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Fri, 10 Oct 2014 08:40:14

How much have you guys heard or have followed this bullshit over the last 2 months?

Both sides seem so far up their asses it's pathetic that they are a part of the community. Net effect on me has been to basically check off some boxes about what I think of the denizens of Mt. Pious and focus on the people who game who I like (like my co-host Tom Towers and the people at this site).

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Fri, 10 Oct 2014 09:34:36

Less to do with gaming, more to do broader politics; expressed in typically idiotic style as is consistent with gaming. Thus exaggerated beyond the point of humour (it is humorously idiotic elsewhere).

Edited: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 09:35:04

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Fri, 10 Oct 2014 09:36:31
Foolz said:

Less to do with gaming, more to do broader politics; expressed in typically idiotic style as is consistent with gaming. Thus exaggerated beyond the point of humour (it is humorously idiotic elsewhere).

Agreed. At least with other more broader topics I can generally ignore (ala climate change both pro and con).

More and more I think internet was a massive fail on the part of humanity.

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Fri, 10 Oct 2014 09:39:07
aspro said:

Agreed. At least with other more broader topics I can generally ignore (ala climate change both pro and con).

More and more I think internet was a massive fail on the part of humanity.

Everything is wonderful until it becomes a part of humanity. The internet was/is no different. #misanthropichipster

Edited: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 09:43:58

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Fri, 10 Oct 2014 09:59:47

LOL "chipster"

Retaining the knowledge that I am a hermit by nature, I guess it is only natural that I hate the internet.

I don't think the prior forms of communication were as harmful though, since they were broadcast rather than encode/decode.

I liked it better when my entertainment was curated by capitalist/ artistic elites and I didn't have to listen to the white noise of the rabble response. And this gamergate BS is the rabble influencing my hobby (dumb asses sleeping for reviews and dumb ass reviewers being dumb enough to reciprocate with positive reviews). I like to think when artists slept with music reviewers that the music reviewers still gave bad scores.

And fuckit, it is not so much that payola and all that did not exist before the internet, it's just that I did not have to read or listen to a bunch of pious intellectual midgets opine about how some *person* is being wronged when a spade is being called a spade.

Edited: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 00:48:05

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Fri, 10 Oct 2014 10:30:07

I don't even know what Gamergate is.

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Fri, 10 Oct 2014 11:39:11
gamingeek said:

I don't even know what Gamergate is.

Same here, I noticed the term here and there, but after 'nipplegate', I quickly realized that anything with 'gate' added on usually isn't worth my attention.

aspro said:

LOL "chipster"

Retaining the knowledge that I am a hermit by nature, I guess it is only natural that I hate the internet.

I don't think the prior forms of communication were as harmful though, since they were broadcast rather than encode/decode.

I liked it better when my entertainment was curated by capitalist/ artistic elites and I didn't have to listen to the white noise of the rabble response. And this gamergate BS is the rabble influencing my hobby (dumb asses sleeping for reviews and dumb ass reviewers being dumb enough to reciprocate with positive reviews). I like to think when artists slept with music reviewers that the music reviewers still gave bad scores.

And fuckit, it is not so much that payloa and all that did not exist before the internet, it;s just that I did not have to read or listen to a bunch of pious intellectual midgets opine about how some *person* is being wronged when a spade is being called a spade.

Nobody is forcing you to read or listen to anything.  Look at GG and me, pure ignorant bliss  Cool

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Fri, 10 Oct 2014 16:28:36

yes LOL

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Fri, 10 Oct 2014 19:23:16

I talked about it a lot on the RoF and you guys basically covered it. It has almost nothing to do with gaming, it is an internet asshole problem. All the constant yelling from both sides is immature and idiotic.

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Fri, 10 Oct 2014 20:55:14

It's just lot of loud noise.  I skimmed through to get the gist of it and ignored it.

Btw, I google Gamergate to copy/paste info for GG.  The first definition of Gamergate is a female ant with reproductive capabilities.  surprise

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Sat, 11 Oct 2014 00:44:44

Yeah I heard something about Gamergate on NPR a few weeks ago. It sounded like pretty standard internet trolling. If anything I got offended by the media's portrayl of traditional gamers as old fat white men. Then I realized I didn't really give a shit about any of it, and switched over to the easy listening station for some classic Whitney Houston.

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Sat, 11 Oct 2014 10:14:25

Still have no idea what this is.

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Sat, 11 Oct 2014 11:29:27

Gamergate? No idea. Don't care.

The VG Press

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Wed, 15 Oct 2014 18:25:22

I was on board during the initial stages when it was just about spreading awareness so that the common joe could be more critical of game advertising, bloggers passing themselves off journalists, and clickbait. I'm unaware of what direction it's been going for the last month now.


Listen to Iced Earth and play Doom

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Thu, 16 Oct 2014 11:12:22

So basically, for those not following:

A woman developer was outed by her ex-boyfriend for sleeping with game reviewers for (implied) better review scores.

This prompted some people to question the ethics of the enthusiast press.

This prompted other people to criticise those who criticised the developer in question.

Leigh Alexander of Gamasutra then declared that the term "gamer" was dead. That those who self-identified as gamers clung to the heritage of gaming only because they were afraid of the bold new future of game development. Those who ciriticised anyone who made a newer form of game was ignorant of the changing world.

Chaos ensued.

No sense can be made of the choas that ensued. Death threats, yelling, exageration, slurs.  Basically any social disagreement (abortion, climate change) applied to gaming.

Thing is, as usual, it ignored the non-polarity of the middle. I enjoy indie games, I enjoy big publisher games. Because, shock horror, I am a gamer.

But apparently now we have to choose sides. If you don't like Gone Home you are a rapist. If you like Papers, Please you are a feminist who wants to deny pleasure to any man, whatever form it takes.

So to both sides, I say, "Fuck Off". I am off to GameStop to buy a bunch of second hand games that fucks both sides out of existance.

Edited: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 06:41:21

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Thu, 16 Oct 2014 11:31:27

If you like Call of Duty you are a feminist...?

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Thu, 16 Oct 2014 11:45:38
aspro said:

So basically, for those not following.

A woman developer was outed by her ex-boyfriend for sleeping with game reviewers for (implied) better review scores.

This prompted some people to question the ethics of the enthiusist press.

This prompted other people to criticism those who criticised the developer in question.

Leigh Alexander of Gamasutra then declared that the term "gamer" was dead. That those who self-identified as gamers clung to the heritage of gamer only because they were afraid of the bold new future of game development. Those who ciriticized anyone who made a newer form of game was ignorant of the changing world.

Chaos ensued.

No sense can be made of the choas that ensued. Death threats, yelling, exagerration, slurs.  Basically any social diasgreement (abortion, climate change) applied to gaming.

Thing is, as usual, it ignored the non-polarity of the middle. I enjoy indie games, I enjoy big publisher games. because... shock horror... I am a gamer.

But apparently now we have to choose sides. If you don't like Gone Home you are a rapist. If you like Papers, Please you are a feminist who wants to deny pleasure to any man, whatever form it takes.

So to both sides, I say, "Fuck Off". I am off to GameStop to buy a bunch of second hand games that fucks both sides out of existance.

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Thu, 16 Oct 2014 16:44:51

Aspro, wonderful summary.

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Fri, 17 Oct 2014 06:42:33
Foolz said:

If you like Call of Duty you are a feminist...?

Forget that, I fucked up.

gamingeek said:

Hey, enough of you were not in the know I figured I'd explain it.

Dvader said:

Aspro, wonderful summary.

Thank you.

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Fri, 17 Oct 2014 12:12:03

Ahhh... Gamergate... because "Occupy" is no longer trending and the Hipsters grow bored...

**The image above is the douche that started it all. Pretty much exactly what I thought he would look like.**

Edited: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 12:31:20
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