My opinion is that all of those, bar the exclusives, will be available on Steam within 3 months of their console releases.
It's really hard to get excited about MS and Sony's new offerings now that Valve have brought console-style ease of use to the PC. If it weren't for Steam, I'd have owned a PS3 by now.
Also, GG, how the hell do you manage to put so much time and effort into so many threads? :s Did you win the lottery? Did you move to a different time zone? Did you score some job within the industry?
GG has been unable to work and on disability benefit since coming back from India so he devotes all his time to doing updates for us lazy cunts and taking virtual tours on Wii U's panorama view
bugsonglass lazy cunts...
I prefer lazy cocksucker, Thank You very Much!
SupremeAC said:Also, GG, how the hell do you manage to put so much time and effort into so many threads? :s Did you win the lottery? Did you move to a different time zone? Did you score some job within the industry?
LOL, last time someone asked me this was at gamespot. I wish I could get a job in the industy but I gave up after a couple of years of trying. I'm sort of used to news posting, this thread is just a copy and pasted list, not much effort, 30 seconds work? After so many years of news posting I've become pretty adept at grabbing information and I'm usually near or in front of a PC most of the day. You should check the news page, that is where most of the stuff goes.
SupremeAC said:My opinion is that all of those, bar the exclusives, will be available on Steam within 3 months of their console releases.
It's really hard to get excited about MS and Sony's new offerings now that Valve have brought console-style ease of use to the PC. If it weren't for Steam, I'd have owned a PS3 by now.
Also, GG, how the hell do you manage to put so much time and effort into so many threads? :s Did you win the lottery? Did you move to a different time zone? Did you score some job within the industry?
The one thing I still favor about PS4 (and console gaming in general) is that I still like having physical copies of things. Its a big reason why I'm not a fan of Xbox One and refuse to buy it...because the physical discs are a lie!
Its the one thing I dislike about PC gaming....I wish all PC games let you register the physical copies to Steam. Most do not. So its digital or bust.
Any idea what we are looking at for launch games for PS4? As in, before 2014?
edgecrusher said:Any idea what we are looking at for launch games for PS4? As in, before 2014?
Killzone, driveclub and knack. Plus all the usual third party stuff.
My personal tastes - X1 exclusives only interesting one is Quantum Break. PS4 exclusives Killzone: Shadow Fall, Knack.
There are at least 5-7 multiplats that interest me. Pretty surprising how few exclusives there are though.
Multiplats that interest me:
- Destiny
- The Evil Within
- Watch Dogs
- The Witcher 3
Dang I went through both lists and this is all I could come up with.
Dvader said:Honestly Xbox has the better line up right now.
Launch? I think they're about the same.
Dvader said:Honestly Xbox has the better line up right now.
I don't think so. I'm counting the new Halo as vapourware till they show something that resembles gameplay. I am surprised at how short the exclusives list is for these machines. Nintendo has more exclusives but one quarter the 3rd party support.
But kyou know you're getting something awesome from Naughty Dog on the PS4....something from the God of War team, a new Twisted metal or whatever....just like with Nintendo there are things you KNOW are coming, even if its not mentioned.
edgecrusher said:But kyou know you're getting something awesome from Naughty Dog on the PS4....something from the God of War team, a new Twisted metal or whatever....just like with Nintendo there are things you KNOW are coming, even if its not mentioned.
My problem is that when I look at a list of ps3 exclusives it doesn't turn me on and part of that is a lack of familiarity with Sony systems. I will personally not be interested in GOW style games either, ever. There's not a huge amount of things on the list '

edgecrusher said:SupremeAC said:My opinion is that all of those, bar the exclusives, will be available on Steam within 3 months of their console releases.
It's really hard to get excited about MS and Sony's new offerings now that Valve have brought console-style ease of use to the PC. If it weren't for Steam, I'd have owned a PS3 by now.
Also, GG, how the hell do you manage to put so much time and effort into so many threads? :s Did you win the lottery? Did you move to a different time zone? Did you score some job within the industry?
The one thing I still favor about PS4 (and console gaming in general) is that I still like having physical copies of things. Its a big reason why I'm not a fan of Xbox One and refuse to buy it...because the physical discs are a lie!
Its the one thing I dislike about PC gaming....I wish all PC games let you register the physical copies to Steam. Most do not. So its digital or bust.
So if you register a physical game on Steam you can play it without the disc? Can you also download it, or does that only apply to games that use Steam as their DRM?
Foolz said:So if you register a physical game on Steam you can play it without the disc? Can you also download it, or does that only apply to games that use Steam as their DRM?
The only game I know of that the physical copy is registered to Steam and then you don't need the disc is Skyrim. Most physical copies of games use Games For Windows so if you want to play them through Steam, you have no choice but to buy the digital Steam copy.
edgecrusher said:Foolz said:So if you register a physical game on Steam you can play it without the disc? Can you also download it, or does that only apply to games that use Steam as their DRM?
The only game I know of that the physical copy is registered to Steam and then you don't need the disc is Skyrim. Most physical copies of games use Games For Windows so if you want to play them through Steam, you have no choice but to buy the digital Steam copy.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution also uses Steam as DRM. I think Infinite does too.
I consider all multiplatforms PS4 exclusive because that's the only system between it and Xbone that lets me own the game and play it when I want to play it. Regardless of my internet circumstances. The Xbone versions of all of these games are, in my view, just gimped overpriced extended rentals.
Xbox One
And the rest
And the rest
Wii U
If you spot anything missing let me know.
There is more on the multiplatform list but not worth mentioning.