Forum > Gaming Discussion > Mario Kart Wednesdays: The VG Press Grand Prix 19:00 UTC every week for one hour
Mario Kart Wednesdays: The VG Press Grand Prix 19:00 UTC every week for one hour
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Thu, 30 Jul 2015 12:34:56

Internet has been spotty today, delayed the results:

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Thu, 30 Jul 2015 14:12:34

Still haven't heard much feedback on the days and times you want to have it regularly scheduled at. If at all?

Iga sounds like he wants a weekend spot?

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Thu, 30 Jul 2015 16:35:36

Did you just play the computer GG?

I love the banner.

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Thu, 30 Jul 2015 18:16:59

Supreme/Yannick rode me pretty hard, Iga and Archie only did about half of the hour.

Would love to play a full match with the whole VGPress crew.

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Thu, 30 Jul 2015 19:22:10

Everybody must buy or buy back Mario Kart 8.  

Leo can I get you a Mario Kart 8 edition U for a wedding present?


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Thu, 30 Jul 2015 22:23:00

Who's that 'Yannick' guy.  He seems really cool, but I can promise you GG, if I had been there, you'd have been eating my dust from start to finishi

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Thu, 30 Jul 2015 22:24:05

Also, Wednesday is fine for me.  I can't do 2 different gaming sessions in the weekends.

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Fri, 31 Jul 2015 08:07:43

I have been Karted. My copy arrived today. Will play tonight after editing/posting podcast. Happy

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Fri, 31 Jul 2015 08:44:22
aspro said:

I have been Karted. My copy arrived today. Will play tonight after editing/posting podcast. Happy

Congratulations!  Your gaming life, as you know it, will never be the same.

Also, get the DLC doublepack asap.  It is literally 50% extra game ... and contains some of the most awesome courses.  It should be considered an indispensible part of the game.


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Fri, 31 Jul 2015 10:13:14

Yes, everyone needs to get the DLC so we can expand the tracks we can play.

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Sat, 01 Aug 2015 22:16:28
bugsonglass said:

Everybody must buy or buy back Mario Kart 8.  

Leo can I get you a Mario Kart 8 edition U for a wedding present?

Would have plussed this sooner, but I am away from home tryin to cheer up my boo!

Thanks muchly bugs, but I'm usually a giver, not a receiver!  WinkWink

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Sat, 01 Aug 2015 22:31:34
phantom_leo said:

Would have plussed this sooner, but I am away from home tryin to cheer up my boo!

Thanks muchly bugs, but I'm usually a giver, not a receiver!  WinkWink

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Sat, 01 Aug 2015 23:44:11

I always love me a good Star Trek gif.


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Tue, 04 Aug 2015 20:27:42

So I guess we can do the same time for the time being until more people want to join in.

See my sig, in a minute.

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Tue, 04 Aug 2015 23:18:10

I should be able to make it this Wed.


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Wed, 05 Aug 2015 11:28:06


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Wed, 05 Aug 2015 12:10:05

I think I have everyone on my friend roster, so hopefully I'm set for tonight.  I don't know anything about rooms but hopefully it will be intuitive enough.  Otherwise I'll post on here.


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

The VG Press

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Wed, 05 Aug 2015 12:49:57
bugsonglass said:

I think I have everyone on my friend roster, so hopefully I'm set for tonight.  I don't know anything about rooms but hopefully it will be intuitive enough.  Otherwise I'll post on here.

It's easy, someone opens a room and then you just join friends from the online page. You play in Grand Prixs, 4 races per.

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Wed, 05 Aug 2015 19:48:49

Going to attempt going online any minute now.  There's a friend here with me so there will be two of us.  He is a novice.  I am too.

PS Going to be using the stupid Upad as I only have one classic controller and my friend will be using it.  Never played with the pad before Sad

Edited: Wed, 05 Aug 2015 19:49:52


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

The VG Press

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Wed, 05 Aug 2015 19:52:19

Where's your friend? He's not in the room?

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