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Level 5/Studio Ghibli's Ninokuni PS3 screens - HOLY CRAP A MOLY THIS IS AMAZING!!!
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Fri, 25 Jun 2010 22:44:13

Agnates said:
Jokes don't get parenthesis with further explanations after the tongue smilies.

Firs of all, I wasn't even discussing with you, but I was having a discussion with GG. I probably won't joke around with you like that because you tend to take everything too seriously.

C'mon, man. It's the VG Press! You should know by now that we're pretty mellow and chilled here.

And no, it doesn't look like a upscaled Wii HD game. How can it when Wii isn't even HD? WinkWink

And you or we haven't seen Ninokuni before our very eyes on a HDTV. So let's relax with the Wii fanboyism, system wars talk and just be happy that this game is happening, since I'm sure we're all Studio Ghibli fans here.

Why is it that whenever we share a announcement of an amazing PS3 or 360 game and it always becomes a Wii VS HD consoles thread! LOL


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Fri, 25 Jun 2010 22:50:24
Sweet, fanboyism talk, that always proves the one throwing the accusation right! I have seen the light, Ninokuni looks like the best PS3 game ever visually, screw the low res texturing and lack of anything fancy whatsoever other than the art style. Maybe you need to remember I'm not even a fan and I wasn't the one who wanted it on Wii, I simply commented on the visuals which, art style aside, are not special or up to PS3 standard and look like Wii HD, even if Wii isn't HD, hence the qualification of it looking like Wii, but in HD, since you needed this explained. Hell, the pics aren't in HD so screw the qualification, it looks like Wii. As for waiting, you didn't wait to call it glorious so, why should others wait to say it actually isn't all that, from what we see? You're the one speculating too much, about how much better it will look in HD, ignoring the already obvious flaws, what the developers want to achieve (you spoke with them when?), what everyone (or nobody) wants or doesn't want from the experience (ya, no, you can't speak for everyone), the file size (fortune teller much?), etc. I just spoke of what I see, like it or not, it is what it is. Edit: lol @ giving me -1 for that, you big manbaby/ies, lovely system you have, heh. Keep it up Grinning
Edited: Sat, 26 Jun 2010 03:27:26
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Fri, 25 Jun 2010 23:09:43
Oh, and GG, you know I respect whatever you have to say. Happy

Joking aside, I just really think this game wouldn't be possible on the Wii. Or what I should say is that it may be possible to scale it down but I think Level 5/Studio Ghibli can make their vision fully realized with the PS3's technical advantages. We don't know what the full game is like and what else is in the game. To me, it looks like the closest thing we'll ever see a Studio Ghibli animated film as a game and I think the PS3's capabilities will make it even more amazing.

Also, I thought this was a DS game at first but it looks like they decided to make it into a console game.

Anyway, right now I'm excited for this, but once they announce this for the U.S., than I'll start worrying since I hope I have a PS3 by then. If not, I will certainly get one when this game comes over shores. Grinning


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Fri, 25 Jun 2010 23:16:37
Why are people talking about Wii HD, there is no such thing.
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Fri, 25 Jun 2010 23:19:47
That's right! It's called the Wii Hi-Fi... know: the system they are going to release The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword on!
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Fri, 25 Jun 2010 23:22:12

phantom_leo said:
That's right! It's called the Wii Hi-Fi... know: the system they are going to release The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword on!

Thank god it seems like that is not happening.

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Fri, 25 Jun 2010 23:23:54

Dvader said:

Thank god it seems like that is not happening.

You never know...*cough* Twilight Princess* cough! Nyaa


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Sat, 26 Jun 2010 06:48:46

Yodariquo said:

You're an evil man for making me pick, you know that?  While I'd say if you can walk away from My Neighbours the Yamadas without a smile, or Grave of the Fireflies without a tear, you're official dead inside, for just one, the honour has to go to Spirited Away.  Given you've claimed yourself to be a lifelong Disney fan, you have no idea what you'll experience with this one.

I watched Spirited Away very good movie. It makes Alice in Wonderland seem normal, I was blown away at the imagery and world that on screen. Great charatcers with an interesting story. My major issue with it is that it felt a bit disjointed, as if it were a series of seperate events, I was waiting for a big finale, a big powerful moment and it didn't come. I guess you can say the scene when she reminds the dragon kid of his name but that was kind of random to me.  What it did have was an amazing sense of adventure to it. Again the animation had my jaw on the floor. I am now very excited to see what can be done with the game as a game is a much larger scale.

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Sat, 26 Jun 2010 09:52:05

Dvader said:

I watched Spirited Away very good movie. It makes Alice in Wonderland seem normal, I was blown away at the imagery and world that on screen. Great charatcers with an interesting story. My major issue with it is that it felt a bit disjointed, as if it were a series of seperate events, I was waiting for a big finale, a big powerful moment and it didn't come. I guess you can say the scene when she reminds the dragon kid of his name but that was kind of random to me.  What it did have was an amazing sense of adventure to it. Again the animation had my jaw on the floor. I am now very excited to see what can be done with the game as a game is a much larger scale.

Go watch Neco z Alenky right now.

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Sat, 26 Jun 2010 14:48:30

This thread is hilarious...

First there is a fight on who is god's gift to studio ghibli fandom ...

Then a fight on whether this game looks better than a wii game or not ...

Awesome stuff!

I'm just happy this game is being made


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Sun, 27 Jun 2010 09:30:04

bugsonglass said:

This thread is hilarious...

First there is a fight on who is god's gift to studio ghibli fandom ...

Then a fight on whether this game looks better than a wii game or not ...

Awesome stuff!

I'm just happy this game is being made

We just need the world cup argument in here, and it's safe to say that this would easily be the best thread we've ever had.

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Mon, 28 Jun 2010 12:38:26

ASK_Story said:

When you actually see the game on a HDTV, like I am now since I'm playing it, it's a tremendous difference between that and playing the other Wii cel-shaded games. Only A Boy and His Blob matches it but that's because it's hand drawn. As for 3D games, Vesperia blows them away.

And nobody wants this game on mulitple discs. And since this is mainly for Japan, there's no way Level-5 will bring this to MS, also, especially after than huge conflict they had with MS with that one MMO game True Fantasy Live, I doubt we'll ever see a Level - 5 game on a MS console ever.

Why do you keep on talking about Vesperia?

It's obvious that the PS3 and 360 can do vastly improved graphics over Wii. All I'm saying is that in the case of the game: Ninokuni, it's not doing that - (in terms of the background graphics). The resolution of those shots makes no difference when it comes to looking at the detail. A low res texture on a desk is only going to be highlighted by 1080p, not the other way around.

Sure no one wants multiple discs, but they'd take a bit of disc swapping if that was the only way they got to play it.  

ASK_Story said:

So let's relax with the Wii fanboyism, system wars talk and just be happy that this game is happening, since I'm sure we're all Studio Ghibli fans here.

Why is it that whenever we share a announcement of an amazing PS3 or 360 game and it always becomes a Wii VS HD consoles thread! LOL


ASK_Story said:
Oh, and GG, you know I respect whatever you have to say. Happy

To me, it looks like the closest thing we'll ever see a Studio Ghibli animated film as a game and I think the PS3's capabilities will make it even more amazing.

The character models and animation is superb, if simplistic by design.

Dvader said:
Many people need eye exams in the thread. Wow.

So this is the PS3's best?

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Mon, 28 Jun 2010 17:29:06

gamingeek said:

So this is the PS3's best?

Never said that, just trying to compare it to the Wii is crazy. One image has the blurry SD effect and this one is nice and clear HD.  There is no Wii HD, this game flat out looks better than any of those Wii games.

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Mon, 28 Jun 2010 17:57:27
That particular image is 730x411, far from HD, though it's a tad better than Wii. Now, sure, the final game will probably (?) be 720p or 1080p but at this point, seeing extra clarity out of it, is being delusional. There are Wii games with better textures than those tiled smudges as well. I'd rather developers to actually do good work and provide high quality content than rest on their laurels because they have "HD clarity" but that's just me. This game looks to less than Wii spec, resolution aside, and that was most of the argument. Hell, if this was a multiplatform release people would whine that the quality suffers because of Wii even if the content was exactly las it has been shown, but now it's a PS3 exclusive it's apparently some wonderful visual wonder. I guess people really are blind and can't distinguish between "I like the art" and "these are amazing graphics Wii can't do!", lol.
Edited: Mon, 28 Jun 2010 18:14:53
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Mon, 28 Jun 2010 18:03:44

Agnates said:
That particular image is 730x411, far from HD, though it's a tad better than Wii. Now, sure, the final game will probably (?) be 720p or 1080p but at this poin, seeing extra clarity out of it, is a delusion. There are Wii games with better textures than those tiled smudges as well. I'd rather developers to actually do good work and provide high quality content than rest on their laurels because they have "HD clarity" but that's just me.

It looks like the cartoon which is what they are going for. How does this not look amazing

Maybe you have another example of what you think it should look like, I think that is impressive. The clarity of it all makes it easily distinguishable from a Wii game to a PS3 game.
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Mon, 28 Jun 2010 18:07:49
I still have no idea where you see the "clarity" in smudged textures and sub-HD image resolution. What? Because the characters are barely-texutred with flat colors due to the style so they aren't smudged like the environment? You can even see jaggies in the image with the tiled floor thanks to all the straight lines. It's delusional to point to these particular iamges and say "the Wii could never achieve that" or whatever. Maybe not in HD, for obvious reasons, but we don't even see the HD here. They're sub-HD images. There are better looking PS3 games so look to those for what it "could" look like if it really exploited the PS3's abilities. Why is it suddenly ok to have low res textures? Because it's an exclusive? Sheesh. You may prefer the art style seen here to others but that doesn't mean that art style couldn't be conveyed almost just as well elsewhere when they don't really exploit the PS3's abilities. The final screenshot even shows the same crap tiled smudges as the screenshot GG used to make his point. You really can't see them just because the art style is pretty and the characters smooth? I mean, really?
Edited: Mon, 28 Jun 2010 18:18:46
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Mon, 28 Jun 2010 18:14:55

Agnates said:
I still have no idea where you see the "clarity" in smudged textures and sub-HD image resolution. What? Because the characters are barely-texutred with flat colors due to the style so they aren't smudged like the environment? You can even see jaggies in the image with the tiled floor thanks to all the straight lines. It's delusional to point to these particular iamges and say "the Wii could never achieve that" or whatever. Maybe not in HD, for obvious reasons, but we don't even see the HD here. They're sub-HD images.

I know that, but I know once on a TV it will be HD and beautiful. Plus you can compare the two trailers, this one and that Tales game for the Wii and its a noticeable difference. And that is on non HD tiny youtube video. Comparing pictures in cell shaded animated games like this is kind of pointless cause when still of course they will look alike. Its in motion with the animations, the amount of things going on screen, the smoothness of the graphics where the differences show up.

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Mon, 28 Jun 2010 18:18:26

Agnates said:
There are better looking PS3 games so look to those for what it "could" look like if it really exploited the PS3's abilities. Why is it suddenly ok to have low res textures? Because it's an exclusive? Sheesh. You may prefer the art style seen here to others but that doesn't mean that art style couldn't be conveyed just as well elsewhere when they don't really exploit the PS3's abilities.

I am not saying its a great looking PS3 game. I am saying that comparing that to a Wii game is a poor comparison. I am saying it looks beautiful for the art style it is going for. And again I ask you show me a game with the graphics you want this one to have.

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Mon, 28 Jun 2010 18:26:17
if you "know that" why point to sub-HD screens to show "clarity"? I wanted it to justify the PS3 release in ways other than standard PS3 features like the display resolution. What point are you trying to make by asking for a specific example? Because Ghibli didn't make another, better, PS3 game so there is no PS3 game with such an art style ? So I could show you the texture resolution and polycounts in God of War 3 and then you could say "I like this art style more"? Who cares? Nobody questioned the art, just the technical aspect. There are obvious flaws making it look lesser than some Wii games, standard display resolution aside. That is all. The smudges-for-textures are inexcusable when they tout it as a PS3 exclusive and that just makes "fans" talking shit like "they chose the most powerful system to make it the best!" appear delusional since it doesn't exploit it. Fact. That is all.
Edited: Mon, 28 Jun 2010 18:31:51
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Mon, 28 Jun 2010 18:37:44

Agnates said:
if you "know that" why point to sub-HD screens to show "clarity"? I wanted it to justify the PS3 release in ways other than standard PS3 features like the display resolution. What point are you trying to make by asking for a specific example? Because Ghibli didn't make another, better, PS3 game so there is no PS3 game with such an art style ? So I could show you the texture resolution and polycounts in God of War 3 and then you could say "I like this art style more"? Who cares? Nobody questioned the art, just the technical aspect. There are obvious flaws making it look lesser than some Wii games, standard display resolution aside. That is all. The smudges-for-textures are inexcusable when they tout it as a PS3 exclusive and that just makes "fans" talking shit like "they chose the most powerful system to make it the best!" appear delusional since it doesn't exploit it. Fact. That is all.

Cause even in that crappy screen shot you can see the difference.

I am asking for an example cause I believe that is how a game with graphical style is supposed to look like. I dont understand what you want to see.

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