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[FINAL] Aarny's AWESOME EXTRAVAGANZA of Beaten Games & DLC Expansions - 2015! [Vader's on Top!]
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Fri, 06 Nov 2015 14:01:59
Gagan said:

With condescending Max? I'm assuming that's what you're calling nightmare sequence. Yeah sure, I don't know man, it telegraphs that decision nicely, and thematically the ending fits, but the reason they come up with for you to make that choice feels so lame in comparison.

Yeah, and all the stealth shit etc. Butterfly effect bollocks for the decision reason? Or Chloe's speech? I don't mind them not coming up with anything more interesting because as a character study of Max the whole thing works pretty well. Sure, it's flawed (all other characters are basically plot devices) and in terms of plot it's uninteresting, but getting it to work in terms of her reaching the point where she can let go etc. is still impressive. Ultimately the storm stuff is basically an overblown pathetic fallacy (which is hilarious if you think about it), and I'm okay with that. Is it going to win a Pulitzer (crap usually wins Pulltzers, but that's beside the point)? Of course not, but it's still a decent achievement.

Edited: Fri, 06 Nov 2015 14:04:42

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Fri, 06 Nov 2015 15:43:57

Buttefree effect

Also TY to Phil Fogg for hooking me up with episode 1, I enjoyed most of the season. I don't necessarily know I would have played it right away once the season was done, because while Aljosa and some EB cats got into it, my reaction to that stuff is usually just assume it's shit, and not play it until I absolutely have to because Gagan the magnificent.

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Sat, 07 Nov 2015 14:02:52
Gagan said:

Buttefree effect

Also TY to Phil Fogg for hooking me up with episode 1, I enjoyed most of the season. I don't necessarily know I would have played it right away once the season was done, because while Aljosa and some EB cats got into it, my reaction to that stuff is usually just assume it's shit, and not play it until I absolutely have to because Gagan the magnificent.

Btw, you playing Remember Me is a bad idea: Batman combat without the aesthetic to make it cool; I think it makes up for it with its make-your-own-combo-gimmicks, but you'll just lol@at it (I may have post-Bayonetta), and while the narrative is polished (from dialogue to acting to world design), it lacks the heart of Life Is Strange. Sure is purrty, though. Interesting to see similar themes carreid, across, though.

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Sun, 08 Nov 2015 10:51:37

I can sit through a bad game if I like aspects about it. I sat through Destiny, the rubbing salt in Bungie apologist wounds was all the motivation I needed.

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Mon, 09 Nov 2015 09:11:36

Just beat Shantae and the Pirate's Curse on WiiU.  Enjoyable 2D platformer, but boy, is the ending a letdown.  You don't even defeat the villain, he just up and leaves after rubbing in how weak you are.  There's an alternative ending, but that involves finding 20 hidden collectibles, and I'm not sure I'm willing to invest the extra time it will take to find those.  Still, very enjoyable save for the insatisfactory ending.

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Tue, 17 Nov 2015 15:24:58

Updated with Dragon Age 3!!!

I put around 100 hours into this game and if I didn't have so much else to play, I could easily put another 100. Great game, even though I miss the Baldur's Gate type style of Origins. 9.0 rating.


The end was crazy....what exactly happened there? Did Morrigan's mother possess Solas? And why?


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Sun, 22 Nov 2015 19:37:23

Beat Swords and Soldiers on the WiiU over the weekend.  I got stuck on the last level and was about to give up, but then Foolz claimed he beat the game, so I gave it another try.  Do not believe his lies about strategy.  I just amassed a huge amount of gold and mana before setting off to battle and even then I only just made it.

This marks the last of my indie backlog.  What to play next?  Ninja Gaiden 3?  Bayonetta 2?  Focus on Bravely Default?  Oh, who am I kidding, I'll just end up playing more Splatoon till Fast Racing Neo and XCX hit...

Edited: Sun, 22 Nov 2015 19:41:27
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Mon, 23 Nov 2015 12:28:10

Ninja Gaiden 3 doesn't exist, so Bayonetta 2.

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Mon, 23 Nov 2015 12:31:27

Seems to exist to me?  Anyhow, I ended up playing more Splatoon.  And buying 2 more games just earlier today.  Bayonetta 2 will have to wait.

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Mon, 23 Nov 2015 14:38:18
Coincidentally, Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom just showed up on The Virtual Console.
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Sat, 05 Dec 2015 12:41:44

Updated with Fallout 4 w00t w0000t!!


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Mon, 07 Dec 2015 14:25:04

Just finished Fallout 4.  It's a great game and I had a blast but it kind of felt like an extension of the previous Fallouts rather than a true next gen sequel.

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Tue, 22 Dec 2015 16:24:32
SteamWorld Heist has been completed. Damn good game, and a nice way to return to the SteamWorld universe. Very curious to see where they go from here.
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Tue, 22 Dec 2015 20:56:50

Updated with Turok.

Well its definitely not as good as the later games, but still a very cool beginning entry to an early 3d classic series. I had to cheat my way through the game though....couldn't deal with trying to find my way to all the keys to open it all up. That's something I would have gladly done in 1997 but not today. Most of the environments in this game are much too similar which makes it hard to figure out where you're going. Only a few areas towards the end of the game have a distict look to them. One neat thing is how unique the weapons were even in this first game. Cool to see where they started from before Turok 2 took it all to the next level.


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Wed, 23 Dec 2015 22:26:39

Those Turok games can be so hard to get through, as much as I like them.

This year hasn't been that good for me with game completion. I should be able to finish two more games before the end of the year.

By Miu Watanabe.

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Fri, 25 Dec 2015 15:54:05

Updated with Mighty Switch Force 2!  I was a huge fan of the original Mighty Switch Force.  It was one of my favourite early 3DS games and still one of my favourite downloadable games.  I was excited about MSF2 but then reviews and reception was for some reason lukewarm so I didn't get it upon release.  

Saw it on sale for 2.50 euro the other day and I thought that I just had to.  I did not regret it.  It's a thoroughly enjoyable game.  Slightly different to the original in that you are now part of the fire brigade as opposed to police and your weapon is a water hose but the switch mechanic is there and it's all the same principles.  16 awesome new levels though ... even though you will get through most of them fairly fast (especially if you don't care about time-records and about rescuing the crying baby in every level).  It's great fun.  I loved it.  I also love the concept of being a girl and rescuing girls.  Love the whole feminist/lesbian chic going here as well as the original...  Done way before Mad Max Grinning

Also ... can I say best game soundtrack since  ... the first MSF?  Jake Kauffmann does it again.  Just listen to this disco bomb here.  I just have to find a way to incorporate into one of my sets one of these days.  This is so awesome.

Edited: Fri, 25 Dec 2015 16:22:44


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Sat, 26 Dec 2015 11:07:27

Updated with Thomas Was Alone.  I realise this is a few years old now, I'd sort of been aware of it but I think I dismissed it as because of the emo title and weird gimmick.  I'm glad I picked it up on sale and I'm glad I played it.  It's a thoroughly enjoyable little game.  

Sweet little game.  Enjoyed the concept and the aesthetics.  As well as the abstruction and the subtraction.  I love seeing these forms of expression in gaming.  I think it elevates the medium.  Even if people scoff at the whole games as art and art as games debate.  In pure gameplay terms this is a puzzle platformer with elements of Lost Vikings in that different rectangles have different special abilities and you need to use them all in tandem to get each piece to the portal where it needs to go.  Tried and true concept, excecuted well enough and shows a lot of promise on which unfortunately in doesn't quite deliver in the 100 senarios you play through.  You get through most of those fairly easily and quickly and even though it's good in that it leaves you wanting more ... it's not so good that there isn't more.  Which is a shame as it seems a wasted opportunity.  It feels as though they could have made many more levels, with more depth and difficulty etc.  As it is, it's still a great game though a lot of it feels like a tutorial.

I enjoyed the post-modern "isolation and dehumanisation in the information age" concepts and the story too.  Reminded me a little of the stories in 2dBoy games.

Oh and what a pleasant surprise!!  As soon as the titles finished I realised this has the expansion pack included.  Benjamin's Flight which apparently stars a rectangle with a jetpack!  I think I will be enjoying that this afternoon.  Best one euro fifty I ever spent?


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Mon, 28 Dec 2015 06:35:59

Oh and I beat my 30th game a while back: Transformer's Devastation.

Game was good, still budget Platinum as the environmental design left a lot to be desired, which made the game more vanilla platinum. It has the same round of light attack and heavy attack, same dodge with slow mo, a parry system, albeit I guess the addition of a loot system does make the game a bit more enjoyable on some level, the bosses are rad, and I'll purchase it on a steam sale( I rented it) to do the challenge mode proper. All in all it was fun, but as usual platinums attempts at scrolling levels is usually, well shit.

No where near as good as there better stuff, but not as offensive as Legend of Korra or Madworld. Would not pay 50 bucks for that game though, that's absurd.

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Thu, 31 Dec 2015 19:21:35

And with half a day to go, I get to add Bayonetta to my list of completed games. Probably the most fun I've had with a game I've sucked at.

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Thu, 31 Dec 2015 19:24:45

I'm almost done with Dark Cloud....must add one more game!

Leo, are you preparing the mighty finished games of 2016 thread?


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