These are the biggies I am planning on getting this year. Of course more will be added as the year goes on, but these at least, surely:
Dragon Age II
Mortal Kombat
L.A. Noire
inFamous 2
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Gears of War 3
Batman: Arkham City
Metal Gear: Rising
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
Anarchy Reigns
Anarchy Reigns, though? Eww

Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileIt's PLATINUM... I know, I know: "They had Bayonetta and then Vanquish, They are due for a bad game."
I'm nowhere near counting it out yet!
Funny. I have 2 3DS pre-ordered but not a single game yet! None of the launch games really appeal to me. Not even Super Street Fighter!
I'd like to get Pilotwings 3DS, but I'm waiting to see if it's a full game or just a cheap knockoff of Wii Sports Resort's Airplane mini game.
I'll have ZERO TOLERANCE for: "So what it's a shallow game, IT'S 3D!!"
These games better have as much content and playability as the average Nintendo game or I'm gonna be PISSED!
Here are the games I'm certainly getting:
Uncharted 3
Mass Effect 3( If it comes out this year.)
Possible buys:
Metal Gear Rising
Plus all of the PS3 games of the past that I missed out on
That reminds me! Yeah. These too definitely if they come out this year!
- Mass Effect 3
- Disgaea 4
- Tekken X Street Fighter
- Street Fighter X Tekken
- El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron
- Asura's Wrath
- The Last Story
- XenoBlade
- Earth Seeker
- Kid Icarus: Uprising
I listed my pre-orders in Leo's thread.
Most Anticipated game for me will be Yakuza 4.
Then probably a tie for Arkham City and Infamous 2.
Then Uncharted 3 tied with Gears of War 3 tied with Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon.
There are many others, but those are my absolute must buys.
Skyrim, Last Story for example.
Mortal Kombat
Portal 2
L.A. Noire
inFamous 2
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Gears of War 3 (I guess I can get this now)
Batman: Arkham City
Metal Gear: Rising
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
Last Guardian
Mass Effect 3
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Resident Evil Revelations
Resident Evil Mercenaries 3D
Zelda Skyward Sword
Zelda OoT 3D
I am sure there are more that I am forgetting. But those are the sure buys.
Little Big Planet 2 is the only cert for the year (depending on how addictive Killzone 3 is when it arrive), and I'm way behind on last year. Haven't even played SMG 2 yet!
yakuza 4
alice madness returns
shadows of the damned
Ico and Shadow of the Colossus Collection
are all i want but theres a few i'll get like unchrated 3, dead island,Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon,Resistance 3
I pre-ordered Mortal Kombat for PS3 and 360 yesterday, Yakuza 4 and Okamiden, too.
- Gears of War 3
- Mass Effect 3
- Dragon Age II
- Batman: Arkham City
- Uncharted 3
- Infamous 2
- Zelda: Skyward Sword
- Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
- Modern Warfare 3
- Mortal Kombat
- Anarchy Reigns
- L.A. Noire
- Dark Souls
- Metal Gear Rising
- Street Fighter vs. Tekken
- Tekken vs. Street Fighter
- Tekken Tag Tournament
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- Crysis 2
Yakuza 4 getting some love. I thought only Foolz and me where down with it. I know Vade liked the first one.
Back before the first one came out, about a year before, I had cut and pasted something from an article on the game, something along the lines of "you find out more about your Yakuza ties", but more detailed. Later mrs. spro CTRL-V'd for some reason and she's all, "Yakuza? What's this?" She had always suspected (wrongly) I was, in the past, connected with some asian gangs, for reasons that are complex to explain.
This kind of pushed her into asking me, "um... so what do you know about the Yakuza?"
I'm all, "It's a SEGA game, it's big in Japan."
She's all, "Is there something you want to tell me?"
"I'm getting it day one."
But rather than just a what-are-you-looking-forward-to, I thought we could see if there's anything a large majority of us are looking forward to. Any candidates?
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile