Forum > Gaming Discussion > Official Sony E3 2010 conference thread.
Official Sony E3 2010 conference thread.
Tue, 15 Jun 2010 20:20:37
It's a Dilly!
gamingeek said:That Kevin Butler is a cock.
Stop trying to endear him to me, it's not going to work.
Sorcery looks ummm.
That's auto aim there. If it was truly 1:1 he would not be hitting enemies 100%. He's essentially waggling to shoot like any harry potter wii game.
This game looks terrible. Forget about motion, the game itself just looks mundane.
Good demo for Move this but I doubt I'd buy it as a game.
Edited: Tue, 15 Jun 2010 20:32:23
Looks better than anything Kinect had to offer, but I wouldn't buy it.
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