Forum > Gaming Discussion > Donkey Kong Country Returns! (created by the gaming gods, Retro)
Donkey Kong Country Returns! (created by the gaming gods, Retro)
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Fri, 24 Dec 2010 09:29:03
Dvader said:

Gaming gods is correct, this game is incredible. World 7 OMG! Switcheroo is so amazing.

... and another one has seen the light!!!

Hallelujah brother!


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Fri, 24 Dec 2010 12:35:43

Gaming Gods, I will pray at your alter on Sunday.

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Fri, 24 Dec 2010 13:56:25
gamingeek said:

Gaming Gods, I will pray at your alter on Sunday.

alter ... ego?


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Mon, 27 Dec 2010 23:18:08

Finished the game today, loved it. That final final level... I want to kill someone, that is just pure evil.

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Tue, 28 Dec 2010 17:46:02
Dvader said:

Finished the game today, loved it. That final final level... I want to kill someone, that is just pure evil.

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Fri, 31 Dec 2010 20:24:13

Gaming gods indeed.

I got this game today and after taking a little break from Jungle Beat, I played 3 levels of Country Returns goodness.

Let's get the negatives out of the way. The waggle controls are a bit unresponsive. I do not have problems with waggle, for example it works perfectly in the Galaxy games, but here not so much. The problem is that you have to waggle too hard for it to register. In Galaxy it is intuitive, here it is not. Also the fact that you have to use the anolog stick in conjucture with waggle is also troublesome. Once I wanted to blow a flower (Leo get your mind out of the gutter), but I did not hold the analog stick downward enough and I rolled in a pit.

Also the jumping of enemies is a bit weird. You have to press the button just before you land to jump higher of an enemy. It is a bit different than how Mario does things, but I got used to it quickly. Remember different is not always bad.

Playing DKCR and Jungle Beat back to back one can't help but to compare these two games. And too be honest Donkey is much cooler in Jungle Beat. He is more nimble, because he can wall jump, skate, back flip and even swim. And he is more aggresive, I am pretty sure he beat the shit out of many endangered animals in that game. But the Donkey without the wall jumps and senseless animal abuse is still fun to control. He even has a cool roll, can climb on grassy ceilings and has a jet pack. All in all cool, but not as cool as in Jungle Beat.

But the positives now. The graphics, of man the graphics. Wow, the levels look good enough to touch. The levels are full with animations. The background, the fore ground, it looks alive. No it is alive, everything moves. Plus lots of stuff from the background are included in the gameplay. Sometimes you are shot at the background and you play on, like in Paper Mario or the Wario Land on the Virtual Boy.

So far the level design is good and there are plently of challenges to be had. Finding the puzzle piece is easy in the first two levels, but I did not find a single one in the third. I do miss the Kremling though, not the design, but the funny grunt they make when you kill them. That never gets old. So far so good. If the game keeps improving it could mean that Retro had done it again. From FPA to 2D platformer, they are diversifying. Will play more tomorrow, after I beat Jungle Beat.

And stop calling them the new Rare. It is not even close to being true.

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Sat, 01 Jan 2011 21:14:36

Okay after finishing Jungle Beat for Good Returns have my full attention.

Word of warning, never play Jungle Beat and Country Returns in quick succession of each other. It will not go well. For example ground pounding in Jungle Beat is done by ducking plus waggle in Country Returns it is done by standing still and waggle. So many times in DKCR I would duck and start waggling, only to have DK blow instead of ground pound. Also in Jungle beat you waggle to shoot DK out of a barrel, in DKCR you have to push a button. So here I am waggling and nothing happends LOL

But I finished Jungle Beat, so won't be playing it anytime soon. This should go away. And another thing that will go away is me comparing Jungle Beat to DKCR. Now it is time to talk about the game. I finished the first world. The sunset level was soooooo beautiful, the mine cart level was awesome and so gorgeous. Rambi is fun as ever. But the secret level OMG, pure platforming bliss. Difficult, but if you mess up, you got only yourself to blame. Did not finish that level yet, will try it later. Also finished the first beach level and again it looks gorgeous.

So far this game is awesome. One thing I noticed that there is less freedom than in Mario games. In Galaxy 2 even in the very first level I immediately noticed many shortcuts and different routes you can take by doing awesome stunts. DKCR is more linear than that, sure there is exploraton, but that only leads to puzzle pieces. I did not try the time attack mode, so my opinion about freeform platforming might change, but as off now, it is more strict than the Mario games.  

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Sun, 02 Jan 2011 09:32:33

Found this at gaf

GrotesqueBeauty said:

I was an ape, always with something to prove. A monkey on my back. And I was angry. I felt that if I let my guard down my bananas would be easily stolen. And beyond that, I had parasites. But even in the naivete of my youth, I could see in Cranky's joking manner how close he felt to me. Cranky knows my past, and he knows me better than anyone else.

          Confession time. Because I was so young and lost my banana horde there's no question I saw Cranky as a father figure. When I rebelled against him, I knew I could get away with it. And his paternal compassion in the face of my primate antics reinforced the special bond I felt with him. I understood well that chances were slim that I would ever find anyone who understood me like Cranky. And yet... when the time came I still pooped on his floor. I was so young. Young and fascinated with my own feces.


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Sun, 02 Jan 2011 13:23:32

I can't wait to see what you think after completing it, Iga.

Edited: Sun, 02 Jan 2011 13:27:45
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Sun, 02 Jan 2011 14:27:48

Iga, use the wiimote sideways.

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Sun, 02 Jan 2011 14:45:52
gamingeek said:

Iga, use the wiimote sideways.

Never, okay I will try. But wiimote nunchuck is so comfortable. I think I might need a new chuck though, it feels lose and it disconnected on me a few times while waggling it like a maniac trying to beat the bosses in Jungle Beat.

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Sun, 02 Jan 2011 14:48:37
Iga_Bobovic said:

Never, okay I will try. But wiimote nunchuck is so comfortable. I think I might need a new chuck though, it feels lose and it disconnected on me a few times while waggling it like a maniac trying to beat the bosses in Jungle Beat.

I much prefer playing 2D games with a d-pad, it's a lot more accurate. The waggle to do a move in DKC returns only failed me on one occsasion with the tidal wave section.

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Sun, 02 Jan 2011 15:00:58
gamingeek said:
Iga_Bobovic said:

Never, okay I will try. But wiimote nunchuck is so comfortable. I think I might need a new chuck though, it feels lose and it disconnected on me a few times while waggling it like a maniac trying to beat the bosses in Jungle Beat.

I much prefer playing 2D games with a d-pad, it's a lot more accurate. The waggle to do a move in DKC returns only failed me on one occsasion with the tidal wave section.

The word your looking for is limited. Dpad is more limited than a anolog stick. You can only move left and right or not at all. With analog stick you can run or walk or tip toe. You can move in full 360 degrees while a dpad has only 8 direction. In other words analog stick is more accurate. Not that is matters in most 2D games, because all the extra precision is not used at all. You only move left, right or not at all. Basically most 2D games are designed with dpad controls in mind.

I use analog stick in DKCR, because you can run and walk without using a button and Waggling is easier if you hold the wiimote normally. Will try to use the wiimote sideways later today. Blowing will be easier.

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Sun, 02 Jan 2011 15:26:40
Iga_Bobovic said:

Blowing will be easier.

Let me know if you need any tips!


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Sun, 02 Jan 2011 15:56:22
Iga_Bobovic said:
gamingeek said:
Iga_Bobovic said:

Never, okay I will try. But wiimote nunchuck is so comfortable. I think I might need a new chuck though, it feels lose and it disconnected on me a few times while waggling it like a maniac trying to beat the bosses in Jungle Beat.

I much prefer playing 2D games with a d-pad, it's a lot more accurate. The waggle to do a move in DKC returns only failed me on one occsasion with the tidal wave section.

The word your looking for is limited. Dpad is more limited than a anolog stick. You can only move left and right or not at all. With analog stick you can run or walk or tip toe. You can move in full 360 degrees while a dpad has only 8 direction. In other words analog stick is more accurate. Not that is matters in most 2D games, because all the extra precision is not used at all. You only move left, right or not at all. Basically most 2D games are designed with dpad controls in mind.

I use analog stick in DKCR, because you can run and walk without using a button and Waggling is easier if you hold the wiimote normally. Will try to use the wiimote sideways later today. Blowing will be easier.

I prefer holding a button and using a dpad for 2D games. Reminds me of mario.

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Mon, 03 Jan 2011 13:48:38

There is no need for varying speeds of walking and running in DKCR so an analog stick doesn't offer much to it.. There's just a switch from walking to running, so a button modifier is more than enough for it. And it's a side scrolling game so you only need 2 directions, not 360. Also, a d-pad is either pressed, or not, so there's just no way to ever mistake a walk for a run or start with a walk while you want to immediately start running, or have a fraction of a milisecond's delay due to having to push the stick to a certain point rather than simply press a digital switch. Digital control is just more immediate and functional for such games.

Edited: Mon, 03 Jan 2011 13:56:45
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Mon, 03 Jan 2011 17:40:35
Iga_Bobovic said:

And stop calling them the new Rare. It is not even close to being true.

Yes, Retro is far better than they ever were.

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Mon, 03 Jan 2011 17:43:37

Wiimote and nunchuck is the better scheme simply cause waggling is far easier. Shaking the wiimote while horizontal is harder than when its verticle plus with nunchuck all you have to do is shake one and you can maintain the other hand steady for more precision.

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Mon, 03 Jan 2011 21:11:20
Dvader said:

Wiimote and nunchuck is the better scheme simply cause waggling is far easier. Shaking the wiimote while horizontal is harder than when its verticle plus with nunchuck all you have to do is shake one and you can maintain the other hand steady for more precision.

Plus I like using the huge A-button to jump instead of the tune 2 button.

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Mon, 03 Jan 2011 21:26:07

Come on the whole world can't possible be minecart levels.

Oh I was right, some are rocket barrel levels. Hrm

Wow, the bat rocket level was so hard, that I did not grab any of the KONG letters. Fuck me, lost lots of lives.

Well at least the boss should be easy.

FUCK NO, the boss is also a minecart level!

Finished the first forest level, pretty good and no minecarts. But I only have 3 lives left! Sad

Heck, Cranky is saying that I have little lives, so he is going to help me out Happy

He only gives me one life Hrm

Thank you Cranky, thank you very much.

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