Forum > Gaming Discussion > Level 5/Studio Ghibli's Ninokuni PS3 screens - HOLY CRAP A MOLY THIS IS AMAZING!!!
Level 5/Studio Ghibli's Ninokuni PS3 screens - HOLY CRAP A MOLY THIS IS AMAZING!!!
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Mon, 28 Jun 2010 18:57:31

Dvader said:

Cause even in that crappy screen shot you can see the difference

The difference from what? There are no Wii games with that art style either so I think you're still just seeing "I like the art style" versus "this exploits the PS3's power". The textures are low res, not sharp and detailed but instead smudgy, and depending on the screenshot you can make out the polygons like on those rocks as straight lines and not natural formations showing the high polycount the PS3 is capable of. How does it exploit the PS3 and what element exactly, again aside from the standard display resolution of the respective systems, which you cannot see in these sub-HD screenshots, you think is so impossible on Wii? Wii games with textures on par or better, just with a different art style, were already shown. As for PS3 games you already agreed this is not the best looking in technical terms so look to those games that you know are better then, see the texture resolution and lack of noticable tiling there, and ask why that's not possible on this. The art style makes smudges and obvious tiling good? Since when? Anime doesn't even use tiling, and even some games try to get away from tiling, with megatextures and all that. See past the charming art style nobody disputes and try to find what actually makes this look like a PS3 game. That is, nothing, at this point. If the system's standard display resolution is all they have, that's a failure.

Edited: Mon, 28 Jun 2010 19:05:09
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Mon, 28 Jun 2010 19:16:48

Agnates said:

The difference from what? There are no Wii games with that art style either so I think you're still just seeing "I like the art style" versus "this exploits the PS3's power". The textures are low res, not sharp and detailed but instead smudgy, and depending on the screenshot you can make out the polygons like on those rocks as straight lines and not natural formations showing the high polycount the PS3 is capable of. How does it exploit the PS3 and what element exactly, again aside from the standard display resolution of the respective systems, which you cannot see in these sub-HD screenshots, you think is so impossible on Wii? Wii games with textures on par or better, just with a different art style, were already shown. As for PS3 games you already agreed this is not the best looking in technical terms so look to those games that you know are better then, see the texture resolution and lack of noticable tiling there, and ask why that's not possible on this. The art style makes smudges and obvious tiling good? Since when? Anime doesn't even use tiling, and even some games try to get away from tiling, with megatextures and all that. See past the charming art style nobody disputes and try to find what actually makes this look like a PS3 game. That is, nothing, at this point. If the system's standard display resolution is all they have, that's a failure.

The game in motion clearly makes it looks like a PS3 game. What is your obsession with texture, omg the rock has a smudge, who gives a shit. That rock means nothing to the game. The way it animates, the way it moves, the beautiful world that is being presented is what matters. I am not going to ignore how amazing the world looks cause a wall has a bad texture. Look at the trailer, its stunning, its clearly a PS3 level game, end of story.

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Mon, 28 Jun 2010 19:23:18
It's not "a rock", the whole damn area is made of the same rocks and smudges and tiles, it's not some tiny thing like you want to make it sound when everyone can see the images, it's the whole environment displayed. A low polygon-count, low texture resolution environment. What did you want me to describe when that's all it is? And what the hell, the skill of the animators shows the system's power now? Unless they're physics based animations, which they aren't, fuck no. Not that this new point was anything more than you beating around the bush avoiding the issue, considering that if the animations is what you loved then you wouldn't show still images as "proof", but anyway. I guess you really don't know shit about what you're trying to discuss. Thanks for making it clear, though it was suggested from your very first response. Do everyone, and yourself, a favor and don't try to discuss anything beyond "I like this" ever again when it comes to graphics and systems, kthxbai. Sheesh.
Edited: Mon, 28 Jun 2010 19:42:50
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Mon, 28 Jun 2010 19:34:10

Agnates said:
It's not "a rock", the whole damn area is made of the same rocks and smudges and tiles, it's not some tiny thing like you wan to make it sound when everyone can see the images, it's just the environment displayed. And wtf, the skill of the animators shows the system's power now? Unless they're all physics based or something, which they aren't here, eh, no. So I guess you really don't know shit about what you're discussing. Thanks for making it clear.

The environment looks fine, it looks like a cartoon which is what it is going for. And I never said the animation shows the system power, I said when you see the game and motion and see all elements come together including the animation it looks amazing. Screen shots isn't going to tell the story here. You put some comparison of a a wii game trailer and while it does look great for a wii game it does not look like this game does, there is a clear difference.

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Mon, 28 Jun 2010 19:35:03

Agnates said:
Do everyone, and yourself, a favor and don't try to discuss anything beyond "I like this" ever again when it comes to graphics and systems, kthxbai. Sheesh.

And do yourself a favor and remove that permanent stick you have up your ass.

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Mon, 28 Jun 2010 19:36:06

Dvader said:

Agnates said:
Do everyone, and yourself, a favor and don't try to discuss anything beyond "I like this" ever again when it comes to graphics and systems, kthxbai. Sheesh.

And do yourself a favor and remove that permanent stick you have up your ass.




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Mon, 28 Jun 2010 19:40:29

Dvader said:

The environment looks fine.

So you continue to act blind, even though you already agreed there are PS3 games that are technically better. Ok.

Dvader said:

And do yourself a favor and remove that permanent stick you have up your ass.

Try using facts over biases and ignorance, then people won't feel they have to be more blunt for you to get it. Though I suppose you don't either way, being quite hopeless and all, but I'm not the bad guy for trying.

Edited: Mon, 28 Jun 2010 19:43:54
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Mon, 28 Jun 2010 19:43:24
Ok lets try to get civil again.

Actual animation from a cutscene.

OMG poor textures, ugly tiles, ahhhhhhhh!
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Mon, 28 Jun 2010 19:46:04

Agnates said:

Try using facts over biases and ignorance, then people won't feel they have to be more blunt for you to get it.

Stop trying to create excuses by blinding saying someone is bias instead of focusing on the actual discussion.

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Mon, 28 Jun 2010 19:54:31
Too bad there's actually no tiling there, as every element is unique, being hand drawn and all. Try again, after you learn what you're talking about. As for your last argument, you even entered the thread with that shit, now you don't like it even though you continue to prove it for yourself? Too bad. You're the one using the "excuse" of no other game having this exact art style, since it's Ghibli's, so you constantly say "it's not the same" or "I prefer this" or "the art is great" when that's not the fucking point people argued. In any case. You agreed there are tecnically better PS3 games. That means this game doesn't exploit the PS3's abilities like others. That means this game could exploit the PS3's abilities further. And even if this is sufficient "for the art style" (though if I brought up Skyward Sword as a comparison you would not excuse its own smudgy trees and such, that's for sure) that doesn't make the textures any higher resolution and the polygons any more in number, so it's nothing the Wii couldn't handle, system resolution output aside. Learn to live with simple, meaningless facts like this; you'll be happier, and wiser.
Edited: Mon, 28 Jun 2010 21:28:29
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Mon, 28 Jun 2010 20:02:10

Agnates said:
Too bad there's actually no tiling there, as every element is unique. Try again, after you learn what you're talking about. As for your last argument, no, you, you even entered the thread with that shit, bozo, now you don't like it even though you continue to prove it for yourself? Too bad. You agreed there are tecnically better PS3 games. That means this game doesn't exploit the PS3's abilities like others do. That means this game could exploit the PS3's abilities further, while retaining the same art style. End of.

LOL Wow...

They look nearly identical which is the point, the game captured the look. As for the power of the PS3 not being reached, I am not arguing that. I am arguing the point that you claim this looks like a Wii game which it clearly does not. That's all I said, you are the one off on some tangent blabbing on about who knows what.

Edited: Mon, 28 Jun 2010 20:02:54
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Tue, 29 Jun 2010 08:55:27
Which one of you is the head, and which one the wall? Nyaa

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Tue, 29 Jun 2010 11:55:00

i'm taking a cue from foolz to add even more awesome to this already tremendous thread of love and unity...

...anybody here like football?

brazil played a great game last night huh!  that second goal ... whoa!!


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Thu, 08 Jul 2010 15:04:34

What the F happened in this thread?

Anyhow, I agree with Agnates, I can't see how anyone can defend the low texture quality evident in the game. Character models are great, backgrounds are nothing special to me.

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Thu, 08 Jul 2010 16:37:15

Fragile looks pretty cool.

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Tue, 07 Sep 2010 17:05:06


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Wed, 08 Sep 2010 02:49:19
gamingeek said:


Photorealistic! Of course with photorealism the depth could certainly better...

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Thu, 16 Sep 2010 17:17:13
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Thu, 16 Sep 2010 18:21:15
Outdoors still look low-fi, but their style is superb. The visuals are like Tales of Graces but with a nicer style, and cel shaded characters of course. I'm more impressed by the DS version with its lovely 2D, the spell book, etc, though.
Edited: Thu, 16 Sep 2010 20:05:59
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Fri, 17 Sep 2010 10:01:24

I was wondering, does the PS3 version have you use that massive Bible sized book that the DS does? I mean, it makes more sense for a home console version to use that book. I can't imagine lugging around a DS with that book.

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