My first job was awesome. I worked as an assistant to a photographer that photographed nude female centerfolds for Penthouse magazine in the early 90s. It was my job to prepare the models for each photo shoot, and make them feel comfortable before the camera. Yeah, it was most definitely an awesome job.
First job was for Electronic's Boutique. Started as part-time, seasonal, was promoted quickly to be their youngest store manager (at the time). Had to leave the job when I did a few commercials for a certain compaNy that were considered to be a "conflict of interest" for HR.
...and the rest is history!
Still have VP friends in GameStop (now), so if something doesn't work out with what I am doing now, I can relax to a nice, corporate life-style!
...never happen!
Had a kick-ass store, with a kick-ass group of guys, who still contact me to this day **see my post in the News Section, today!** and together we broke **and set** ALL kinds of Sales Records!
No complaints from me! Loved it!
I bagged groceries at my local grocery store, but got promoted to cashier two or three weeks later. I think I was better off as a bagger. The difference in pay was $.10 an hour so if I got $4.00 in tips a week I would come out ahead. I'm still bitter. It was a great job though. I worked in an air condition building in the middle of summer in Atlanta. Just about everyone else was my age so I made a bunch a friends, met my first girlfriend, and got paid in cash every week (consequently I saved viritually nothing that summer).
Ravenprose said:My first job was awesome. I worked as an assistant to a photographer that photographed nude female centerfolds for Penthouse magazine in the early 90s. It was my job to prepare the models for each photo shoot, and make them feel comfortable before the camera. Yeah, it was most definitely an awesome job.
For people that do not realize how ancient Raven is, this was the 1890s. The models needed to stand still before the camera for about an hour, because the camera's were that slow back in the day. So Raven's job was very important!
Raven wasn't an assistant, he - actually she (was) a nude female centerfold for Penthouse magazine in the early 90s. He's actually a menopausal woman now.
gamingeek said:Raven wasn't an assistant, he - actually she (was) a nude female centerfold for Penthouse magazine in the early 90s. He's actually a menopausal woman now.
Fuck you, asshole!!! *throws teddy bear at GG*
. . .
. . .
It's all your fault I'm upset now, GG. You really should appologize, but it won't matter because I'm going to hold onto this hurt for at least the next six months, allowing it to fester as you do even more mean things, and then I'll really let you have it!
gamingeek said:Raven wasn't an assistant, he - actually she (was) a nude female centerfold for Penthouse magazine in the early 90s. He's actually a menopausal woman now.
Makes sense, actually.
Ravenprose said:Fuck you, asshole!!!
*throws teddy bear at GG*
. . .
. . .
It's all your fault I'm upset now, GG. You really should appologize, but it won't matter because I'm going to hold onto this hurt for at least the next six months, allowing it to fester as you do even more mean things, and then I'll really let you have it!
Now I'm going to dig up the pics.
First time I got paid for stuff was farm work. I got a steer (that's a male calf that's been castrated for you city folk). Worked for three years for that steer. Would have yielded a handsome amount.
Steer died.
Second time I worked for money was doing a video job for a friend who could not make it. Deal was I shot the video, we sold copies to those who wanted it. I think I got nothign out of it, friend got video sales. Porn? No. That would be awesome. It was some kind of variety show for an old person;s home.
First real job, as in "over the table" payment was at a furniture factory. It was an awesome job because when I took it I knew I was only in the country for 6 months, so nothing got me down. It was wonderful. I sanded these amazing timber chairs that would end up in parliament. They really wanted me to stay and be an apprectice "French Polisher"
Alas, I went back to the States and took a customer serivce job. From there it was an upward spiral.
aspro said:First time I got paid for stuff was farm work. I got a steer (that's a male calf that's been castrated for you city folk). Worked for three years for that steer. Would have yielded a handsome amount.
Steer died.
Second time I worked for money was doing a video job for a friend who could not make it. Deal was I shot the video, we sold copies to those who wanted it. I think I got nothign out of it, friend got video sales. Porn? No. That would be awesome. It was some kind of variety show for an old person;s home.
First real job, as in "over the table" payment was at a furniture factory. It was an awesome job because when I took it I knew I was only in the country for 6 months, so nothing got me down. It was wonderful. I sanded these amazing timber chairs that would end up in parliament. They really wanted me to stay and be an apprectice "French Polisher"
Alas, I went back to the States and took a customer serivce job. From there it was an upward spiral.
Are you sure it wasn't porn?
Foolz said:Are you sure it wasn't porn?
I bet the elderly at the homes thought it was porn. Ack! She's showing anckle!
travo said:Aspro, is "French Polisher" another name for "Fluffer"?
robio said:Was the "customer service" job a porn related career?
Nope. But I worked with a gal back then who moonlighted on just taking the credit card numbers before transferring the calls to the phone sex girls. She lasted 3 days before she quit, most callers were well on their way just giving their card information to her (which understandably creeped her out).
Foolz said:Are you sure it wasn't porn?
I'm sure. I still can't here this song without remember a bunch of seniors in leotards waving around paper plates wrapped in tin foil.
I was 14, started working as a bartender in a lousy cantina that my uncle used to manage, near the docks in my hometown. Bartender is actually a pompous name for what I did. I merely handed beers to the people drinking at the counter while keeping their tabs updated, and handed them to the waiter that worked the tables. Said waiter ALWAYS ended up his shift piss drunk. Like, barely able to walk drunk. He used to get from my uncle a set amount of money to start the day, and by the end of it he was supposed to have the same amount, with all the tips (or the money he was able to scam from the sailors and other dudes drinking) for him to keep. The thing is, more often than not he would always come up short with money, obviously because he was drinking his ass off with the costumers throughout the day. Every once in a blue moon he would come up with more cash than he was supposed to, but those occasions were pretty rare.
We used to have one bathroom, and since it was a piss smelling joint near the docks, the bathroom had to be locked at all times, lest we wanted an endless parade of bums and people not drinking anything pissing and shitting in it. By the end of the day he would clean the bathroom. One day he was even drunker than usual, and wasn't really able to tell what happened to the money he was missing, much less clean the fucking bathroom, so we went inside after he came out of the same bathroom (having stayed for so much time we thought he died) to see if we could help. What I saw will haunt me until the day I die.
There was not one single wall or surface of the bathroom that wasn't covered in feces. The outside of the bowl, the water tank, the sink, all walls, the door and the door knob, the floor, the fucking CEILING had weird poop stalactites for fuck's sakes. So we naturally said "fuck this shit" and went outside again to ask him how in the fuck was he able to smear his own poop all over in such a thorough fashion. He kept sitting in a chair mumbling "I don't know, lad, I don't know how I shat myself". When we asked him about the bathroom key it was, of course, also covered in poop. Shortly after he left, without even handing the money back because of course he didn't have anything left. I think he missed work for the next three days or so.
Most of us probably had our first job when we were teens. What was your first job like? Was it a fun experience or were you miserable when you first entered the workforce?
When I was fifteen, I washed cars for this used car salesman who's last name rhymed with "crook." It was a very fitting nickname it seemed. The car lot went belly up shortly after I worked there during the summer and he moved on to various different car dealerships around town. This was not really a fun job because it required running around all day in the summer heat.
Once I turned sixteen, later that year, I worked at a local steakhouse. It was quite a fun place, working with other high schoolers, especially closing the store at night. I mostly worked the salad bar, but also took food orders, all for a fantastic $4.25 back in the day. The negatives were that the head manager was a total dickhead and I would often leave the store at about 1 am only to have to get up for school the next day.