Forum > Gaming Discussion > The Beaten Games of 2014 -- Let's all unite to take Foolz down!
The Beaten Games of 2014 -- Let's all unite to take Foolz down!
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Sat, 30 Aug 2014 03:46:14
aspro said:

Good on ya man. That was a long time coming for me, I think it took me four years on and off.

Tedious last sequence.

Are we still talking about GTAV?  Well, both IV and V have tedious final missions.

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Sat, 30 Aug 2014 03:54:41

Oh, beat wolfenstein. 9.0/10

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Sat, 30 Aug 2014 03:55:21
travo said:
aspro said:

Good on ya man. That was a long time coming for me, I think it took me four years on and off.

Tedious last sequence.

Are we still talking about GTAV?  Well, both IV and V have tedious final missions.

D-oh! I was thinking IV.  V was easy.

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Sat, 30 Aug 2014 05:13:29
aspro said:

Good on ya man. That was a long time coming for me, I think it took me four years on and off.

Tedious last sequence.

I will congratulate you in 2015, then.

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Sat, 30 Aug 2014 14:15:55

Updated with Diablo 3 w00t!


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Sat, 30 Aug 2014 22:45:29

I finished last night too. Will make my entry later. Level 70 Witch Doctor on Master. Such an awesomely fun character to play as!

I immediately started a brand new Monk on Torment 1 Adventure Mode. Wow! Tough! Making progress is slow and difficult, but I love challenges like that.

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Sun, 31 Aug 2014 13:48:57

One week between games this time. I'm on fire!

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Thu, 04 Sep 2014 23:13:15

I added L.A. Noire I just beat the game a couple of minutes ago.


  • SMB Mix-Up! (1AB2-0000-0047-5A7D)
  • Storm the Castle (77BD-0000-00E0-A9C0)


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Mon, 08 Sep 2014 04:21:38

Updated with inFAMOUS: Second Son.

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Thu, 11 Sep 2014 21:12:31

Beat Watch Dogs (WATCH_DOGS?) a couple of days ago. Totally fine game. May end up on the lower end of my GOTY list. Not mind-blowing but does everything well and is solid.

Spent more time lately wringing trophies and content out of older games. MGS3 HD got me my 49th platinum trophy and The Last of Us will go down in history as my "landmark" 50th platinum trophy. Destiny is tempting at the moment, but I can be patient. Seeing as I'm aiming at making Silent Hill 2 next on my list, yes, I have to say that I can be patient.

Edited: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 21:18:50
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Fri, 12 Sep 2014 03:10:33

Just updated with TWEWY: Solo Remix. I'd forgotten just how brilliant this game was. The second play-through really helps explain the story as there's so much going on. Anyway, it's better than the DS version. One screen combat just makes a lot more sense, though a few boss battles don't work quite as well. Oh and playing through the game also makes me realize how much I hate the company that S-E has become.

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Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:25:47

Updated with Metroid Prime!

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Tue, 16 Sep 2014 21:32:22

Just sas the credits roll in Rayman Legends.  Good riddance.  Even the credits I didn't like.  3 quarters of the game is running through whole levels, jumping when you see a trail of lums.  Sure, it makes for spectacle, but that's all it has going for it.

Edited: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 21:33:35
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Wed, 17 Sep 2014 03:09:28
SupremeAC said:

Just sas the credits roll in Rayman Legends.  Good riddance.  Even the credits I didn't like.  3 quarters of the game is running through whole levels, jumping when you see a trail of lums.  Sure, it makes for spectacle, but that's all it has going for it.

What were the credits? Origins had great credits.

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Wed, 17 Sep 2014 08:31:08
Foolz said:

What were the credits? Origins had great credits.

Just boring destructible credits scrolling up.  Trashing them yielded the same single soundbit of breaking glass.  No diversity, no images to liven things up, not even some comically dancing lums.  And it went on for aaaages.  Seriously, I think this is the first game ever where I couldn't bear to sit through the whole credit roll.  It's as if they thanked everyone, to the hairdresser of the intern who just got hired and was tasked with making coffee for the technicians who were in charge of the security cameras that were installed to make sure that no one would steal someone elses lunch from the company fridge.

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Sat, 20 Sep 2014 12:59:48
Just updated with Teslagrad. I'm not sure if the game was stupidly pretentious or was just interesting enough to make me not fully appreciate how bad it really was. Either way, I kind of regret getting it. Lots of good ideas, but they went the Limbo route of (one hit = instant death) which forced you to keep replaying areas to learn what you had to do a little too often for my taste. Even worse, that's how you had to handle boss battles which completely sucked the fun out of them.

And they force an item hunt on you towards the end of the game. Particular items that you thought were just little bonus items for completionists turned out to be required to get to the end. Perhaps if there was a clear narrative instead of the "we'll let you piece together the story" route they went might have made that clear. Anyway... I should have bought something else.
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Sat, 27 Sep 2014 12:05:28

Finished Link's Awakening DX including the bonus colour dungeon. The new dungeon is alright, but not as good as the original dungeons.

Also had an Aspro moment. Two skeletons at the entrance of the new dungeon were blocking my path. Did not know how to get past them. I tried everything. So after reading a guide, you simply needed to talk to them! I did not even know you can talk to them! I feel so stupid right now.

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Mon, 29 Sep 2014 07:37:18

Rough year. If I don't beat 6 games by January 1  it will be my lowest volume since 2008 (23 games).

Cumulative average score since 2008 is 7.68 out of 10. This year so far, 6.94 (lowest in reocrded HISTORY).  Last year was 7.4, which was second lowest.  I need some good games.

Counter to that the strategy is to beat Sonic Generations, which I am 2/3rds through then beat Fable 3 (only 9 hours long).

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Mon, 29 Sep 2014 20:04:07
aspro said:

Rough year. If I don't beat 6 games by January 1  it will be my lowest volume since 2008 (23 games).

Cumulative average score since 2008 is 7.68 out of 10. This year so far, 6.94 (lowest in reocrded HISTORY).  Last year was 7.4, which was second lowest.  I need some good games.

Counter to that the strategy is to beat Sonic Generations, which I am 2/3rds through then beat Fable 3 (only 9 hours long).

It still averages out to almost two games per month. Which let's face it, if you talk to a non gamer and tell them you play through 2 games per month they'd think you were insane.

I'm like halfway through a handful of games right now that I really need to get done....its just so hard going back to some games once you stop playing them.

Edited: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 20:04:58


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Mon, 29 Sep 2014 20:09:44

Well I finished Destiny as far as missions go. Enough has been said about the game, but yeah, it really gets better and better as you starts out a bit slow which I'm sure gave many reviewers a bad taste, but once you start leveling up and get better abilities and weapons to go along with the awesome boss fights and shit towards the end, it gets epic. As I've said, the general gameplay is as perfect as you will see in any shooter for a long time. Its Halo times 10 with cool abilities and boss fights, and silky smooth controls.

It is the ultimate 8.8 game.


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