Forum > Gaming Discussion > Is the overarching concept of game completion crippling your enjoyment of gaming?
Is the overarching concept of game completion crippling your enjoyment of gaming?
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Thu, 22 Oct 2009 10:40:29
Whenever I get more than 2 hours into the game I start thinking about when the game is going to end.  Even if it is one of the best games I've experienced, the thought starts to come up, "I wonder how long this is?"  And again, even if I am enjoying the game, and it presents a false ending, I'm kinda bummed when the game picks back up.

Now despite my backloggery stats, I'm actually very disciplined about beating games that I start - nothing like vader but still - I beat 23 games this year and I'm up to 21 games so far this year so despite, or perhaps because of, this neurosis I don't prematurely end games.  But I think about it about 70% of the time while I am playing.

Am I alone on this one?

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Thu, 22 Oct 2009 11:24:38

aspro said:
Is the overarching concept of game completion crippling your enjoyment of gaming?
No, I honestly don't care if I complete a game or not. I do prefer playing a game that's so much fun that I want finish it, though. But those games are few and far between for me.

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Thu, 22 Oct 2009 13:21:19

No, not a big deal to me.  I had my grand revelation with Final Fantasy X, and realized if I'm not having fun with a game I can just stop playing it.  That pretty much has lead me to completing only about half the games I get now, but I'm okay with it.  

There are certainly a lot of games out there that I wish I could see the endings to, but I just chalk it up to one more mystery in life.

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Thu, 22 Oct 2009 13:32:48
If I had that, I would stop gaming altogether. LOL I can't finish a damn thing.
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Thu, 22 Oct 2009 13:55:54

SteelAttack said:
I can't finish a damn thing.

Poor Pinky Sad

I almost always finish a game, sometimes even in spite (looking at you Metroid). If I quit, well that's the point, I don't like quiting. If a game is really crap I will stop playing, but for that to happen, I need to buy a crappy game first.

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Thu, 22 Oct 2009 14:18:09

Iga_Bobovic said:

SteelAttack said:
I can't finish a damn thing.

Poor Pinky Sad

LOL Well played.

The worst part is that I consciously keep buying games. That I won't finish. LOL

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Thu, 22 Oct 2009 14:43:57

SteelAttack said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

SteelAttack said:
I can't finish a damn thing.

Poor Pinky Sad

LOL Well played.

The worst part is that I consciously keep buying games. That I won't finish. LOL

Well. do what Guus Hiddink would do!

You know Guus, right?

He is an awesome coach, but he does not know everything. His true power, delegation skills.

That's what you should do. Give the Mario and platformers to your older daughter. Animal Crossing and Sims to Pinky. All the hardcore Treasure games to the youngest one. And you can do the dishes.

At the very least the games will be finished, even if it is not by your hand.

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Thu, 22 Oct 2009 15:10:27
It depends on the game.  Playing MadWorld you can bet I'm watching the clock.  In most games I supposed the thought crops up, but the only time it becomes a major focus is when I really do just want it to be over with.  But I usually don't like leaving a game partially finished so long as I could have continued.


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Thu, 22 Oct 2009 16:18:55

This one's difficult, I guess I avoid JRPGs because they are so time consuming I know I will never finish them. Usually if I stop playing a game to completion its because the game isn't compelling enough to finish and it has everything to do with pacing.

Some games could stand to shave 30% off their length and the waffling filler material is what kills it.

You need more games with the pacing of RE4, Uncharted 2 or Twilight Princess. A game has to compel you to finish it.

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Thu, 22 Oct 2009 17:07:51

Iga_Bobovic said:

SteelAttack said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

SteelAttack said:
I can't finish a damn thing.

Poor Pinky Sad

LOL Well played.

The worst part is that I consciously keep buying games. That I won't finish. LOL

Well. do what Guus Hiddink would do!

You know Guus, right?

He is an awesome coach, but he does not know everything. His true power, delegation skills.

That's what you should do. Give the Mario and platformers to your older daughter. Animal Crossing and Sims to Pinky. All the hardcore Treasure games to the youngest one. And you can do the dishes.

At the very least the games will be finished, even if it is not by your hand.

Considering that they are a part of me, I might even take pride in them finishing games instead of me! Crisis averted. Thanks, Iggly! LOL

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Thu, 22 Oct 2009 17:17:26
SteelAttack said:

 Thanks, IgglyLOL



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Thu, 22 Oct 2009 17:25:30

SteelAttack said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

SteelAttack said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

SteelAttack said:
I can't finish a damn thing.

Poor Pinky Sad

LOL Well played.

The worst part is that I consciously keep buying games. That I won't finish. LOL

Well. do what Guus Hiddink would do!

You know Guus, right?

He is an awesome coach, but he does not know everything. His true power, delegation skills.

That's what you should do. Give the Mario and platformers to your older daughter. Animal Crossing and Sims to Pinky. All the hardcore Treasure games to the youngest one. And you can do the dishes.

At the very least the games will be finished, even if it is not by your hand.

Considering that they are a part of me, I might even take pride in them finishing games instead of me! Crisis averted. Thanks, Iggly! LOL

I have a turnip crisis in animal crossing, ask your wife to check prices morning and afternoon between now and saturday!

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Fri, 23 Oct 2009 04:07:30

Definitely, and now I try to finish every game I begin. I mean I used to try vaguely, too, but whenver I lost a bit of interest in it, then I'd just move on. Now I just keep going and sometimes it can be a bit boring. 

For 100% a game, though, I usually do as much as I can, but if something is mind numbingly boring or frustrating, then I'll just skip it. 

The only game more recently I can remember not finsihing is TYD and that was a few years argo. I went back to that more recently and after the slow beginning I ended up loving it. 

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Fri, 23 Oct 2009 16:49:12

Foolz said:

Definitely, and now I try to finish every game I begin. I mean I used to try vaguely, too, but whenver I lost a bit of interest in it, then I'd just move on. Now I just keep going and sometimes it can be a bit boring.

For 100% a game, though, I usually do as much as I can, but if something is mind numbingly boring or frustrating, then I'll just skip it.

The only game more recently I can remember not finsihing is TYD and that was a few years argo. I went back to that more recently and after the slow beginning I ended up loving it.

Finish this, bitch.

*grabs crotch*

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Fri, 23 Oct 2009 21:13:30
Does it hurt my enjoyment of gaming, no, its just a normal part of it for me. Since i try to finish everything I start I will anticipate the ending of a game in different ways depending on the quality of the title. For instance with Deadly Creatues after each chapter I was saying "please by the last chapter, please be the last chapter". But with a game like Uncharted 2 I am saying "please don't end, please dont end."
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Sat, 24 Oct 2009 00:59:55
It's the reason I avoid certain games.  I want to finish all of the games that I buy, though I've slackened that attitude a little.  I think about how long a game is all the time and how much time I'll have to put into it to finish it.  LKS intimidates me at the moment because of it's length.
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Sat, 24 Oct 2009 11:18:07

travo said:
It's the reason I avoid certain games.  I want to finish all of the games that I buy, though I've slackened that attitude a little.  I think about how long a game is all the time and how much time I'll have to put into it to finish it.  LKS intimidates me at the moment because of it's length.

I think everyone who owns the game apart from Leo has taken a mid game break from LKS.

Importantly, not because its bad or there is anything wrong with it, its a great game. I quite like that there is no impetus for me to push on and that I can play it at my leisure. It's nice that is has the content and yet its not intimidating to get back into.

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Sat, 24 Oct 2009 12:33:52

gamingeek said:

travo said:
It's the reason I avoid certain games.  I want to finish all of the games that I buy, though I've slackened that attitude a little.  I think about how long a game is all the time and how much time I'll have to put into it to finish it.  LKS intimidates me at the moment because of it's length.

I think everyone who owns the game apart from Leo has taken a mid game break from LKS.

Importantly, not because its bad or there is anything wrong with it, its a great game. I quite like that there is no impetus for me to push on and that I can play it at my leisure. It's nice that is has the content and yet its not intimidating to get back into.

 i didn't. WinkWink

The only break I've taken is when the damn thing has crashed and i couldn't actually progress. Hrm

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Sat, 24 Oct 2009 17:12:29

No not at all. I don't worry about "having" to complete my games I end up completing them because I am enjoying them so by default they just end up being completed because I'm having fun playing and am always wanting to see what's next while playing them.


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Sun, 25 Oct 2009 19:45:21

Archangel3371 said:

No not at all. I don't worry about "having" to complete my games I end up completing them because I am enjoying them so by default they just end up being completed because I'm having fun playing and am always wanting to see what's next while playing them.

That's pretty cool. I just started Devil May Cry, and I've enjoing it, but by the start of the third stage I started thinking, "I wonder how many stages there are -- I wonder how long it will take to beat this thing."  Not because I won't finish it, not because I don't like it, I guess I can't eally explain why it is.

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