watching this trailer I'm suddenly excited as hell.  Everything about it just looks good. It's even making me consider picking up the Prime Trilogy that's coming out in August.  
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Sun, 14 Jun 2009 15:29:35
Leo, the more i look at those pics the more i think you must be right about that boss.

Robio, Prime Trilogy is a no-brainer.  so much gaming goodness in that one package

edit:  forgot to mention the only thing so far about Other M which i don't like, is the name Other M.  i hope it's not final
Edited: Sun, 14 Jun 2009 15:30:44


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Sun, 14 Jun 2009 15:46:44

phantom_leo said:

Oh! Random thought:


Is this ^


This guy ^ ?



The inclusion of enemies from Super Metroid = Instant Win ! ! !


 No it's not Crocomire. You can see that creature jump out of the lava, and we all know what happens if Crocomire fall into red hot magma.


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Sun, 14 Jun 2009 15:54:23
Looking at the video, I think even more that it is Crocomire!

Just because you see it leaping from the lava, doesn't mean it was in there in the first place!

I dunno, but my first instinct if I were a huge monster pushed into lava, would be to jump out!

The tail, the color, the eyes and the arms... and the environement all look too similar for it to NOT be him!
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Sun, 14 Jun 2009 16:03:37

phantom_leo said:
Looking at the video, I think even more that it is Crocomire!

Just because you see it leaping from the lava, doesn't mean it was in there in the first place!

I dunno, but my first instinct if I were a huge monster pushed into lava, would be to jump out!

The tail, the color, the eyes and the arms... and the environement all look too similar for it to NOT be him!

 His body looks different, perhaps it's a redesign or a homage!

Leo, did you see Mother Brain kill the Super Metroid, just after the Crocomire sighting?!

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Sun, 14 Jun 2009 16:11:44

Dear. Sweet. Lord!


I just frame-by-framed the trailer again, looking for more Super Metroid similtarities --AND-- I can absolutely confirm two definite things!




Ridley's back! (Well, duh!)




This incarnation of Mother Brain is in the game ! ! !


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Sun, 14 Jun 2009 16:13:11

Iga_Bobovic said:

phantom_leo said:
Looking at the video, I think even more that it is Crocomire!

Just because you see it leaping from the lava, doesn't mean it was in there in the first place!

I dunno, but my first instinct if I were a huge monster pushed into lava, would be to jump out!

The tail, the color, the eyes and the arms... and the environement all look too similar for it to NOT be him!

His body looks different, perhaps it's a redesign or a homage!

Leo, did you see Mother Brain kill the Super Metroid, just after the Crocomire sighting?!

I think it's just that we are seeing him in 3D rather than 2D!

...and yeah... I was putting together the post above as you made your reply!

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Sun, 14 Jun 2009 16:23:35
...ah... alright.... I see what you were talking about.

The scene where I saw the Mother Brain, is the scene where you saw her killing the Baby Metroid.

It's a flashback-sequence, fmv...

...but still, I think this game is going to bring as many elements of Super into the game, as well as being a set-up for Fusion --AND-- will incorporate the creatures I mentioned above plus many more!
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Sun, 14 Jun 2009 18:55:00

phantom_leo said:
...ah... alright.... I see what you were talking about.

The scene where I saw the Mother Brain, is the scene where you saw her killing the Baby Metroid.

It's a flashback-sequence, fmv...

...but still, I think this game is going to bring as many elements of Super into the game, as well as being a set-up for Fusion --AND-- will incorporate the creatures I mentioned above plus many more!

 Maybe we will get some more insight in the Federation. As seen in Fusion they do have a corrupt element. Leo did you read the Metroid Manga?! It was written by Sakamoto!!

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Sun, 14 Jun 2009 19:39:47

I dont know what to expect, it looks like a mish mash of concepts. 2-D running about with first person... on rails boss bits? With Ninja Gaiden style moves and Team Ninja's patented confusing CGI cutscenes?

I'm really not expecting great things, I'm catious at the moment.

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Sun, 14 Jun 2009 20:18:48

Iga_Bobovic said:

phantom_leo said:
...ah... alright.... I see what you were talking about.

The scene where I saw the Mother Brain, is the scene where you saw her killing the Baby Metroid.

It's a flashback-sequence, fmv...

...but still, I think this game is going to bring as many elements of Super into the game, as well as being a set-up for Fusion --AND-- will incorporate the creatures I mentioned above plus many more!

Maybe we will get some more insight in the Federation. As seen in Fusion they do have a corrupt element. Leo did you read the Metroid Manga?! It was written by Sakamoto!!


I didn't even know there was one!


I'm not a big Manga reader. (Never read one!) ...but if it has something to do with Metroid, I certainly could be!

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Sun, 14 Jun 2009 20:48:50

Kraid making a return?  Ridley and Mother Brain back?  *Drools at the thought.*

As long as the awesome bosses and exploration are there, I'm in.  Hell, I'm sure it'll be a day one purchase anyway.  The first Prime is by far my favorite game of last gen. and I can't wait to see what Team Ninja has in store for the Metroid series.  Samus already looks to have some moves like Ryu.  So cool.

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Sun, 14 Jun 2009 20:50:09
Any speculation on what the other M is?  Newly discovered Metroid?
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Sun, 14 Jun 2009 20:53:01
I think it has to do with the mother of something. Other M = M other
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Sun, 14 Jun 2009 21:14:15
OMG. So simple. So logical. Fits completely with the theme of the game! God, Do I feel dumb for not seeing that myself!
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Sun, 14 Jun 2009 21:22:14

That begs the question: What else has Samus given "birth" to...? (Not that she birthed the Baby Metroid, per se, but she was there when it hatched and it imprinted on her.)

...what else can Samus be the mother of?

...Or is it referencing Mother Brain?

...Or the other Aurora Units as seen in Prime 3?

...Or is it addressing the Mutation of the Mother Brain at the end of Super Metroid?

...Or, God help us, are we going to get YET ANOTHER Samus clone? [J/K... Hopefully...]

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