You've really never had a PS2 before?
God of War 1 & 2 are extremely good action games if you enjoy that sort of thing. Kratos I thought was one of the best characters of the last gen. Very different than what we usually see in video games.
Dragon Quest VIII is the greatest old school jRPG ever made. Huge game, tons of exploration, and a good bit of character customization.
Kingdom Hearts 1 was fun (I'm not a fan of 2 at all). If you like Disney and old FF games you'll get a kick out of it. The kids will likely enjoy it too if they watch a lot of Disney.
And of course. . . Herdy Gerdy.
My reccomendation is that you buy ME a PS2.
And stay indoors till this swine flu thing is gone.
Otherwise, get some FF love.
robio said:No stay away from Final Fantasy anything on the PS2. Final Fantasy X was so bad it'll make you start licking pig anus in hopes you get the flu and die. Don't do that to yourself. Avoid FF X.
So Steelo, Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, Sly Cooper, Jak and Daxter. Hang on, before I start naming more I just remembered Ask story had a PS2 thread here. Just hit the thread search box for "PS2"
robio said:No stay away from Final Fantasy anything on the PS2. Final Fantasy X was so bad it'll make you start licking pig anus in hopes you get the flu and die. Don't do that to yourself. Avoid FF X.
Shadow of the Colossus
Gitaroo Man
Disgaea 1 & 2
God of War 1 & 2
Yakuza 1& 2
Metal Gear Solid 2 & 3
Silent Hill 2 & 3
Ratchet and Clank 1, 2 & 3
Jak and Daxter 1, 2 & 3
Sly Cooper 1, 2 & 3
Dark Cloud & Dark Chronicle
Dragon Quest VIII
Gradius V & VI
R-Type: Final
Catamary Damacy & We Love Katamari
Soul Reaver 2
Persona 3 & 4
Ace Combat IV & V
Odin Sphere
SteelAttack said:Yeah bugsy. I had an xbox, and have Wii, and am slowly building up on a GC title collection as well.
cool, going to edit that list and leave just exclusives
Want a RPG? Dragon Quest VIII, Final Fantasy XII, and Persona 4 can be bought anywhere.
Want a action/adventure game? God of War 1 & 2 and Okami is all you need!
Want a amazing shooter? Resident Evil 4 will give you the best experience.
Want a artsy-fartsy game? Shadow of the Colossus is like a work of art in motion.
Want a great racing game? The three Burnout games and Gran Turismo 4 will give you that need for speed.
And the list goes on and on.
These are just a taste of the huge mountain of games available.
The PS2 is definitely the greatest system so far.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns