robio said:Don't listen to Foolz he's been eating paint chips again! The narration is awesome. And so is the music.
Robio is right. Don't buy the game; don't listen to what I said!
So many good games. I hope they're not all 1200 pts or over. That's a lot of money. I buy full boxed games from the hobo bin for less than that. So much for downloaded games being cheaper
bugsonglass said:Shadow Complex. This would be a no-brainer if I wasn't aware of the politics of the writer. I'm sure I've supported worse people without my knowledge through the years but I'm not sure I can knowingly support a homophobic biggot who actively supports and helps finance such evil anti-human rights causes. principles and all that
Yeah, I can see where you're coming from. And I definitely agree.
- Shadow Complex
- Guardian Heroes
- The Dishwasher
- Bastion
- After Burner Climax
- Assault Heroes
- Banjo-Kazooie
- Banjo-Tooie
- Bionic Commado Re-armed
- Beyond Good and Evil
- Dead Rising 2: Case Zero
- Dead Rising 2: Case West
- Every Extend Extra Extreme
- Final Fight Double Impact
- Garou Mark of Wolves
- Geometry Wars
- Guilty Gear Reloaded
- Gunstar Heroes
- Heavy Weapon
- Lumines Live
- Minecraft
- Peggle
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Classic Arcade
- Torchlight
This is really tough. There's really masses of great games on XBLA. Way more than on PSN. New and old. I want to get the Banjo games and Perfect Dark because I had them stolen from me along with my N64 and lots of other things from my collection. Also want a lot of new games you guys have mentioned.
I got Outland and Sine Mora for now. Hope to play them some over this weekend
PS I'm glad no one recommended Braid. I have it on PSN and i hate it ... it makes me depressed
Don't listen to Foolz he's been eating paint chips again! The narration is awesome. And so is the music.