I only caught the end of the mario video, I assumed it was a 3ds game sequel to 3Dland. It's the U game?
Fuck this I am out. The US stream is showing a million more things. You guys are ahead. I am behind. Nothing working right. Fuck everything.
Yeah its the U game saw it on the US stream. 4 player 3D mario. Looks cool of course but not as interesting as Galaxy.
Sizzle reel is a solid 2013 lineup, what about next year? We knew about all these games.
Nintendo should just let Reggie talk...and they should have just done a normal conference.
Love the rollercoaster feel of it and how 3D the courses feel. Like cross pollinating it with Wipeout
The Wind Waker HD just shitted visually over ALL next-gen games. Fucking hell.
Dvader said:That looks EXACTLY like WW on GC in HD. WTF happened. Those were bullshots then?
I think you'll see comparison screens which show a difference, the video feed here is shitty.
Wow. The Wii U really will be Nintendo's last console. They just aren't even trying anymore.
Ok this is kinda sucking as of right now.