Super Mario Bros. Movie launches Easter egg-filled plumbing advert
Footage not representative of final in-movie graphics media
Dev is "working to address" realistic vaginas
in The Witcher 3. Please save us from the realistic vagina's!
REVIEW Retro-Bit 'BIG6' Sega Genesis Controller
Genesis 3-button controller with 6-buttons for PC, Switch impressions
Ubisoft Brings Classic RTS 'The Settlers' reboot
To Switch Next Month news
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This weekend was an amazing gaming weekend. My all time favorite, Metroid Prime and looks gorgeous. It plays so good, a master class in gameplay. I am so ready for Prime 4.
I also downloaded Hogwarts Legacy which is also fantastic. Any Harry Potter fan should check this out. It encourages exploration. In fact that is the only way to level up by exploring the castle and discovering new areas, potions, and spells. Its a pretty darn good RPG.
Oh, and I also watched Wakanda Forever. And to be honest, that was kind of boring. Certainly picked up during the second half, but wow that first hour was slow as hell.
This weekend I did a few hunts in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak on the Switch checking out the recent title update stuff. Played a bit of Metroid II: The Return of Samus on the Gameboy app for the Switch. Hopped back into Horizon: Forbidden West on the PS5 and tried the demo of Octopath Traveler II on the PS5 as well.
I started High On Life, which is funnier and more charming than I expected.
Didn't see that one coming.
The game is forgettable. In fact, I forgot that I played it last month and was wondering what kind of game High on Life is.
White choclate won the Splatfest on all accounts. Most voted, most matches won in every category,... It's a dark day for choclate fanatics world over.
I don't think Gagan would enjoy it.
It boils down to fury that none of the characters condemn the actions of Leonard, particularly the protagonist, because apparently people expect all writing today to be a morality play.
That Mario movie advert is the bee's knees. No way the movie itself is going to live up to this.
Now now, no reason for false modesty.
Besides, the mother and daughter and presumably the whole town shunned him.
Everyone blamed him (and his actions) for Rachel's death, and by that I mean everyone in the town and newspapers and closest family members. And the guy was left as a recluse in an abandoned hotel already.
Do people really need an explicit condemnation from key characters for this?
I found it refreshing to see the relationship from the characters involved perspective. Even if portions of it were really unsettling.
I felt kinda physically sick when I saw the makeshift kids bedroom, because I assumed it was for something else.
In other news, after saying I wouldn't touch it because I had just gone through Persona 4, I'm now playing Persona 3 FES. Let the peasants play P3P, this is the real version.
It's a narrative based walking simulator. I picked it up for under 2 dollars with no real expectations and enjoyed it.
I haven't played a lot of walking sims, but this is the one I liked the best. Better than Gone Home or Edith Finch, for me at least.
You can start and finish it on the same day. So it's a good lazy weekend game.
It got a few good reviews but a lot of less favourable ones, seemingly unfairly because some people wanted some clear morality signalling. Which, I thought the game did a good job of letting you decide for yourself.
While I could understand the unease over certain subjects, I just thought, I play games all the time I don't agree with that have deplorable subject matters. Like Outlast being tortured and having your fingers cut off. Or stabbing people through the head in COD. To running down grannies in GTA.
You don't have to like and agree with all characters in a game, or movie.
Was that the final entry, the one that killed the franchise?
If it is the one I am thinking of it was the one that required online.
To kill a franchise as great as SimCity, that's fuckworthy on a scale I've not seen in real life.
I agree.