Skyward Sword (preordered already)
perhaps Rayman (Wii) and inside Bowser Story (found it for cheap)
I want GG posting for christmas.
I will probably own every game I want by Christmas so I think I will finally get a 360.
- Resistance 3
- Battlefield 3
- Dead Rising 2: Off the Record
- Super Mario 3D Land
- Mario Kart 7
- Ace Combat: Assault Horizon
- NHL '12
- Infamous 2
- Little Big Planet 2
Rayman 360, Skyward Sword, maybe Skyrim Can't really afford much more.After buying all the latest these past few weeks.
Uncharted 3, Batman AC, Dark Souls, Go Vacation.
Dvader said:I want GG posting for christmas.
You got your Christmas wish.
gamingeek said:Dvader said:I want GG posting for christmas.
You got your Christmas wish.
What about a christmas special meeting in Animal Crossing?
That would indeed be special. I will probably be roped into a visit to the brothers house though.
Well, I'm scheduled to be on vacation at my hometown at that time, so if you have some time on either the 25th or 26th, just let me know.
The day people fight each other with gloves? I wish I had such a holiday over here.
You mean, what games do I want others to get me for X-mas? I think I pretty much have most of them covered myself....just went and got MGS HD and Halo Anniversary too. My girlfriend has gotten me the latest Assassin's Creed games the last 2 years in a row, so maybe I can convince her to buy me Ass Creed 4 as well.
SteelAttack said:The day people fight each other with gloves? I wish I had such a holiday over here.
that would be too much fun!!!
boxing day is named after the collection boxes which dustmen and other such people used to go around houses asking for money on that particular day.
presuming i have the internet at my new flat by christmas ... i'll be up for some animal crossing festive meets!
oh, regarding christmas games. now i bought a 3DS i should add Mario 3D and Mario Kart 7 to my christmas list. Though still most my time will be spent with Skyward Sword and Dark Souls
bugsonglass said:that would be too much fun!!!
boxing day is named after the collection boxes which dustmen and other such people used to go around houses asking for money on that particular day.
presuming i have the internet at my new flat by christmas ... i'll be up for some animal crossing festive meets!
From what I heard Boxing day came about because the day after Christmas people would give boxed presents to their servants.