Forum > Gaming Discussion > May 26th, 2009. A day that will live in inFAMY!
May 26th, 2009. A day that will live in inFAMY!
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Tue, 26 May 2009 21:51:00
...for anyone who doesn't own a PS3 and wants to play an amazing sand-box game, that is!

Wow! inFamous is everything they said it was going to be and more! Set aside the fact that ANY game that has chain-lightning in it** is a MUST-buy for me to begin with, this game just does everything else right, besides!

For one, If I were one of the 400 people developing Ass Creed 2 right about now, I would be taking industrial size aspirins, as their game has already been topped before it was even released! Yes, I knew all about the lightning powers, but I had NO IDEA about the insane Parkour abilities Cole displays! He doesn't stick to walls a-la Spiderman (at least not yet)... but he leaps from wall to wall, ledge to ledge, grabbing window sills and pipes to scale skyscrapers in seconds! VERY COOL! His cat-like agility and acrobatic skills, leaping from a 30 story building and landing perfectly on a phone wire, would put Spidey to shame! It is just sooo much fun traveling around the city, rooftop to rooftop! You almost never have to touch the ground!

Which is a good thing, as the Reapers are relentless! They track you and constantly are shooting at you whenever you stop out in the open! I guess that's what makes KILLING them so much fun!

Sounds pretty evil right? Well, actually I have chosen the path of Good (versus Evil). I can't kill the innocents, won't kill the cops and chose to feed people rather than let them starve. Unlike a certain Russian Douche that kills people for cash, I HAVE TO play the hero! Maybe that's why I don't like the other PS3 sandbox game?

The cutscenes are done in a comic book style. Handdrawn cells tell the story. Cole's voice sounds like Rad Spencers voice sounds like Snakes voice. It seems all you have to do to become a voice actor these days is gargle with rocks and you are good to go! The gravel-ery the better! (sarcasm.)

I also very much appreciate the customization options of powering up Cole your own way! Longer lightning bolts, floating innocent people, chaining head shots from one enemy to the next. Very cool!

I'll post more impressions as I play more! What does everyone else think? Vader? Any regrets getting this versus Punch-Out?

Edited: Tue, 26 May 2009 23:19:26
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Tue, 26 May 2009 22:01:31
I've got a copy laying here next to my desk at work.  I can't wait to get home and play it.  I spent hours and hours with the demo.  It is so much fun.
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Tue, 26 May 2009 23:25:05
**No. Seriously! I bought Sacred 2...

(which no one in here seems to have any interest in whatsoever; which is strange cause it is an Online Playable, Cooperative/Competitive, Diablo 2 style game for the PS3)

...and the FIRST Combat Art I upgraded was the Cobalt Shot...

(all the way up to where there is an 80% chance it will Chain Twice for Critical Damage. Wow! How nerdy do I sound?)

...which is basically a Chain Lightning spell!

(guess I will play this til I get my wish for a Baldurs Gate or Champions of Norrath game for PS3!)
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Tue, 26 May 2009 23:33:43
For anyone who is interested: I also put a pre-order down on Prototype today. I'll compare the two when the time comes. How can I NOT play a sand-box games with superpowers that takes place in NYC?!

I enjoyed Hulk: Ultimate Destruction quite a bit and this is from the same makers. Not being constrained by a pre-existing character should give the development team the ability to flex their creative muscles which I already know they possess!
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Wed, 27 May 2009 00:21:16
How is Sacred 2?  I actually almost bought it today, but I just hardly have time to play games any more.
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Wed, 27 May 2009 00:45:55

inFAMOUS sounds pretty awesome. I'll put it on my growing list of games to get when I get a PS3.

I'll likely grab Prototype for the 360, it looks like a really kick-ass game as well.

Sacred 2 is a diablo-type game? Now that sounds very interesting indeed. It didn't seem to fare too well in the reviews but hearing this makes me really want to check out the game for the 360 since I love those types of games.


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Wed, 27 May 2009 00:58:00

phantom_leo said:
For anyone who is interested: I also put a pre-order down on Prototype today. I'll compare the two when the time comes. How can I NOT play a sand-box games with superpowers that takes place in NYC?!

I enjoyed Hulk: Ultimate Destruction quite a bit and this is from the same makers. Not being constrained by a pre-existing character should give the development team the ability to flex their creative muscles which I already know they possess!

I always thought that the Hulk would have been a much better received game had it not had the Hulk as the main character.  Really I think it was probably one of the best licensed games of last gen.

InFamous looks great.  It's now in the "if I ever get the PS3 I'll be picking this up" slot.

Edited: Wed, 27 May 2009 00:59:04
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Wed, 27 May 2009 01:08:11

Wait, you're fighting against evil, yet not killing cops?

Something's wrong here, very wrong.

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Wed, 27 May 2009 01:15:50
I posted impressions in the main page, I love it so far.
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Wed, 27 May 2009 01:24:08

rragnaar said:
How is Sacred 2?  I actually almost bought it today, but I just hardly have time to play games any more.

It really is very good. Don't listen to the IGN review. The reviewer just seemed to have something against the game. The data corrupted on the Xbox 360 version for him, so he ended up giving the game a 6 out of 10. They posted the exact same review for the PS3 version, despite it NOT having the same technical flaws.


Do you like action-rpgs? (Like Demons Souls?)

With lots and lots of loot to collect? (Like Demons Souls?)

Do you want to play cooperatively or pvp? (Like Demons Souls?)

Do you like games where the items you equip are shown graphically on your character so you can make a hero or a badass? (Like Demons Souls?)

Do you want New Game + modes where you can level grind even higher, further customize your character, get even better loot, where your enemies get tougher as you do? (Like Demons Souls?)


--You know what, never mind! It doesn't sound like your type of game!  Nyaa


--Metacritic Sacred 2 Review Page Here.

--Portion of the Gaming Age Review: "All together, Sacred 2: Fallen Angel is a fantastic console experience and it comes highly recommended. It does have flaws, and some strange graphical bugs that pop up from time to time, but despite all that I look forward to playing the game for months to come, and I think 360 and PS3 owners should absolutely plan on either playing, or picking up, this action RPG. If you were ever a fan of Diablo style games, then this will be right up your alley, and even if you're new to the experience, I'd say it's well worth the asking price to try it out, there's nothing else on current consoles that's quite like it."

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Wed, 27 May 2009 01:37:23
I have come to the conclusion that I am in games (as I am in reality) an incorruptible do-gooder.

I CANNOT play the Evil Part in games!


Valkyrie Profile: CoP -- Cannot and will not sacrifice my allies to win the battles and gain their skills. I am pissing Hel off and I have no idea how I am to face the Valkyrie, but I just can't bring myself to do it!

Sacred 2 -- Choose the Inquisitor? Play the Dark Side path? Can't! Even the races where you can choose good or evil: I pick good! I try to accommodate even the most minor of requests. Really. Savior of the Land, fetching barrels of wine? OK. Fine. I'll do it... *grumble*

Demons Souls -- Would NOT become a Black Demon and kill someone else in the middle of their game, even when I got slaughtered myself! Nothing would upset me more than having to waste a Stone reviving myself after another player killed me! How could they?! I had to stop playing for the time being because of it!

...and NOW:

inFamous -- Don't fear the Reapers! Simply restrain them! Now that I know I can capture them alive, I can't NOT. I have to stop and heal innocent bystanders on the street too. No one is going to boo me and call me a terrorist! Karma path firmly grounded on the good side. Will I ever be able to let loose and see how the Evil story plays out?

[Yeah. I am really seeing WHY now GTA games aren't my cup of tea!]
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Wed, 27 May 2009 11:02:06

It looks really kick ass but I have no PS3. Shame Edgecrusher doesn't post in the forums. 

What do you mean dont listen to IGN? What did IGn have to say? I posted a weird review I saw this morning on GGWeekly. 

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Wed, 27 May 2009 13:52:03
This thread has convinced me of getting Sacred 2. Funny thing, considering it is an InFAMOUS one. Nyaa
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Wed, 27 May 2009 23:39:11

just beat the first boss and got out of the first island (I 100% the island). The boss was actually very crappy, you'd think a game with super powers can have a decent boss fight. Are there really only going to be three boss fights, that sucks. Going off on a tangent here but its something I have always noticed with devs not from Japan, they are always low with the boss count, Japanese games have a ton all over the place. Learn from the Japanese, bosses are important.

Other than that, the game has been a blast. i love the controls, I know its sticky but honestly I wouldnt have it any other way. I dont need to worry about making the jump if I want to make the jump he will make it, it feels like I am some crazy wall crawling superhero. I am playing as a hero and as you free up the city the areas get cleaned up, police start to enforce order, and people start to cheer you on. Plus they start running up to you for help, I feel like an actual hero. I am just walking on the street and someone will run up to me pointing to heal someone, or point at a group of reapers. Oh and I love the story you get from the TV sets around town, I want to find that dude with the glasses and kill him, he is being an ass telling everyone I am a terrorist.

I stopped playing at such a great segment. I just beat the boss, I ended up in a new section of the city, no power anywhere, a ton of new enemies all over trying to kill me. For once I feel like I am helpless, like I am being hunted, I need to get the power back on. Awesome game.

Anyone doing the stunts, i am at 11 at the moment.

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Thu, 28 May 2009 02:37:04
Dvader said:

Learn from the Japanese, bosses are important.

I think that depends on the game.  In platformers, for example, I find bosses annoying and needless.


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Thu, 28 May 2009 16:52:13

Yodariquo said:
Dvader said:

Learn from the Japanese, bosses are important.

I think that depends on the game.  In platformers, for example, I find bosses annoying and needless.

Another lesson to learn, don't listen to this man about platformers.

It's a platformer, boss fights have been a part of it since the beginning of time

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Thu, 28 May 2009 17:58:44

Dvader said:

Yodariquo said:
Dvader said:

Learn from the Japanese, bosses are important.

I think that depends on the game.  In platformers, for example, I find bosses annoying and needless.

Another lesson to learn, don't listen to this man about platformers.

It's a platformer, boss fights have been a part of it since the beginning of time

No, not since the beginning of time.  Pitfall didn't have bosses and I think we can all agree that was the grandfather of platformers.  Super Mario Bros. introduced the end of level boss.

Getting back on track, platformers need bosses.  They're as much a part of the genre now as guns are to FPS.

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Thu, 28 May 2009 20:19:52

I just got off the first island. I didn't 100% it, as the last 3% didn't have a side mission in it for some reason. I give the boss points for originality.

I decided I'd take the evil route, party because I wanted red lighting, and because most people here want to play the hero.

In a story-heavy game, many bosses are unnecessary. I don't want to be introduced to this Oliver Twist-sized cast of one dimensional villians.


Listen to Iced Earth and play Doom

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Thu, 28 May 2009 22:14:29

robio said:

Dvader said:

Yodariquo said:
Dvader said:

Learn from the Japanese, bosses are important.

I think that depends on the game.  In platformers, for example, I find bosses annoying and needless.

Another lesson to learn, don't listen to this man about platformers.

It's a platformer, boss fights have been a part of it since the beginning of time

Yes,  since the beginning of time.  Donkey Kong did have bosses (well just one Donkey Kong) and I think we can all agree that was the grandfather of platformers. 

Getting back on track, platformers need bosses.  They're as much a part of the genre now as guns are to FPS.

 Fixed it

The VG Press
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Thu, 28 May 2009 22:25:28

Iga_Bobovic said:

robio said:

Dvader said:

Yodariquo said:
Dvader said:

Learn from the Japanese, bosses are important.

I think that depends on the game.  In platformers, for example, I find bosses annoying and needless.

Another lesson to learn, don't listen to this man about platformers.

It's a platformer, boss fights have been a part of it since the beginning of time

Yes,  since the beginning of time.  Donkey Kong did have bosses (well just one Donkey Kong) and I think we can all agree that was the grandfather of platformers.

Getting back on track, platformers need bosses.  They're as much a part of the genre now as guns are to FPS.

Fixed it

Donkey Kong wasn't really a boss.  He was there as the menance, but there was never any kind of boss battle.  You just had to complete the level and that was it.

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