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2012 Finished Games
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Sun, 11 Nov 2012 05:03:10
bugsonglass said:

Just shows what a fine balance it is between getting something just right and falling wide of the mark.  Don't pretend that you don't understand.

What is this. I don't even.

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Sun, 11 Nov 2012 05:07:17
Foolz said:
bugsonglass said:

Just shows what a fine balance it is between getting something just right and falling wide of the mark.  Don't pretend that you don't understand.

What is this. I don't even.

I thought you was insinuating ICO with your previous message, no?  Yeah it may be "similar" but the difference between similar things is sometimes night and day as the devil is in the details.


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Sun, 11 Nov 2012 05:12:15
bugsonglass said:
Foolz said:
bugsonglass said:

Just shows what a fine balance it is between getting something just right and falling wide of the mark.  Don't pretend that you don't understand.

What is this. I don't even.

I thought you was insinuating ICO with your previous message, no?  Yeah it may be "similar" but the difference between similar things is sometimes night and day as the devil is in the details.

I think it was just a general trolling comment, and the "What is this. I don't even" was me pretending not to understand. Nyaa

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Sun, 11 Nov 2012 05:15:51
Foolz said:

I think it was just a general trolling comment, and the "What is this. I don't even" was me pretending not to understand. Nyaa

Cunt angry


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Sun, 11 Nov 2012 05:29:11
bugsonglass said:

Cunt angry


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Sun, 11 Nov 2012 08:21:08
bugsonglass said:
Foolz said:

I think it was just a general trolling comment, and the "What is this. I don't even" was me pretending not to understand. Nyaa

Cunt angry


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Sun, 11 Nov 2012 09:14:32
aspro said:
bugsonglass said:
Foolz said:

I think it was just a general trolling comment, and the "What is this. I don't even" was me pretending not to understand. Nyaa

Cunt angry


Hear, hear.

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Sun, 11 Nov 2012 09:21:39

You guys are funny,but looks are not everything/kiss

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Tue, 13 Nov 2012 22:06:25

Updated with Heavy Rain.

Ok this is much more an interactive movie than it is a game but still, for what it is - it's very enjoyable.  The gameplay mainly consists of moving in an environment checking things which have prompts and QTEs during the action scenes.  The story I thought was very good.  Much better than a lot of high budget action thrillers you get at the cinemas these days.  I would go as far as to say it's similar in character and feel to games like Se7en and Memento if it wasn't for the mostly bad voice acting.  I thought they did something interesting with the facial animations, not sure it's similar to LA Noir as I haven't played that yet but it looks quite good.  It's nice that it has different things happening to different characters with several possible endings.  I was fairly satisfied with the ending I got, but I probably wouldn't mind playing it again in a few months to go about things in a different manner.  I sort of regret not finishing Fahrenheit, but I am looking forward to Beyond.


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Wed, 14 Nov 2012 00:42:26
edgecrusher said:

Edgecrusher's Games of 2012:

   Assassin's Creed: Revelations 8.6   Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker   8.0   God of War III   8.5   Mass Effect   9.4 Mass Effect 2   9.7 Mass Effect 3   9.1 Final Fantasy XIII-2   8.5 Demon's Souls 9/10

God of War: Chains of Olympus  7.8God of War: Ghost of Sparta  8.5Far Cry  8.6Mirror's Edge  7.6Transformers: War For Cybertron  8/10Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier  8.7Max Payne  8.2Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne  8.6

The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena   8.1Diablo III   8.5Darksiders 8.4Sleeping Dogs 8.1Batman: Arkham City 8.830088 - Bulletstorm: PC Box Art 8.6XCOM: Enemy Unknown 9.1Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands 8.0Halo 4 9.0

Halo 4 is done!

Great game, probably my 2nd favorite behind Combat Evolved. I would have rated it higher if it weren't for a few levels that had very tedious parts to play through. I really liked what they did with the story as well.


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Sat, 24 Nov 2012 13:02:46

Another very LTTP game for me as I keep plugging away at the old backlog.  This time I finidhed Dead Space (the original 2008 game).  I had obviously heard a lot of great things about this game so I expected to like it.  Even so I didn't expect to like it as much as I did.  Seriously, this is one of the best games I played this entire generation.  I feel so stupid not to have played it sooner, I've had it (still shrink-wrapped) for years.

Sure the comparisons to RE4 are valid as the gameplay is very similar, but (I don't know if it's the adrenaline and the excitement talking) I would go as far as to say that Dead Space build on what Capcom accomplished with RE4 and offers an even better game (for my money).

The setting is marvelous.  A huge mining space ship and some dystopian mining colony in the far reaches of space.  The retro-futuristic vibes reminded me the little bit of what i've seen of Bioshock (and made me want to go back to play that).  The atmosphere is so thick  you can cut it with a knife - with very obvious nods to Tarkovsky's Solaris.  My goodness, the story is so brilliant.  This is serously some of the best sci-fi not found in a book by Isaac Asimov or Arthur C Clarke - but the tribute is a very obvious one as your character's name is Isaac Clarke.  The gameplay is so intense.  The game is seriously creepy.  It has a most intense sense of claustrophobia from beginning to end.  The incredible sound design just adds to that.  Enemies come at you from all sides and you often don't realise until they're too close.  The boss fights though few are very clever and very enjoyable.  Game is very long for an action game, and though there is a fair bit of backtracking through the environments, it never feels like it drags.  It's really good and really intense from beginning to end.

I think this may be the best EA game I have ever played.  I expected it to be good, but it's better than good.  It's near perfect.  9.6 easy!  I'm so glad I have Extraction and Dead Space 2 ready!


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Sun, 25 Nov 2012 01:48:54

Forgot to add Deadlight...

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Tue, 27 Nov 2012 12:36:58

And we are done with NSMB Wii U. Bit easier than a lot of the others up until then end, and then it's gets medieval on your ass once you reach the castle. Excellent Bowser battle too.

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Wed, 05 Dec 2012 13:31:56
Finished Assassin's Creed Brotherhood recently and found it to be an excellent game and a good addition to the franchise. The multiplayer was a really nice addition as well. 8.5 out of 10.


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Wed, 05 Dec 2012 18:12:21
Archangel3371 said:
Finished Assassin's Creed Brotherhood recently and found it to be an excellent game and a good addition to the franchise. The multiplayer was a really nice addition as well. 8.5 out of 10.

I finished it a few months ago.  Also really enjoyed it even though I didn't touch the multiplayer.  Right now playing Revelations.  It's still mostly good but I think I may be close to reaching Assassins Creed fatigue with this third Ezio game.  Istanbul is still a nice city to play around but not as nice as Rome I think.  Also I don't like the heavy emphasis on new gameplay elements like the bomb making or the den defence etc,  It's still fun to play but I feel I may not do as many of the side-missions etc as I normally do


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Wed, 05 Dec 2012 23:16:52
edgecrusher said:

Edgecrusher's Games of 2012:

   Assassin's Creed: Revelations 8.6   Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker   8.0   God of War III   8.5   Mass Effect   9.4 Mass Effect 2   9.7 Mass Effect 3   9.1 Final Fantasy XIII-2   8.5 Demon's Souls 9/10

God of War: Chains of Olympus  7.8God of War: Ghost of Sparta  8.5Far Cry  8.6Mirror's Edge  7.6Transformers: War For Cybertron  8/10Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier  8.7Max Payne  8.2Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne  8.6

The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena   8.1Diablo III   8.5Darksiders 8.4Sleeping Dogs 8.1Batman: Arkham City 8.830088 - Bulletstorm: PC Box Art 8.6XCOM: Enemy Unknown 9.1Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands 8.0Halo 4 9.0ZombiU 8.4

Zombi 1st completed Wii U game! Great new take on survival horror...8.4 rating.



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Fri, 07 Dec 2012 13:50:53

The Unfinished Swan.

/The Finished Swan pun.

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Sat, 08 Dec 2012 21:14:28

I just finished Assassin's Creed: Revelations.  Have rather mixed feelings about it.  There is so much I love about this game, and about the series on the whole, and so much that annoys me or even enrages me.  Overall I think it's a pretty great game.  Maybe not as good as ACII or Brotherhood, but a great game nonetheless.  It keeps a lot of what was great in the previous games, ie the core gameplay elements.  It builds upon certain things introduced in Brotherhood such as the ... erm Brotherhood of assassins you lead.  It also introduces certain new things most of which are mis-steps in my opinion and I hope they are not in ACIII.  The worst of those is a very stupid and very bad tower defence type mini-game you are forced to play when one of your assassins dens is under attack.  It's so stupid and pointless and a complete waste of time - I really wonder who thought this was a good idea to include.  Once I realised how easy it was just to let the Templars take back the den only for me to attack and reclaim it in just a minute - I never bothered with the stupid tower defence anymore.  Another very annoying thing is a fetish with bombs.  I just don't understand it.  Very early on in the game the game forces you to craft and use bombs and after that it just literally begs you to use them when in all honesty - personally I just couldn't be bothered as I was happy enough with my blades and with my band of badass assassins.  Constantinople is just littered with treasure chests with bomb parts.  They are not even hidden like in the previous games.  They are just in your face everywhere.  It gets so very annoying I couldn't even be bothered to open them as soon as I realised.  Also the sections you play as Desmond are super annoying.  They play in first person and you navigate a certain kind of stripped down levels that are like a cross between the matrix and portal in first person.  I think there are five of these.  I played the first two, hated them, then realised I didn't have to play them so I didn't do the rest.

The main missions, though fun, don't seem quite as intricate or as well designed as in the previous two games.  And there's actually very few assassinations, which sort of bothered me personally.  So the game is not nearly as substantial as ACII or BroHo in this department - perhaps that's why they attempted to pad it out with so many of the annoying things I mentioned in the previous paragraph.

Istanbul is a nice city for the setting of an AC game.  It's like a cross between the Renaissance cities of the previous two entries and the Eastern cities of the original AC.  Also the fictionalised version of the Byzantine-Ottoman conflict it touches upon as a backstory is quite interesting albeit not very well explained (as with most things in the AC backstory it seems deliberately vague to give it an air of mystery and depth).

The game is quite emotional, or soppy depending on your standpoint.  It is the third and final game in Ezio Auditore's trilogy which began with him as a young man in ACII.  This time Ezio is a weathered old fox in the twilight of his years.  With lots of thoughts and reflections on his life and actions (and the meaning of it all yadda yadda ya...)  There is also a link between Ezio and Altair, the protagonist of the first game.  Through Ezio (or should I be saying Desmond?) we get to relive Altairs final years and his ending.  Quite moving in a way, though a bit preachy.

Decent game overall.  I'd happily give it a 7.5 or maybe 8.  


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Sun, 09 Dec 2012 06:37:21

RE5 was my 34th beaten game of the year. I've really slowed down at the end of this year.  Still wanting to beat Halo4, Walking Dead and Yakuza Dead Souls before the end of the year.

My average score this year is 8.34 compared to 7.9 last year.

Edited: Sun, 09 Dec 2012 06:42:44

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Sun, 09 Dec 2012 07:04:50
aspro said:

RE5 was my 34th beaten game of the year. I've really slowed down at the end of this year.  Still wanting to beat Halo4, Walking Dead and Yakuza Dead Souls before the end of the year.

My average score this year is 8.34 compared to 7.9 last year.

This morning I had a little inner debate on whether I should start RE5 again, or whether I should try playing Castlevania: LoS.  Castlevania won this round.


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