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2012 Finished Games
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Sat, 20 Oct 2012 04:58:32
bugsonglass said:

I finished the campaign in Sound Shapes.  I understand it's only supposed to be a showcase and just for people to unlock the elements for creating levels, but yeah, it's really not that great.  A bunch of levels are boring throwaway levels, and the platforming mechanics leave a lot to be desired.  Anyhow, I finished it so it goes on the list.  I do not recommend it unless you like creating beats and levels and have tons of time on your hands.

I was pretty disappointed myself.  I don't think I will be creating many levels, the good news it did not cost that much.

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Sat, 20 Oct 2012 05:01:31
bugsonglass said:

I finished the campaign in Sound Shapes.  I understand it's only supposed to be a showcase and just for people to unlock the elements for creating levels, but yeah, it's really not that great.  A bunch of levels are boring throwaway levels, and the platforming mechanics leave a lot to be desired.  Anyhow, I finished it so it goes on the list.  I do not recommend it unless you like creating beats and levels and have tons of time on your hands.

It's Little Big Planet?

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Sat, 20 Oct 2012 05:14:33
Foolz said:

It's Little Big Planet?

Yes, same philosophy though I guess it focuses a little more on the creation of beats with the actual platforming levels being secondary.  The creation tools are a little more basic but also less frightening than LBP which is probably a good thing for most people interested in creating levels without using up all their time.

I think to be fair the single player campaign for the first LBP was quite fun despite the floatiness.  This one is a lot less so.  But all the level creation and sharing philosophy etc make the games essentially very similar in concept.

_Bear said:

I was pretty disappointed myself.  I don't think I will be creating many levels, the good news it did not cost that much.

A friend of mine signed into his account and downloaded it for me here, so it didn't cost me anything in terms of money I'm pleased to say!

Edited: Sat, 20 Oct 2012 05:17:05


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Sat, 20 Oct 2012 05:17:48
bugsonglass said:

Yes, same philosophy though I guess it focuses a little more on the creation of beats with the actual platforming levels being secondary.  The creation tools are a little more basic but also less frightening than LBP which is probably a good thing for most people interested in creating levels without using up all their time.

I think to be fair the single player campaign for the first LBP was quite fun despite the floatiness.  This one is a lot less so.  But all the level creation and sharing philosophy etc make the games essentially very similar in concept.

Yep, I really had LBP2 more in mind when I said that.

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Sun, 21 Oct 2012 02:44:40
aspro said:

Dead Space 2Half-Life 2: Episode 2Halo 3Fallout New VegasXIIISoulCalibur 4The SaboteurUncharted 3PreyMass EffectMass Effect 2Final Fantasy 7Saints Row: The ThirdUncharted: Drake's FortuneBinary DomainBulletstormVanquishbioshockgay tonyKinogdom Heartsred dead remdemption999BorderlandsME3Paper Mario


At some point today I'll either beat the final boss of Blue Dragon or given up and watch the ending on YouTube.  Either way, another almost perfect game. The skills appleid in teh production of this game are clear. The story was interesting enough for a JRPG, good voice acting, music... Just top notch.

Next? Probably Silent Hill Shattered Memories on PS2 (YES PS2!).

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Sun, 21 Oct 2012 19:24:50

"No rest for the wicked!"

...and the credits roll on Borderlands 2!

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Sun, 21 Oct 2012 20:39:36
edgecrusher said:

Edgecrusher's Games of 2012:

   Assassin's Creed: Revelations 8.6   Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker   8.0   God of War III   8.5   Mass Effect   9.4 Mass Effect 2   9.7 Mass Effect 3   9.1 Final Fantasy XIII-2   8.5 Demon's Souls 9/10

God of War: Chains of Olympus  7.8God of War: Ghost of Sparta  8.5Far Cry  8.6Mirror's Edge  7.6Transformers: War For Cybertron  8/10Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier  8.7Max Payne  8.2Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne  8.6

The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena   8.1Diablo III   8.5Darksiders 8.4Sleeping Dogs 8.1Batman: Arkham City 8.830088 - Bulletstorm: PC Box Art 8.6

Bulletstorm is done....a damn fine Shooter. 8.6 rating.


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Sun, 28 Oct 2012 03:04:20
aspro said:

Dead Space 2Half-Life 2: Episode 2Halo 3Fallout New VegasXIIISoulCalibur 4The SaboteurUncharted 3PreyMass EffectMass Effect 2Final Fantasy 7Saints Row: The ThirdUncharted: Drake's FortuneBinary DomainBulletstormVanquishbioshockgay tonyKinogdom Heartsred dead remdemption999BorderlandsME3Paper Mario

MafiaSilent Hill

Beat Silent Hill Shat. Ened up getting a 6 from me.

  • It had a good idea going for it. The concept of the game is sound.
  • However, there is not enough for an entire game to be made from the concept. Peanut butter is good, but not if it is spread too thin.
  • It's also not a very well made game. I spent a lot of time where I knew the solution to a puzzle but because of the quality of the game I had more of a challenging inputing the correct answer.

Glad I played it, wish it had been made a bit better.

Onto... no idea. I want to play Lost Odyssey but apparently I don't own a copy...

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Sun, 28 Oct 2012 03:16:52

Play The Last Remnant. It's close enough after all. Nyaa

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Sun, 28 Oct 2012 03:23:30
Foolz said:

Play The Last Remnant. It's close enough after all. Nyaa

I just got an e-mail that Yakuza Dead Souls is on it's way, so I'll likely play RE5 and some filler material until it gets here.

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Sun, 28 Oct 2012 03:34:32
aspro said:

I just got an e-mail that Yakuza Dead Souls is on it's way, so I'll likely play RE5 and some filler material until it gets here.

Even better!

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Mon, 29 Oct 2012 21:28:26
edgecrusher said:

Edgecrusher's Games of 2012:

   Assassin's Creed: Revelations 8.6   Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker   8.0   God of War III   8.5   Mass Effect   9.4 Mass Effect 2   9.7 Mass Effect 3   9.1 Final Fantasy XIII-2   8.5 Demon's Souls 9/10

God of War: Chains of Olympus  7.8God of War: Ghost of Sparta  8.5Far Cry  8.6Mirror's Edge  7.6Transformers: War For Cybertron  8/10Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier  8.7Max Payne  8.2Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne  8.6

The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena   8.1Diablo III   8.5Darksiders 8.4Sleeping Dogs 8.1Batman: Arkham City 8.830088 - Bulletstorm: PC Box Art 8.6XCOM: Enemy Unknown 9.1

Xcom is done.

In a tie with ME3 for the best game I've played this year. Xcom has that perfect balance that Nintendo's best games usually have, where it holds your hand up to a point then let's you go on your own. Addictive as hell, I didn't want to stop playing until it was done. And if I didn't have so many other games to play, I'd go a 2nd round.


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Tue, 30 Oct 2012 01:54:26

If it's a tie why does ME3 score .6 points higher?

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Tue, 30 Oct 2012 03:10:15
Foolz said:

If it's a tie why does ME3 score .6 points higher?

That is ME2 you are looking at. Edge's taste is very good.

Edited: Tue, 30 Oct 2012 03:10:43
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Tue, 30 Oct 2012 03:17:34
Dvader said:

That is ME2 you are looking at. Edge's taste is very good.

my bad.

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Wed, 07 Nov 2012 23:15:10
edgecrusher said:

Edgecrusher's Games of 2012:

   Assassin's Creed: Revelations 8.6   Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker   8.0   God of War III   8.5   Mass Effect   9.4 Mass Effect 2   9.7 Mass Effect 3   9.1 Final Fantasy XIII-2   8.5 Demon's Souls 9/10

God of War: Chains of Olympus  7.8God of War: Ghost of Sparta  8.5Far Cry  8.6Mirror's Edge  7.6Transformers: War For Cybertron  8/10Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier  8.7Max Payne  8.2Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne  8.6

The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena   8.1Diablo III   8.5Darksiders 8.4Sleeping Dogs 8.1Batman: Arkham City 8.830088 - Bulletstorm: PC Box Art 8.6XCOM: Enemy Unknown 9.1Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands 8.0

Prince Of Persia: The Forgotten Sands is done.

Good game, it plays and feels so much like the old PS2 era Persia series that its kind of a blessing and a curse. Its cool that it feels like a tribute to those games, and it feels like a nice way to end that chapter of the franchise. But it also means that there's nothing here you haven't experienced before, and better in many cases. Still, worth a play for fans of this style.


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Sat, 10 Nov 2012 05:12:49
Just finished Halo 4 and WOW was it ever amazing. 343 did an absolutely fantastic job with this game. Great audio and visual, top-notch gameplay, and the best story in a Halo game. I went right in and played the game on Legendary difficulty and it was a terrific experience. I'm very interested in what's going to happen in part two of this trilogy.


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Sat, 10 Nov 2012 12:21:04

I finished Papo y Yo this morning.  When I first started playing I thought it was just a very poor derivative game with badly designed and uninteresting environmental puzzles and I very nearly gave up.  But I stuck with it and I finished it eventually.  It gets better.  I think overall it's not too bad.  Would give it a 6.5 or 7.  Totally unremarkable, but I've played worse.  And if I got to the end of it, that must be worth something.

Not sure how I feel about the emotional baggage that comes in tow.  Or the message: "Your drunk father is a monster.  There is no way to save him.  Just burn your memories and cut your losses.  Reject him and move on."  Not sure if that's something I want to be forced to deal with when I'm playing a game.  Maybe I don't want games to grow up after all.


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Sun, 11 Nov 2012 02:11:37

/insert Bugsy quote about Vader et al playing a similar game. Nyaa

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Sun, 11 Nov 2012 04:57:46
Foolz said:

/insert Bugsy quote about Vader et al playing a similar game. Nyaa

Just shows what a fine balance it is between getting something just right and falling wide of the mark.  Don't pretend that you don't understand.


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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