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Have you ever felt "burned" by a console/portable? And did it effect your future purchases?
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Sat, 24 Oct 2015 12:16:56

With NX news on the horizon and Sony re-affirming they have no 1st party vita games in development, it got me thinking about how it would effect your future purchases.

Any PSP/Saturn/Dreamcast people feel burned too? A few people here seem very down on Wii U, will that keep you away from NX? Will you ever buy another Sony handheld?

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Sat, 24 Oct 2015 18:12:30

I've never regretted buying any hardware.

I remember tons of people complaining about N64 not getting all the games that PS1 got, but every exclusive game that the N64 got was pure gold. Usually a handful of really amazing games each year. That's more than enough for me to be satisfied. I never owned a Saturn until recently, but I can't imagine that I would have regretted owning that either back in the day. I would have enjoyed the big games that came out.

I guess if all you were going to get was one system, and you picked the one with the least amount of games that you wanted...I could see regretting a purchase in that situation.


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Sat, 24 Oct 2015 20:02:48
I always felt burned by the Genesis. Sonic wasn't as good as Mario, there were hardly any RPG's, and the default controllér only had 3 buttons so you couldn't play a real game of Street Fighter. The only games I really ended up enjoying were the PGA games, Road Rash, and Streets of Rage. The Snes was so far superior that I couldn't figure out why the Genesis was even necessary.

More recently I'd say the 3DS. For whatever reason, I can just not get into playing the 3DS no matter what the game. There are at least a dozen games on it that I would probably enjoy but I cannot force myself to get them because I don't want to play them on this system.  Burned might be too strong a word, but I do regret getting it.
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Sun, 25 Oct 2015 04:05:34

The only one I felt burned by was the 3DO. I would have probably felt burned by the Jaguar but thankfully I passed that one by.


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Sun, 25 Oct 2015 04:11:13

Burned? Eh, No.

Although right now it's been all star performance from Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo, because I bought the WiiU, PS4, Xbox One, and 3DS, and the only thing worth a fuck I would have missed were: Bayonetta 2, Bloodborne, Link Between Worlds, Splatoon, The Wonderful 101, and Hell Divers. That's pretty fucking lame for 4 fucking platforms.

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Sun, 25 Oct 2015 13:21:17

Sometimes I forget that I bought a Vita.  I tried two games on it which came in the box as download codes.  I hardly played them, let alone finish them.  Haven't bought another game, nor borrowed, nor downloaded.  The cartridge slot has never been used.  I charged the battery once.

I don't know what I expected.  I guess I expected more of what I had on the PSP which had tons upon tons of great portable games lots of them exclusives.  I got none of that.  Forget whether I would buy another Sony handheld or not, Sony won't even be making another handheld.

My 360 has also been played very little, in I hardly played it besides Forza 3 and Alan Wake.  But I do have a backgol of lots of great games for it for when/if ever I have time for them.


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Sun, 25 Oct 2015 13:35:23

Yeah for the record, I never felt like I made a bad decision with the PSP. I loved the hell out of that handheld. It wasn't in the DS' league, but it had a great library of games that never showed up anywhere else. I'd even say it's my #3 handheld system after the DS and the original Gameboy. Definitely played it a lot more than the 3DS.

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Mon, 26 Oct 2015 07:04:15

3DS and PS4 is so far the only systems I have regretted purchasing in real time.

There are probably 20+ consoles/ handhelds I have bought many years after release (and their cancelation) that I regret.

But in real time, I have enjoyed every console I have bought.

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Mon, 26 Oct 2015 11:01:28

I can understand how people feel underwhelmed by the 3DS.  I don't own many games for it, but considering I could get one brand new, with SM3DW for €125, I don't feel any regret.  So far I own SM3DW, Mario Golf, Pokemon Alpha saffire, Zelde: aLbtW and Bravely Default on it.  Those games alone more than justify buying the system in my opinion.  I also love the 3D effect.  I find it astonnishing how it brightens up the graphics.  Without it, the graphics of most games are passable, but with the 3D on it adds an extra sheen that makes it a pleasure to behold.  I hope Nintendo doesn't ditch the 3D for their next handheld.

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Mon, 26 Oct 2015 15:44:19
SupremeAC said:

I can understand how people feel underwhelmed by the 3DS.  I don't own many games for it, but considering I could get one brand new, with SM3DW for €125, I don't feel any regret.  So far I own SM3DW, Mario Golf, Pokemon Alpha saffire, Zelde: aLbtW and Bravely Default on it.  Those games alone more than justify buying the system in my opinion.  I also love the 3D effect.  I find it astonnishing how it brightens up the graphics.  Without it, the graphics of most games are passable, but with the 3D on it adds an extra sheen that makes it a pleasure to behold.  I hope Nintendo doesn't ditch the 3D for their next handheld.

My sentiments on handheld 3D graphics exactly.  I'm still amazed by it and don't understand why most people never thought it anything exciting in and of its own.  And on an unrelated note I think the 3DS library has many gems and as Leo would often correctly say there is many a franchise for which the 3DS entry came to be the definitive or just the best one.  Or words to that effect.


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Mon, 26 Oct 2015 18:59:40

The 3D effect did not work for me on my gen 1 3DS, it was always going in and out of focus, so I tunred it off and nver turned it back on, as a result I was just left with the poor graphics of the system without the 3D to make it pop.

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Mon, 26 Oct 2015 19:04:32

I'm a sega fan...

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Mon, 26 Oct 2015 19:05:28
Dvader said:

I'm a sega fan...

You have my condolences.


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Tue, 27 Oct 2015 06:36:07
SupremeAC said:

I can understand how people feel underwhelmed by the 3DS.  I don't own many games for it, but considering I could get one brand new, with SM3DW for €125, I don't feel any regret.  So far I own SM3DW, Mario Golf, Pokemon Alpha saffire, Zelde: aLbtW and Bravely Default on it.  Those games alone more than justify buying the system in my opinion.  I also love the 3D effect.  I find it astonnishing how it brightens up the graphics.  Without it, the graphics of most games are passable, but with the 3D on it adds an extra sheen that makes it a pleasure to behold.  I hope Nintendo doesn't ditch the 3D for their next handheld.

The thing is

A: Very few games use that 3d in any interesting way. Luigi's Mansion was the only thing that really used that stuff to add something to the feel and look of the game.

B: As a follow up to the GBA and DS, it's wildly inferior because of how much more dependent on Nintendo first party it is. I don't care for any Nintendo first party game on that OG DS, with the exception of Advance Wars games. But shit like Professor Layton, Phoenix Wright, Hotel Dusk, 999, Ghost Trick, The World Ends With You, Elite Beat Agents, etc all added a lot to that system. Both in showing off that hardware and just being fresh type of game experiences that no one else putting out. Similar things happened with some of the good stuff on the GBA. In contrast the 3DS has been sequels to the DS Stuff, with Rhythm Thief as the big exception, and yeah Rythm Thief is rad. But where was this handheld gens Ghost Trick? or what have you? Bravely Default certainly wasn't as imaginative as The World Ends With You, and certainly not as good with that Groundhog's Day bullshit.

It suffers from exactly what's lame about modern day console gaming. "Hooray, they made another fucking x". Not enough fresh things, with the exception that at least the consoles get some of the indie stuff from the PC, the 3DS less so, way less so. Doesn't help that Japan is mostly mobile these days, but it is what it is.

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Tue, 27 Oct 2015 07:47:23

^Yes and agreed, this si the very definitin of Resting on One's Laurel's.

Nintendo has played it too safe, they go with 3d, EXCELLENT, but then cut costs on pixels so that their handheld looks inferior to free phones you get on a contract. They go with a touchpad, EXCELLENT, bold move, but they go with resistance touch rather than capacitive (so we get the same tech as on out shitty photocopiers and ATMs, not the smart devices we use 30 times a day.  They have the ideas, the just don't have the insantity to go in balls and all the way MS has with the Surface Pro and laptop -- "Yes, since we are not aple no one gives a shit, but dammit, we can make better stuff".

Consoles in general need a good kick in the ass, and hopefully it will come from the publishers...

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Tue, 27 Oct 2015 07:48:08

And also, fuck my new keyboard.

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Tue, 27 Oct 2015 09:52:52

So you're both saying that you regret buying the 3DS because there's less stellar 3rd party support?  Fair point, I guess we went in with different expectations.

aspro said:

Nintendo has played it too safe, they go with 3d, EXCELLENT, but then cut costs on pixels so that their handheld looks inferior to free phones you get on a contract. They go with a touchpad, EXCELLENT, bold move, but they go with resistance touch rather than capacitive (so we get the same tech as on out shitty photocopiers and ATMs, not the smart devices we use 30 times a day.  They have the ideas, the just don't have the insantity to go in balls and all the way MS has with the Surface Pro and laptop -- "Yes, since we are not aple no one gives a shit, but dammit, we can make better stuff".

Consoles in general need a good kick in the ass, and hopefully it will come from the publishers...

They implemented screens with few pixels to cut costs on having to render all those pixels and they went with resistive because it's more precise than capacitive.  If anything, they should have licenced tech from Wacom so we could have had the best of 2 worlds, like on my Surface Pro2.  But this is Nintendo we're talking about, and there was never the slightest chance they'd have done that.

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Tue, 27 Oct 2015 10:21:06

Would you really want to use your fingers on a screen that size?

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Wed, 28 Oct 2015 11:55:28
SupremeAC said:

So you're both saying that you regret buying the 3DS because there's less stellar 3rd party support?  Fair point, I guess we went in with different expectations.

More or less I guess, the problem with Nintendo first party, is that outside of rare exceptions, and i mean rare exceptions (Link Between Worlds is a big one), I usually will take their console versions over their handheld version. One the presentation is better, usually they are cleaner from a design standpoint (less glaring fuck ups if you will), with the exception of Pokemon and Advance Wars, the console versions always come off as like the proper entry, where as the handheld ones always have that spinoff vibe. AW and Pokemon are weird in that it's the other way around. Not that games like Bowser's Inside Story isn't good or anything, it's quite good, fantastic even, and I love Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga, probably not as much as console mario rpgs, but it is what it is.

Put it another way, the way some of you feel about the wii library and that motion control stuff, of where there are these unique, distinct experiences and all that jazz, is how I feel about the DS library. Where as motion control games almost always made me go, yeah this semi-worked, but x,y, and z about this game was lame. The DS stuff when it hit its stride was top notch, the interface itself didn't compromise as many things for me, plus essentially those middle tier japanese devs that couldn't afford to do the console stuff did DS, and PSP stuff for a bit. Of course now that's gone, and the 3DS just had Nintendo stuff, and al ot of it felt redundant with a WiiU.

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Wed, 28 Oct 2015 12:03:12
Gagan said:

More or less I guess, the problem with Nintendo first party, is that outside of rare exceptions, and i mean rare exceptions (Link Between Worlds is a big one), I usually will take their console versions over their handheld version. One the presentation is better, usually they are cleaner from a design standpoint (less glaring fuck ups if you will), with the exception of Pokemon and Advance Wars, the console versions always come off as like the proper entry, where as the handheld ones always have that spinoff vibe. AW and Pokemon are weird in that it's the other way around. Not that games like Bowser's Inside Story isn't good or anything, it's quite good, fantastic even, and I love Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga, probably not as much as console mario rpgs, but it is what it is.

Put it another way, the way some of you feel about the wii library and that motion control stuff, of where there are these unique, distinct experiences and all that jazz, is how I feel about the DS library. Where as motion control games almost always made me go, yeah this semi-worked, but x,y, and z about this game was lame. The DS stuff when it hit its stride was top notch, the interface itself didn't compromise as many things for me, plus essentially those middle tier japanese devs that couldn't afford to do the console stuff did DS, and PSP stuff for a bit. Of course now that's gone, and the 3DS just had Nintendo stuff, and al ot of it felt redundant with a WiiU.

I agree with you in that handheld gaming always feels like console gaming's little brother, but because of that I also came to the DS and 3DS expecting very little.  To then find games like Bravely Default (which I am still in the process of playing so don't spoil it!) is a true delight.  And to be honnest, some games, like Mario Golf, do feel to me as being a better fit for a portable system.  They just seem like a waste of screen estate on a home console to me.

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